Be on the lookout for Paddy Coleman!

Discussion in 'Ireland' started by Casper1377, Jul 27, 2002.

  1. Casper1377

    Casper1377 New Member

    Oct 20, 2001
    hey there,
    Does anybody know of an Irish player named Patrick "Paddy" Coleman? Here's the story:
    A friend of mine just got back from Dublin and while there he met Paddy Coleman in a pub. Now Paddy is a footballer, or said he was, and plays for Blackburn?, Blackpool?, Blackport???(I've never heard of a Blackport, but maybe?). See, my friend doesn't know anything about football and apparently didn't ask any helpful questions or was even sure what the team he played for was. Just "Black..." something...I know, I know...Jesus Christ. Apparently Paddy's side played against Man. Utd. recently? All he knows is Paddy said something about playing Man. Utd. ARRGGHHH!!

    Anyway, does anyone have a clue as to who Paddy Coleman is and who he plays for? I looked on the net-rosters for Blackburn and Blackpool and didn;t see anything...maybe he's in the reserves, who knows? But I'd love to find out anything if possible. Please help out if you can.

  2. Slash/ED

    Slash/ED New Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    I get the feeling you're non football loving friend was played for a sap, it'd be a very 'Irish' thing to do for some reason but I can really see some ordinary Joe in a bar making all this up.

    I'll look him up in championship manager for you, if he's not there he doesn't exist and it was all just made up.
  3. Leto

    Leto New Member

    Aug 23, 2001
    Well, Man Utd played Bournemouth today.........dunno if that's any help....
  4. Slash/ED

    Slash/ED New Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    I was right, he doesnt exist.

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