I'll join asaigh2 (as soon as I get halo 2). I'm planning on using SonOfTheMorning as my id. Is more than 1 id allowed per live account?
Not to threadjack, but did anyone else have problems going online? I tried to, and it recognizes the cable hookup, but can't find the IP or DNS (i think that is what they called it).. I managed to find the addresses on my computer and I plugged them in manually to no avail.. Am I missing something blatantly obvious here?
It's been a while since I've messed with the network settings on my Xbox. IIRC, I had to tell my router to put the Xbox in a DMZ (ie, no filtering) to get my LIVE demo to work.
I'm Unclefox if anyone want's to get down on a game sometime. That Tag is in a clan already though. I'm getting another live account in a couple days, so I might join up.
I had that problem once in a while but I just waited figuring the network server was down or something. And voila! That was the case as was able to sign on. mokstedy is my gamertag and I should be in.
Goddammit goddammit, my Halo 2 didn't come today so I'll have to wait until monday! I'm hoping to use burns when I pee or something similar as my gamertag .
I'm planning on being on from 4:50 until 2:30 central time tonight if my game comes in the mail today (which it should, if it doesn't I'm going to go postal). My Gamertag is Tequila Pants. My first 5 choices were taken , I was pissed when Burns When I Pee was too long (It didn't look right without spaces) and I was especially saddened (but not surprised) when I was unable to use UnderpantsGnome as my id.
I don't know what is going on, Halo 2 wasn't in my mailbox but there wasn't any new mail in any of the other 200 mailboxes either. So either the front desk is lazy and they haven't sorted and distributed the mail or the post office ********ed up. Looks like I won't be playing until tomorrow afternoon.
Do you play ESPN NFL2k5? I could swear I played you on that not too long ago. Anyways, my GT is BooblesTheClown, and I'd be down to play in a BS clan.
I'm back on the east coast again, but I'm going to RFK tonight to celebrate the return of MLS Cup to its proper location. Tomorrow night for Halo2, anyone? Or this weekend? It's not like I'll be distracted by MLS soccer.
i only just recently got Xbox live, and i've only played halo duece, so it must have been some other dude. tomorrow nitght would work for me for clan time
I won't be in the clan at least not in the beginning, because I'm apart of one w/ my old University chums. If they can organize themselves that is.
I FINALLY GOT IT! I'll be on tonight after 6. I messed up my gamertag because I was so excited, I'm Tequila Monster, somehow I managed to forget I wanted to be Tequila Pants.
I'm going to assume after the US-Jamaica WCQ, yes? Anyone down for Tuesday or Thursday nights? romagol10, I'll send you an invite via XBOX Live.
I had to get a new account on live and I have lost my friends list, would appreciate if I could add some of you since this game is made ideally for people with large friends lists. My gamertag is P0RNSTARR (o is a zero). Is the clan name BigSoccer or Big Soccer and how do I go about adding it?
I'll send you an invite when I get around to it. If you get to it first, my gamertag is mokstedy. MikeLastort2 is the overlord (real title) of the Bigsoccer clan, so I think he'll invite you after he reads your post.
Hey, thanks for adding me, eventhough we didn't get to play with each other. Now I have two friends!!! You and some kiddy that added me. I really enjoy online, the lag issues and long loading times have disappeared.
Oh and if you're playing and speak to me but find out it's some guy that can't speak english properly, it is not me, it is my room mate. I am letting him use my account.
Apparantly I got dropped from the Bigsoccer clan or it dropped out. Has this happened ot anyone else? Even if this clan thing doesn't take off, I'm still down to get together and play.