Bend it Like Beckham

Discussion in 'The Beautiful Game' started by panabean, Oct 5, 2003.

  1. panabean

    panabean New Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    Columbia, SC
    Just bought the DVD and watched it. It was a pretty decent movie. Not that much soccer, but at least it was a movie with some sort of plot. I just can't help but ponder the irony of the girls wanting to play in the WUSA. I hope the WUSA keeps going, because all soccer whether it be male of female helps spread it to others. Hopefully the WUSA can find some cash and work better with MLS instead of going at it alone. What do you think?
  2. RoverMax

    RoverMax Member

    May 4, 2003
    Blackburn Rovers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This isn't the place to talk about women's soccer.

    I haven't seen Bend It Like Beckham but I want to, I think I will rent it in the next few days.
  3. Femfa

    Femfa New Member

    Jun 3, 2002
    Los Angeles
    This place? You mean Big Soccer in general - or this particular thread, which, BTW, seems a very general category.

    The thing is, BILB, while being a good flick, continues the motivation for girls (and others) to PLAY soccer, not necessarily to watch it.

    If as many people in the U.S. had been to see a W.U.S.A game as went to see this movie, the league would be in fine shape. Another irony is that ticket prices were about the same.
  4. soccerchick584

    soccerchick584 New Member

    Jul 28, 2003
    The motivation is (or was, if the WUSA can't find a solution) incredibly high. Higher than you might think. Girls dream of playing there. With the college I play for, UT, all of us wanted to go there eventually. We had little pools going about who would make it. It's huge motivation for us, knowing that after college we could play with Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly and all the women we grew up watching. But, if the WUSA can't come up with something of a solution, a lot of little girl's hearts will be broken, along with us in college trying to find somewhere to play after we graduate.
  5. soccerchick584

    soccerchick584 New Member

    Jul 28, 2003
    The movie is great, by the way. :)
  6. afgrijselijkheid

    Dec 29, 2002
    AFC Ajax
    you can still play in europe soccerchick
  7. soccerchick584

    soccerchick584 New Member

    Jul 28, 2003
    That's what I'm planning on. :)
  8. footie guy

    footie guy New Member

    Oct 2, 2003
    and she can come live with me again. :)
  9. soccerchick584

    soccerchick584 New Member

    Jul 28, 2003
    Keep on dreaming, Skylar. :)
  10. Bleacherbutt

    Bleacherbutt New Member

    May 1, 2001
    Rochester, NY
    I caught a glimpse of Parminder Nagra (Jess) at the WWC in Columbus. She and her handlers were entering the VIP area. They did a big promo in conjunction with the DVD release.
  11. PSU92

    PSU92 Member

    Feb 27, 1999
    Annandale VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Is it true they re-did some of the dialogue for the DVD to Americanize it?

    Changing Football to Soccer etc.
  12. Bethany

    Bethany New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
    They changed words on the trailer....but not the actual film. I can only assume its the real dialouge on the DVD.

    Besides, the way the trailer was made you never saw the person's face when the said the changed word. Only the audio was changed. Make sense? There would be a huge inconsistency if they changed it on the actual film.
  13. PSU92

    PSU92 Member

    Feb 27, 1999
    Annandale VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I'll have to but the DVD soon.

    I saw the film in the theater several months ago.

    I loved it. My wife loved it too (this was after dragging her to it because it was about soccer).
  14. MarioKempes

    MarioKempes Member+

    Club Med
    Aug 3, 2000
    Proxima Centauri
    Real Madrid
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    United States
    I saw the movie. Can't understand what all the fuss is about. It seems like a teenie bopper chick flick to me.
  15. Father Ted

    Father Ted BigSoccer Supporter

    Manchester United, Galway United, New York Red Bulls
    Nov 2, 2001
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    And in another ironic twist, she has made it to the big leagues in her true profession. Now she is acting in ER.
  16. Bleacherbutt

    Bleacherbutt New Member

    May 1, 2001
    Rochester, NY
    In addition to deepest, warmest brown eyes on the screen, Parminder is sporting a new perky babe-o-matic do. Look for her to be the first Asian-Indian actress to be embraced by American audiences. Remember, you read it here first.
  17. patrickdavila

    patrickdavila Member

    Jan 13, 1999
    Easton, PA
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I thought that was her. The movie was very entertaining. My favorite part was when she saw her mother and relatives lining up in the wall prior to taking the free kick. Her friends mom thinking they were lesbian lovers was also funny in a 3's Company kind of way. The wedding scene was a sort of Bollywood musical tribute as well.
  18. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Great movie! I saw it when it was first released in "artsy" theatres. I took my fiance to see it and she (not a big soccer fan unless I am playing and even then she talks to her friends!) loved it. The soundtrack is great and the DVD has some cool stuff on it and it has all the original dialogue! Buy it!
  19. IASocFan

    IASocFan Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 13, 2000
    Sporting Kansas City
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    United States
    My parents, both in their 80s, loved the movie. They never saw soccer until their grandsons started playing. After I talked to them about, I knew it was safe to take my wife - not really a soccer fan, but she'll come watch when our son or I ask her. We both loved it.

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