Im playing this winter for the first time in a few years on a hard surface, and I was wondering what are the best indoor shoes? (Light, good touch, comfortable). Thanks!
Tiempo premier or Adidas supernova indoors. Absolutely the greatest indoor shoes. Both K leather great touch, and amazingly comfortable. Good luck finding either pair, if you do I'd recommend picking up a pair.
Just make sure you dont go cheap on em you need somit with plenty of padding, the more padding on the sole there is to wear through the less its going to wear through your knee joints, in genral playin on a hard surface is a bad idea, same goes for jogging on roads, youll just end up with loads of knee probs, trust me.
Supernova Indoors, top shoes!! It took some time to break them in properly, but i'm using them for over 4 years now. And they still have life in them..!
4 YEARS???? What, that's amazing. I played with them for about 8-10 months 2x a week, and the rubber on the toe ripped within the first 2 months. I continued to wear them as there is nothing that comes close to them, but I was a little bummed out at how quick the toe wore out. I used them until I stopped playing on indoor carpet. Now that everyone is going to synthetics I have no need for indoors anymore...
In my opinion a Sala shoe is the best indoor soccer shoe for touch and control.