Support soccer in my area (please) by voting on the poll on the bottom right. Beat baseball!!
Now up to 32%. Baseball 50% Basketball 11% Softball 5% Soccer 32% Swimming 2% Murf PS When we stuff these on-line ballot boxes, is there anyway for the site administrator to tell where all of these votes are coming from? Can they tell that a lot of voters accessed the page from a link on BigSoccer?
Every time I try to vote more than once, a little message appears above the results that says "Sorry you cannot vote more than once." Anyway, soccer = 34 percent - suck it baseball and basketball!
Yes they can. During the WC the Spanish paper, El Mundo, ran an online poll concerning the pathetic reffing during the Spain-Korea match. EM was so surprised by the flood of votes for one of the choices, that they followed the links back to a Red Devil's Message Board where the poll had been translated, and the suggestion to stuff the box was made.
I think boreball is within reach, with only a 14 percent lead, especially at the rate we're gaining. BTW, thanks RutgerB for helping us grow the sport in our country!