Here is a link to the channel 4 showtimes for the first half of August. Lab99 gives some info about what's on the show at the start of the In/Post game thread for the Philly game... And here is a link to the Channel 4 Schedule:
It was awesome as usual. That business man was like "hahahaha, ok, good luck" and he walks away from shauna. in oc, its on 10:30-11 on saturdays, and sunday.
Something I forgot to mention about the show was that part way through it Julie says something about 'next month's' show. So I'm assuming that there will be a September one! I think that my favorite segment was inside the locker room - especially that part about the "Very Best of Worst!" I'm afraid that I could (while not even trying, I'm that bad) outdo even Lori's 'best', but I'd probably pick different music...
the "bee-dub". lori sucked, meaning that in a very good way. although sherril was pulling a couple of sucky moves too.