I hope the coach search happens quicker this time and the USSF puts up the $ for a big-time coach. 2026 WC is right around the corner. They have to get this right.
Wonder if they wait on replacement for a lil while, and have an interim manager for a handful of months or so.
I wonder how Tim Weah is feeling right now? If I had ********ed up so badly at work that it got my boss, whom I liked a lot, fired I’d feel pretty bad about it.
Will everyone who said US Soccer, Crocker etc come here and eat crow now? Can't be long until Klopp is announced. I'm sure that's why it took a bit long.
Worse than that feeling of helping your team crash out of a big tournament? I'm not a Berhalter hater but in a way he may have done everyone a favor ultimately and have a lot of gratitude sent his way.
Fair enough - but feel free to speculate here on who will be the replacement. I thought we could use a thread refresh. Once he's named, we can start a "Fire ______" thread.
Although it is, probably, true, Fox Soccer is not really a reliable source and I have yet to hear anything from a trusted source. The is not anything I have found anything even on USA Soccer's official site but that site is so hard to use that I don't doubt the truth in this but a post on antisocial media is not a reliable news announcement That is a very good question. I do not understand why, either. .
It was a conspiracy between me and @dark knight to ensure my awesome Tim Weah comment made it on the first page. Bribery works.
Dang, beat me to it. Wonder what it must be like to lose a job that pays way more than you probably ever have or ever will get paid again.
The entire team will feel somewhat responsible for it ... that is just the way it is .... but with getting back into club training in a few weeks - they get to refocus on their next game. If they did not feel some remorse I would be very surprised. At the end of the day - whether any professional league, or any international competition - there can be only one - and those that don't get there have regrets. What matters most is what he and the entire squad learn from what transpired.
I have no hope at all that this will happen. The USSF will pay another consultant $1M during the search only to hire Berhalter for the 3rd time.