Ben Olsen....classless jerk

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by Aimer. Northend Diva, Aug 19, 2002.

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  1. TexanSoccer06

    TexanSoccer06 New Member

    What makes you think you could whip Benny's ass? And I think there may be more to the story than we know about. Ben Olsen is a class act.
  2. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
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    There is no more to the story. It's happened as stated.

    Class acts can have lapses in judgement and do things they wouldn't otherwise do. Ben's human - not perfect.
  3. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
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    Does "change your diaper" even freaking COUNT as heckling?

    So today we have a burning issue, and not only is effin' LIVING DED BOY on the right side, he's one of the very few who IS. I'm using CAPITAL LETTERS because I am right now INCAPABLE of expressing my SHOCK and AMAZEMENT any more subtly than THIS.
  4. living_ded_boy

    living_ded_boy New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Pleasanton, Ca

    If "Benny" spit on me, I guarantee you the only thing that would save him from a beating would be if I could not catch him......which I highly doubt. :D As for you questioning whether that was the whole story or not, I'm only going off of aimer's account. I also said that it would have to be proven. I'm sure if he did do it, others were present.

    Why do I get the feeling that if it were not aimer that claimed to get spit on that more people would feel the same way as Bill, yalp and for Lindsey, I imagine we have seen the end of what was the "Divas". :D I can imagine the PM's that are flyin back and forth. Sorry Linds, you are wrong on this one.
  5. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
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    The PMs were flying last night. We've had our disagreements on this issue. Lindsey, however was not there when this took place. Amy and I were. And even Amy and I had our discussions.

    However, we are mature adults who do not wear diapers. So we can resolve our differences without it destroying our friendship. You have not seen the end of the divas. :D
  6. nicodemus

    nicodemus Member+

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I don't know what this is, I'm looking back on this wondering where my head was when I typed this.

    I am a big enough person to admit when I've done something poorly, and this is one of them. I argued this one so poorly, I am amazed at some of my own examples :) My thinking is very much in line with what most of you all are thinking about this, I just did a bad job explaining my opinions about the randomness of people's reactions and that you can't expect to know what someone's going to do when you say something. I should have talked about something completely seperate. It was more just general advice to be careful cause there are some crazies out there.

    Regardless of the spitting issue, I still think heckling is wrong, and yes, we are all entitled to our opinion about what heckling is.

    As far as this happening to Aimer, I don't even know who that is and have no issue with him or her.
  7. living_ded_boy

    living_ded_boy New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Pleasanton, Ca

    It was weak but she did qualify that by stating that it was transplanted Columbus smack. :D
  8. Albany58

    Albany58 Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Amy told me about this right after it happened, but my head was spinning from having that stupid rubber soccer head on.
    My opinion: Ben Olsen is a professional athlete, there must be tons of rag dumped on any of the opposing players when they go back and forth on that ramp. He should have just kept eyes straight ahead and maintained silence. No matter what kind of verbal abuse the pro should not react physically, in any way. Nice verbal retorts, I believe, are acceptable and even then, the more humor, the better.
  9. living_ded_boy

    living_ded_boy New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Pleasanton, Ca

    Ian Woan inferred that he and my mother had been intimate. :D Jokes on mom is hard on the eyes.
  10. Albany58

    Albany58 Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
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    LMAO. Did you tell him that?
  11. yalpstel

    yalpstel Member

    Oct 12, 2000
    Bay Area, CA
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    Re: Re: Ben Olsen....classless jerk

    I'm not too sure why, occasionally when I read a post by this guy, I end up laughing and choke on my beer.

    LA sucks. :D
  12. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    Absolutely. The best verbal retort I've heard from my many years of heckling opposing players at Spartan Stadium was from none other than Cobi Jones. A few years back, when LA knocked San Jose out of playoff contention (again), he came over to the Casbah and said "Have fun watching the playoffs on TV!" What a bastard, but we had been giving him crap for the entire game and he had every right to call scoreboard on us.
  13. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I valued what you said until this point. Now you are clearly seeing this through blue and white lenses.
  14. geordienation

    geordienation Moderator

    Apr 21, 2001
    Newcastle United FC
    Utter and complete crap.

    If you want to rag on players, that's what you get. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. Period.

    If I call Tony Meola a Fat Bastard and he flips me off after making a save, well, touche -- I got what I deserved.

    If Ben walks by and spits on Aimer unprovoked, well, he's wrong. I find it hard to fault a player who's run his ass off for 90 minutes only to play to a tie in a game they should have won, especially when he gets taunted on the way out.

    Amy started it. Ben finished it.

    Whine to the league office. If precious Landon had done the same thing, I find it hard to believe that the same level of moral outrage would be mustered.
  15. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
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    This incident occured at half time, not on his way out.

    And it wasn't just a finger he threw at us. It was his spit. There is a big difference. I've gotten fingers and verbal remarks thrown at me. And I just laughed them off. What's fair is fair. Had Ben chosen to launch an insult back, then so be it. But spitting is not an acceptable response.
  16. yalpstel

    yalpstel Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    LOL *choke* great, now the beer's coming out my nose!

    I guess I'm just an extreme kinda person. :D
  17. geordienation

    geordienation Moderator

    Apr 21, 2001
    Newcastle United FC
    Ok, so 45 minutes instead of 90. Whatever.
  18. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
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    Just making sure the story is set straight. I was there when this happened.

    And many of the DC fans seem to think Amy and I are both lying. So I want to make sure facts are straight.
  19. geordienation

    geordienation Moderator

    Apr 21, 2001
    Newcastle United FC
    Just to set the record straight: I don't care if you're telling the truth or not. I assume that you are. I have no reason to believe otherwise.

    My position is the same.
  20. yalpstel

    yalpstel Member

    Oct 12, 2000
    Bay Area, CA
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    "Eye for an eye" is exactly how it came across at first. I respect your clarification.

    I just want to say one thing about heckling. I sit close to the field. I have a big mouth and so do the people who sit around me. I have a blast at Spartan's close field yelling at the oppossing players and vocally encouraging/supporting the QUAKES. I think the worse thing I've ever said to someone of the oppossing team was repeatedly telling him that he sucked and was worthless to his team--and in fact, he did and was (damn, I can't remember who this was but it was in 1999). He finally flipped me off at the end of the game.

    I consciously make a point to NOT tease Carierri about not having a championship ring, or mention to any LA players that they lost the MLS Cup--again (I could go on and on). I personally don't like saying anything that could be taken as hateful by my own standards. But some people do...SO WHAT?! It's part of the game and for the most part stays in the confines of the stadium (and well, these message boards). BUT, when Chris Klien runs around just feet in front of me with a wedgie, or dark briefs under his white'll be damn sure I'll let him know about it (maybe it was Klien who flipped me off :D). Or if an oppossing player makes a mistake (poor pass, etc.) in our favor, I'm gonna talk to him! I'd like to think that I'm getting to them and maybe throwing their game a little, but that's probably not so. This is heckling in my opinion.

    I wonder if you think the refs are fair game and is it acceptable to shout at them?
  21. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
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    Re: Re: Ben Olsen....classless jerk

    See, now that I couldn't do. I've told a player he sucked. But I never meant it (oh, well, okay, only when I say it to Carrieri). It's just part of the game.

    But to tell a player he was worthless to his team would wrench my heart. I couldn't do it.

    I don't see anything wrong with it. It's all in the spirit of the game. But I simply couldn't do it myself.
  22. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
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    Re: Re: Ben Olsen....classless jerk

    Meant to post this as part of my last post, but I messed up so I'm doing it here.

    I'm the one who constantly teases LA about the rings. Every game I'm right there pointing to my replica saying, "Look, look! I know you want one! It's gorgeous! Come on take a look!" And for the most part, the LA players just laugh at me. That I respect more than anything. Cuz in all honesty, it's really meant light heartedly. They have rings too. And I know it. And they know it. They aren't MLS Cup rings though. So it's all in good fun! :D

    And I've shouted at refs too. The one who sent Richie off sure did get an earful. And he, too, just thougth it was hilarious. He tried so hard not to just bust out laughing. But I could see the creases on his mouth as he held back his laughter and his eyes were smiling too.

    It's all in good fun. And for the most part, the players and coaches and refs just laugh at it. Ben simply chose another option on Saturday.
  23. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    sj quakes fan, I thought you had left the boards.
  24. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    geordienation, you're a moron.

    None of us would have ANY problem if Ben Olsen had opened his mouth and yelled at whomever for whatever. But to respond physically is crossing the line.

    You said it yourself. Tony Meola flipped you off. Way to go, you got in his head and got him to respond. But what if Meola jumped over the fence and kicked you in the head? Is that acceptable?

    Nobody spat on Ben Olsen. If someone had, then there would not be any argument. If you're saying that heckling is bad, then go get in line with nicodemus over there. If you're saying that heckling deserves a physical response, then you're a moron.
  25. yalpstel

    yalpstel Member

    Oct 12, 2000
    Bay Area, CA
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    additional extreme...

    The other night at work a patient hauled off and closed-fisted a nurse in the cheek. He was very sick, a little confused but aware of what he did. He said she was stupid.

    I think that since he closed-fisted a nurse who happens to be female, it's not the first time he's hit a female and probably not the last.

    It's kinda of the same with Olsen's spitting. I'm sure he's done it before and will do it again.

    To me, one spit says a lot about character.

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