Not very surprising, but Kaiserslautern fired team manager Andreas Brehme. Chairman Jürgen Friedrich retired at the same time. After Christoph Daum already stated to not be willing to coach Kaiserslautern under the given chaos circumstances, now ex-Hertha coach Jürgen Röber seems to be the favourite for this job.
Well not really a suprise, after the way they got man handled on saturday by Mönchengladbach (I was there and if von Houdt could finish it would have been 7-0) I'd say it's about time. Klose should have jumped off of this sinking ship back when people wanted him.
Klose himself didn't play a lot better than the others, so he's also not having reasons to complain. Btw, it is KL's worst BL start ever.
Well, it's time for a new begining So I am glad that Jürgen Friedrich left. The guy didn't do anything about FCK's backline at all. That could have averted this whole problem. Instead he signs midfielders up the yang. Maybe Frankie could've fit in, cause FCK is hella weak on the Left side. Well the times I saw them play. Damn did Strasser get out in time or what???