Dan...you are treading on some super thin ice buddy..... now say you're sorry.... or the beatings will start.......
take me home the city streets the the place where i belong to the 5 points to see city take me home where i belong http://www.fanchants.com/football-songs/manchester_united-chants/united-road-take-me-home/ ------------------------------------------------ ******** your cups ******** your titles you aint won shiit in a long while! just chant it ----------------------------------------------- stole this one from the jersysiders: Brooklyn's chillin queens is chillin what more can i say we're top billing statans chillin hattans chillin what more can i say we're top billing bee exx chillin five point chillin what more can i say were top billin ............................................. please guys this ones an original creation USE IT! being that i hate the united scouse scummers we can to united but just to show that we come from different places beliefs to support city we should do this all the yankee fans and mets fans get together and support city!!! yankee fans: yankee! yankee! yankee! mets fans: mets! mets! mets! YF: yankee! yankee! yankee! MF: mets! mets! mets! YF: YAAANNKKKEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! MF: MMMMMMEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTSSSS!!!!! YF: yankee! yankee! yankee! MF: mets! mets! mets! all together: but when the blues go marching in but when the blues go marching in we all want to be in that number but when the blues go marching in! http://www.fanchants.com/football-songs/chelsea-chants/when-the-blues-go-steaming/ ----------------------------------------------------- sit tee! sit tee! sit tee! sit tee! sit tee! sit tee! sit tee! http://www.fanchants.com/football-songs/chelsea-chants/chelsea-chelsea/ ---------------------------------------------------- sssiiiiitttt tttteeeeeee! side side side were even better than jersey side sssiiiiitttt tttteeeeeee! side side side were the pride of een why cee to the left to the right were the city side tonight we are class we are fast and we shit on CONCACAF! http://www.fanchants.com/football-songs/manchester_united-chants/anderson/ ----------------------------------- CEE EYE CEE EYE TEE CEE EYE TEE WHY OK! http://www.fanchants.com/football-songs/manchester_united-chants/MUFC2/ ------------------------------------- WERE SINGING IN THE RAIN YES SINGING IN THE RAIN WHAT A GLORIOUS FEELING IM HAPPY AGAIN HAPPY AGAIN ------------------------------------- JERSYSIDE WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE WE DUMP OUR TRASH IN YOUR CITY COULD BE WORSE COULD BE SCOUSE (DC SCOUSE SCUMMERS) EATING RATS IN COUNCIL HOUSE (THE WHITE HOUSE...) http://www.fanchants.com/football-songs/manchester_united-chants/park-park-wherever-you-may-be/ ------------------------------------- cant say i dont contribute!!! PREZ IS BACKK!
Has anyone heard the Doug E fresh version of Take Me Home? They play it at Knicks games. I'm trying to find a video but I can't. But I think that wiuld be absolutely perfect.
http://video.google.com/videosearch...=N&tab=wv#q=fc united of manchester tax&emb=0 Sing this when a borough boy gets ejected. What a waste of council tax, we paid for your hats, we paid for your hats, what a waste of tax we paid for your hats.
what are you talking about - we are peaceful! And we will stay that way - granted sometimes things happen but The Borough Boys are a peaceful ogranization that do not look for trouble - and thats the way it is! Most of us are older guys the otehr half is kids - we are not a firm - sorry - we will sing we will scream - we will have drinks and celebrate our team - but we are not going to go around looking for trouble - that was stated from Day 1 of this groups existence and that is how it will remain. We are in the process of setting up a charter for this group and all members would be asked to follow that peaceful mentality - Dont go looking for trouble! Layin it on the line now - we are peaceful! As for this summer - all our events went fine - we had minor incident but that is going to happen when someone else starts trouble!
ahhhh man!!! that means i have to get rid of my brass knuckles, bicycle chain, and baseball bat! damnnnn!!! you ruined all the fun nick!
i know man, its been way too long!!! but don't worry you'll see me on Saturday with my brother! i'll bring the camera to show you pictures of the trip and stuff!
I did not sift through all 10 pages to see if this was said, but: stand up! if you hate new jersey! stand up! if you hate new jersey! (x3) I think should just be stand up! if you hate jersey! stand up! if you hate jersey! (x3)
yea - reviewing our outings this year these are the songs that too center stage Heeeeey Freddy Wilpon (OOOH AHHH) I WANNA KNOOOOOOW WHEN WELL GET A TEAM! IM BOROUGH TILL I DIE Well be coming Well be coming Well be coming down the road when you hear the noise from the New York Borough Boys Well be coming down the road and the St Pauli we love you chant We support the Borough The Borough!
to those who know what the song means bellaaaaaa ciaoooooo bellaaaaaa ciaoooooo bella ciao bella ciao bella! ciao! ciao! ciao! oh! jersey sideeeeee! we dont like youuuuuu! we are blue! blueeee! blueeeee! blueeeeee! blueeeeeee! [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yCQOioTyY[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMH4JsKteWw[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWt0nk6bg3g[/ame]