stupid "pathetic" predictions based on nothing: dallas: 12,011 dc: 17,624 colorado: 11,801 la: 16,196 avg. : 14,408
dude... i was at all 4 games and it seemed much larger than that... i have gone to every single game (same with my buddy) and we have gotten quite good at predicting the attendences, they were much larger than what they announced.... the parking lots were ALL full i mean people were having to park over 2 miles away and walk!!! by they way, move san jose
NO WAY were there that many people at Dallas. I used a telescope and calculator in the stands (instead of watching the game) to count every single head in ten section on the opposite side of the field (even though it took me 15 minutes) and NO WAY was there 12,000 people there (more like 4,000).
You F****** shut up and keep say Move San Jose in many thread several times.... already enought! End of discussion
Woooaa, try decaf next time. This is my first time joining the fun, BTW, Galactico by the way, move san jose
10505 in Dallas (or so MLS claims). Not to play a tired refrain, but if there were 10k there, they had them very well hidden from the TV cameras. I would have guessed 500-600 from watching TV.
Day games rarely draw well in Dallas, and having rain throughout the day didn't help either. On the GA side, only 400 or so faithful showed up by the look of it. I'd guestimate there were about 4000 or so Burn fans on the reserved side.
There definitely weren't many fans on the side facing the camera but from the few shots that they had of the opposite side, it looked like there were several thousand there. It was hard to tell since most of the shots were closeups of individual fans, but it could have been in the high four figures on that side.
Interestingly, the wire reports had the 10K as the attendance, but included 22Kish in parentheses aferward. Wonder if that was actual gate vs. ticket sales?
Yes. In match reports, box scores, etc., the first number is the announced attendance, and the (second) number in parentheses is the capacity for the venue.
I was at the match in Dallas and there were alot of fans in the GA section sitting up top under the second deck. I would have guessed bewteen 9-10 thousand.