Fantasy Premier League [R]

Discussion in 'Games & Fantasy' started by BrianCappellieri, Aug 15, 2002.

  1. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Let's try this again...

    This is the thread for managers playing The Sporting News' Fantasy Premiership Game. The deadline to select your line-up is Saturday, August 17th at 5am EST.

    We currently have 250 teams participating but there is no limit on the number of teams in a division, so please join!

    The game is free to play and you start off with 11 free transfers and get one free transfer every week. If you wish, you can purchase more. Make sure to that you read the rules and understand them. Also check out the tips and strategies. There are prizes for the teams that finish 1-250. Top prize being $500.

    How to join the BSPL:
    Make team name
    Click user division
    Search (case sensitive)
    Click on the link
    Click join and you're in

    Good luck!

    Please keep your posts related to the Sporting News game and the EPL only. Thank you.
  2. Maczebus

    Maczebus Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    Was in a quandry over keepers.
    Couldn't decide whether a good keeper backed up by a good defence (ie, clean sheets but fewer saves to make) would be better than getting a (cheaper)keeper from a team that probably wouldn't get as many clean sheets but with a weaker defence, would have the opportunity to make more saves.

    Need to know whether Jenas will be considered a reliable starter. But ... don't want to give to much away!
    Arghh I'm going mad. Too many to choose from. I have this problem every year!
    I thought I should have more than one team, but then my head might explode.
  3. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    :D I was going through the same thing. If you look at where the points are now, Martyn and van der Sar are the top keepers. And obviously Leeds and Fulham were not the top clubs.

    If you go with Barthez, Dudek, Seaman, etc. like you mentioned, you will probably get a number of shutouts but if you pick a keeper of a weaker club (even newly promoted) they might see a lot of action (i.e. saves).

    Latest rumor is Martyn is leaving Leeds and joining Southampton. So this leaves Robinson (the no. 1 keeper) at the lowest price, £1.5.
  4. Barca_Fan2003

    Barca_Fan2003 New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
    Slidell, LA
    Or you can get Keller who figures to start for Tottenham for 2+change. I like my lineup. Lots of bargains. Last year on yahoo, I think I got Ruud Van Nistelrooy for 4.5 points (out of 100 available) as soon as he came up. His value rose to like 24 later on. I was a happy man.
  5. Barca_Fan2003

    Barca_Fan2003 New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
    Slidell, LA
    Everyone post on here what your team name is so we can match BS IDs with team names. I'm Barca FC.
  6. Treetaliano

    Treetaliano Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
    I'm in. Florentia Viola. Brian, I think you're pulling one on us. Most of those teams from our "division" are suspiciously from your former signature line. How many times did you enter? :p
  7. Maczebus

    Maczebus Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    Martyn joining Southampton?
    Haven't heard aything on the yokel grapevine down here but anyway...

    Glad to know others are troubled in the same way I am.
    Got a £1.6m keeper (really don't know why I'm being this secretive - just seems the right thing to do :) ) hoping to make a decent profit on him later.

    Not too happy about having £2.5m left over, but for the first time in my life I've been careful with money.
    Just unfortunate I can't seem to do it in the real world.

    PS- Excelsior Novgorod

    What's with giving the teams proper names? Never met that before. Usually come up with something nonsensical. Horses for courses I guess.
  8. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Yeah, I'm positive. There was lots of talk of El Tel selecting Robinson over him weeks ago and SoccerNet and I believe Ananova had articles on a £2.5 move to Southampton.
  9. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    I'm not "pulling one" on anyone. I have a sh**load of teams. That's no secret...
  10. Treetaliano

    Treetaliano Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
    Yes we all "know" that. But for sake of this game, me having one squad, and you having 2,013,862 teams is a little daunting.
  11. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Don't play. Join another division. Make your own division. Play another fantasy game. Play in the division you're in now. Whatever you do don't whine to me.

    In this game the divisions don't mean anything really. A lot of people have made a dozen teams or more (not just in our division.)
  12. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Back to the game...

    It seems Gilberto Silva has disappeared! :confused:
  13. Treetaliano

    Treetaliano Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
    holy he!! brian. you need to call the * down. No one is whining. U obviously missed the sarcasm. Even if I wanted to whine, you certainly arent someone who I am going to worry about what you think or if it bothered you.

    I enjoy reading your "normal" posts, cuz u give a lot of good info, but now I see why many do not care for your personality.

    va' a ca'..
  14. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    PM me if you'd like. I'm not wasting any more "space" to respond to you in this thread.

    But I agree 100%. The internet is the best place to judge someone's personality. :rolleyes:
  15. Barca_Fan2003

    Barca_Fan2003 New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
    Slidell, LA
    Time for me to make 2 more teams........
  16. Barca_Fan2003

    Barca_Fan2003 New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
    Slidell, LA
    Barcelona United and Kirovski's Liberation. Kirovski isn't on their listing by the way........
  17. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Kirovski was just cleared to sign with City the other day. None of the newest transfers will be on there until after the season starts.

    I'm not sure why they're waiting to update it again for so long.
  18. GoHawks4

    GoHawks4 Member

    Apr 24, 2002
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That link doesn't work, but I really want to play.
  19. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
  20. Maczebus

    Maczebus Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    Ok, I'm pushing the boat out and got 2 more teams. I really think 3 is my limit. Hell, I actually think 1 is my limit, judging by the time it took me to do my first teamsheet.

    3 teams are:
    Excelsior Novgorod
    New Longton Rovers
    Dinamo Onmibykfelov

    Got 15 hours to choose 2 squads now.
    1st squad is a bit light upfront, maybe make some money later in the season.
  21. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Are you Russian? ;)

    BTW, El Tel has said Martyn will stay at Elland Road and will not be moving to Southampton. But Robinson is going to be the first choice keeper.

    Less than 10 hours now!

    MLSNHTOWN Member+

    Oct 27, 1999
    Houston, TX
    I only need one team. Houston F.C. Of course, when I finish last, ignore this thread.
  23. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Don't worry man someone will forget to pick a full roster and they will finish bottom. ;)
  24. mactheknife

    mactheknife New Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Chicago Fire
    joined as Rude Boys FC. prepare to be unimpressed.

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