Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Colin Grabow, Jul 30, 2002.

  1. Colin Grabow

    Colin Grabow New Member

    Jul 22, 1999
    Washington, DC
  2. joseph pakovits

    joseph pakovits New Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    fly-over country
    Can we send him over there now then?
  3. Dante

    Dante Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 19, 1998
    Upstate NY
    Juventus FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Can his wife join him?
  4. Doctor Stamen

    Doctor Stamen New Member

    Nov 14, 2001
    In a bag with a cat.
    Guess who's going to get belatedly called up to go for the coming war ?. Maybe avoiding his national service during Vietnam may bite him in the arse :).
  5. joseph pakovits

    joseph pakovits New Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    fly-over country
    Re: Re: Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

    I'd suggest sending Dumbya over too but he'd probably just go AWOL again.
  6. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Re: Re: Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

    Dubya didn't go AWOL. He can't remember exactly what he did during his Reserves duty or where he was stationed, but he's certain he didn't go AWOL.
  7. SoFla Metro

    SoFla Metro Member

    Jul 21, 2000
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

    Wait, are we talking about Dubya or Reagan?

    "I can't recall" is the title of the Republican platform.
  8. Colin Grabow

    Colin Grabow New Member

    Jul 22, 1999
    Washington, DC
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

    I don't think they have any monopoly. Bill Clinton from his Paula Jones deposition:

    I don't remember - 71 times
    I don't know - 62
    I'm not sure - 17
    I have no idea - 10
    I don't believe so - 9
    I don't recall - 8
    I don't think so - 8
    I don't have any specific recollection - 6
    I have no recollection - 4
    Not to my knowledge - 4
    I just don't remember - 4
    I don't believe - 4
    I have no specific recollection - 3
    I might have - 3
    I don't have any recollection of that - 2
    I don't have a specific memory - 2
    I don't have any memory of that - 2
    I just can't say - 2
    I have no direct knowledge of that - 2
    I don't have any idea - 2
    Not that I recall - 2
    I don't believe I did - 2
    I can't remember - 2
    I can't say - 2
    I do not remember doing so - 2
    Not that I remember - 2
    I'm not aware - 1
    I honestly don't know - 1
    I don't believe that I did - 1
    I'm fairly sure - 1
    I have no other recollection - 1
    I'm not positive - 1
    I certainly don't think so - 1
    I don't really remember - 1
    I would have no way of remembering that - 1
    That's what I believe happened - 1
    To my knowledge, no - 1
    To the best of my knowledge - 1
    To the best of my memory - 1
    I honestly don't recall - 1
    I Honestly Don't Know'
    I honestly don't remember - 1
    That's all I know - 1
    I don't have an independent recollection of that - 1
    I don't actually have a independent memory of that - 1
    As far as I know - 1
    I don't believe I ever did that - 1
    That's all I know about that - 1
    I'm just not sure - 1
    Nothing that I remember - 1
    I simply don't know - 1
    I would have no idea - 1
    I don't know anything about that - 1
    I don't have any direct knowledge of that - 1
    I just don't know - 1
    I really don't know - 1
    I can't deny that I did, I just - I have no memory of that at all - 1
  9. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Colin, you forgot:

    I have heard that spejic is much better in bed than I am - 451
  10. joseph pakovits

    joseph pakovits New Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    fly-over country
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

    OK, smart guy, now do this for Reagan during Iran-Contra. Don't blame me, though, if your computer blows up from trying to handle such a large number...

    As for Bush and his service record, go here:
  11. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
    Los Angeles Sol
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bill Clinton: I'd Die for Israel

    This lawsuit is bullsh**t 463 times
    This lawsuit is total bullsh**t 623
    This lawsuit is such a barrel of bullsh**t 573
    This lawsuit is donkeysh**t 412
    This lawsuit is wombatsh**t 23
    Why the f**ck am I here when I should be doing my job 783
    Have you dumbsh**ts even heard of "separation of powers"? 346
    Monica was great, Paula was crap 694
    You ain't got sh**t on me, Starr, and you know it 893
    Go ahead and impeach me, I'll skate like Peggy F***king Fleming 2,934
    Two terms, motherf***ker, so go ahead and carve my di*k onto Mount Rushmore 229
    Have I mentioned recently that this lawsuit is bullsh**t? 337
    Starr, I could fold it in half and still be better hung than you 650
    What, no questions about all the Harken stock I bought from Bush's retard son? 392
    You treat me like this, after I let Cheney buy oil from Iraq? It's a good thing that won't possibly have any downside 23
    Yeah, because David Brock said so, didn't he, and you can ALWAYS trust David Brock, right? RIGHT? 15
    As I've said many, many times in the past - blow me 2

    Outside of Bush I and McCain, did any Republicans bother to go to war?

    (Slightly hypocritical on my part, because if I had been of draft age during Vietnam, I'd have been a bigger dodger than Tommy Lasorda. But then, I'm not getting paid to drum up support for a war, am I?)
  12. Ian McCracken

    Ian McCracken Member

    May 28, 1999
    SS Lazio Roma
    Nat'l Team:
    Nice to see that Clinton is settling into his role as an elder statesman.
  13. Ian McCracken

    Ian McCracken Member

    May 28, 1999
    SS Lazio Roma
    Nat'l Team:
  14. CrewDust

    CrewDust Member

    May 6, 1999
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Good to see Pandor bear is still alive and well.
  15. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    You were much smarter before your mysterious disappearance. Are you really the same person?

    I said that because you cannot be as ill-informed as you seem to be from that sentence. Bush the Younger was supposed to be protecting Texas from the Vietcong from May 1972 to May 1973, but instead never reported for duty.

    > I'm sure one of you will post a picture of Bill
    > Clinton to prove he didn't dodge the draft. I'll be waiting.

    He didn't dodge the draft - it just slipped his mind. But here is a picture of the winner of the 2000 presidential election you might like.

  16. Garcia

    Garcia Member

    Dec 14, 1999
    Castro Castro
    I thought Tom Hanks was Forrest Gump.

    Anyway, pot smoking can make you forget many things.

    Umm, yea...

    What was I talking about again?
  17. empennage

    empennage Member

    Jan 4, 2001
    Phoenix, AZ
    I respect him a lot for doing his duty during Vietnam. If I remember correctly he wasn't drafted but joined voluntarily as an officer after he graduated hrom Harvard. Part of this was because he father was a Senator at the time, but his dad may have actually been against the war (I can't remember). I think he was a journalist over there in nam, kind of like Full Metal Jacket.
  18. Dante

    Dante Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 19, 1998
    Upstate NY
    Juventus FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Gore was in Vietnam for less than 5 months, and in that 5 months he never fired a shot and hardly ever went off base. This comes from Gore himself. He was not even remotely on par with combat journalists. Gore was a remf.

    Where'd you get that picture spejic? From Al Gore's 1988 presidential campaign brochure? Gore was criticized for including that picture, the criticism being that the picture created a false impression that he had served as an infantryman, even though his only real combat experience was interviewing other GIs who had been in combat.
  19. joseph pakovits

    joseph pakovits New Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    fly-over country
    At least Gore doesn't have to lie about his service record like Dumbya does...
  20. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Why is it a problem that he was never an infantryman? Only 1/5th of the Americans that went to Vietnam were infantrymen. And a person of Gore's IQ would never have been an infantryman - the army would save them for other jobs (although some jobs for intelligent people, like infantry officer or pilot are even more dangerous).

    I was reading a bit more about Bush, and it seems that lots of famous Texans also protected Texas from the North Vietnam Air Force (like Lloyd Bentsen's kid, John Tower's kid and many of the Dallas Coyboys). I guess Texans are just wimps.
  21. TheWakeUpBomb

    TheWakeUpBomb Member

    Mar 2, 2000
    New York, NY
    Seattle Sounders
    Unless you're talking about when Gore came home two months early and proceeded to flunk out of Vanderbilt's Divinity school.
  22. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Audie Murphy says:

  23. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    > Unless you're talking about when Gore came
    > home two months early

    He didn't lie about it. If you are unclear about what "lie" means, try to find what the Bush campaign said about Bush's missing year.
  24. TheWakeUpBomb

    TheWakeUpBomb Member

    Mar 2, 2000
    New York, NY
    Seattle Sounders
    Uh, it's the flunking out of divinity school I was talking about. You know, divinity school? The reason he supposedly got out of the military?

    Guess you stopped reading before you got to that part of the post.
  25. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    > Uh, it's the flunking out of divinity school I was
    > talking about. You know, divinity school? The
    > reason he supposedly got out of the military?

    I can't find anything about where he lied about it. I'm sure he didn't mention it until someone asked, but I can't find anything about him denying it or trying to hide it from others.

    It is way different than what Bush the Younger did. We still don't know what he did during that missing year. We don't know why he wasn't declared AWOL. We were given dozens of different explanations. An honest explantion from Bush the Younger would be something like:

    "I spent years in the ANG in Texas. However, during that time I was personally drifting, doing jobs my father's connections gave me and running companies into the ground. But then I found purpose in my life, and went to the east coast to do [whatever he was doing]. I asked to join a unit in Arkansas, but was told I had to join a more active unit. I was assigned to another unit, but was unable to go because of [whatever reason]. After a year, I get special orders to fulfill all the time I was supposed to have served, so I spend 30 days out of two months on duty. I was then honorably discharged."

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