BigSoccer Manager!

Discussion in 'Customer Service' started by #1ChinaBeckham, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. #1ChinaBeckham

    #1ChinaBeckham Red Card

    Nov 4, 2004
    BigSoccer manager why you make all my writing go away! :confused: I want to chat Real Madrid and David Beckham but you make it not!! My heart is hurt I want cry! Why you angry with me! I have done not bad is it because I Chinese?
    BigSoccer is REGIME and have the RACISTS!! Why are you make me quiet!! I only want to chat and make us friend together but you make it not!
    Soccer is world sport with ASIA!!! :mad:
    Why not even answer me!! Just make the writing go away!! BigSoccer is old CHina and not allow people to speak!! BigSoccer you must change the way we are 2004 now not the 1950 with communist!!
    Now I tell my friend not come here this place is have the RACIST!! :mad:

    Xiao :mad:
  2. #1ChinaBeckham

    #1ChinaBeckham Red Card

    Nov 4, 2004
    Why you do this me!! I have think you make me see again but is not true!
    Only me can see me!!

    This is racist!! BigSoccer is not friend place!!

    Xiao :mad:

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