Why is it that every time McBride touches the ball it is a flick on, head flick, or one touch pass? Sometimes I get so frustrated since it is so predictable! It is good to play one touch and fast but also to maintain possession. I often feel he tries to do too much with a single pass and often ends up giving away the ball. Why is it that McBride never dribbles to maintain possession or create a shot? Is he a good dribbler? I couldn't tell you. Do any posters have a rebuttle?
I think the problem is that McBride is thinking so far ahead that he often loses his teammates. He did very well with the quick tempo of the EPL. No offense to the Eric Denton's of the world, but I suspect that McBride is seeing things sooner and making decisions quicker than the rest of the Crew.
Maybe we can stick a crayon up McBride's nose and into his brain just to dumb/slow him down temporarily for Crew games? It worked on The Simpsons... McBride might also be doing this because he has no other choice. If your midfield, and mostly, defense, are lobbing balls at your skull expecting you to be McBride and do something with them; he might not have a choice but to flick-on or nod it down for someone. I also think there are some on the team who can think with McBride, like Frankie and sometimes Buddle and Cunningham...
Sure, go ahead, delete my posts. Fine. I mean, I would never delete YOUR posts. Particularly if you were busy insulting an idiot. This is America. Excuse me, I mean Amerikka. I blame John Ashcroft. You can't silence me. Well OK, maybe you can, but you'll never break my spirit, the same spirit which made this great land. I'd have a lot more to say if I wasn't late for some serious drinking. Man, would you ever get an earful. So just consider yourself roundly thrashed. Thanks, and victory through vegetables.
BennyD, jam that crayon up your nose and get something straight: McBride goooooood. Cunningham BAAAAAAD!! BAAAAD! When Cunningham turn ball over to other team, it because Cunningham suck. When McBride turn ball over to the other team, it's because he's thinking so much faster than his teammates.
When Cunningham turns over the ball it's usually when he has dribbled his way into 3 players with his head down and 2 open players screaming his name.
You're seeing why tHe idea that McBride passed up Everton for the MLS is laughable. Maybe it's about time for the same to occur again?
I know absolutely nothing about you, but judging by this ignorant post alone it is safe to assume you pretty much suck at what we all call life. On to the subject at hand now... your wrong. If you want to respond just read what i wrote about you. I got no more use for this guy.
A tad bit more anyway. I was pretty fired up last night when i decided to read some of the boards. I am actually pretty surprised thats all i said. Hang, you or anyone else going to the game in chicago?
Can't blame ya. I've been angry/fired up all week. Yeah, 3stripe and I will be up at soldier field. We gotta drive back that night due to work the next day though. I think diablodelsol may be there, and rumor has it that Chris Bailey will be there.
Ok I am sick of Brian's little "flick-ons" or whatever he does when he just nudges the ball. I swear the guy could be out in a lawn-chair half the time and do the same crap that he does. I love Brian, but he's done one too many of those darn things for me to be impressed anymore.
So let's summarize: Chelsey here is sick and tired of lazy, useless Brian McBride 's play. On the other hand, Bruce Arena and David Moyes both like his play just fine. Gee. Chelsey or Moyes and Arena. Gosh, that's a hard one.
Is there honestly any supporter from another team that wouldn't take Mcbride if they could have him? It's assnine, there's no doubt that he's one of the top three forwards in the league.
I don't think it's a question of McBride's "inability to dribble." I'm sure that, if required, McBride could handle the ball just fine. Look at the goal he scored earlier this year from the top of the penalty area when he used a couple touches to get some shooting space. With this team, McBride isn't asked to take defenders on in slalom runs, weaving throughout the opposition. Rather, he's tasked as a "point forward," someone who's to receive balls with his back to goal and knock the ball off to on-running teammates. It's not always his fault that teammates aren't there to run onto his "crap," just as it's not always the midfielders' fault when players don't make an anticipated run. Obviously, the majority of his goals come from service into the area, not breaking down defenders. It might look like McBride isn't putting forth as much effort as some based on his style of play. However, anyone who questions that hustle and effort is an idiot.
I didn't say the guy was useless. I was just saying that sometimes he should do more with the ball than his flick-ons. I don't see anything wrong with that statement.
I'd take him over Ruiz and Twellman especially with his play this season in an instant. Donovan is scoring more goals, but frankly if I had to watch him as a Crew player whine to the refs after every foul because he feels like he was "entitled" to the call for being the posterboy of US Soccer, I'd vomit.