Oh jeezus where the hell should we begin? I guess we could begin with what I have in my sig right now... "The ref was either bought or doesnt know the rules" What an idiot!!! Get the hell over it Monroe! Your whiny pathetic drivel about the supposed Abby foul on Clemens in the playoff match is getting old and tiring...much like the way you chodes are trying to shove that slut Heather Mitts down our throats. You didn't make it into the title game two seasons in a row. Dwell on that in the offseason in between your bouts of pleasuring yourself with your Lorrie Fair bobblehead doll. And keep that red cap away from me please. No telling how much head lice is in that thing.
And I'm sure some of you out there were at Fan Fest last Saturday and you either saw or heard these fools spouting off about how Gorillachon is the greatest thing on earth since sliced bread. So feel free to add your experiences of encountering Charge fan at Fan Fest or at Herdon. And God I hope none of you had to ride the shuttle with 'em.
"per the rules it's a dead ball once the keeper gets her hands on it" "in any other league, that would be a red" --insert Fears sig here....
And this was just brought to my attention via email by an eyewitness of the behaviour of the Charge fans:
Must be that cement carpet up in Philly. Thay have obviously had too much head contact with that thing.
Ive taken most of this talk as a man and with a sense of humor and if you really want someone to make fun of charge fans please talk to DCUpope and im sure hed share a rip roaring article from his Fanzine which even made me laugh! but this goes too far and needs clarifcation. "At one point Mark K. the Charge coach wandered into the shaded area and headed straight for the souvenirs. Poor bastard! If only he'd known what he was getting himself into. When the Chodes saw him they let out a PTH type squeal. Their eyes lit up and they creamed their shorts like a Star Trek fan at the sight of William Shatner! They quickly swarmed him and begged for a picture. It was a sad sight. They then proceeded to "discuses" line up's and tactical positioning. They even offered their opinions on strategy and “you shoulda done this”. The look on the poor mans face was priceless. In hindsight I wish I had taken a picture. Poor Mark looked like he wanted to die. As soon as he could he turned on his heels and walked out. He passed right by me as he walked out. He rolled his eyes in disbelief." HOLD IT RIGHT THERE...i dont know who wrote this, but if you must know, i was in on this conversation and kirk KNEW the 2 people who approached him (chargefans) BY NAME and had talked to them many times at villanova (as well as Charge! for the record even though he wasnt there) and actually was very personable and was well into talking to them...and me even though i DO NOT particularly like that kind of behaivour, id be with you fear, if this is indeed your "point" that coaches and players should be let to be themselves. And for the FN RECORD NOBODY SQUEALED! Mods check your PMs!
It was someone who shall remain nameless. This person was in disbelief at what happened. And later today I will probably post about the shuttle ride from Fan Fest to Herndon. Let the kids answer the questions dude. Even the chick on the bus asking the questions was annoyed.
fear, i dont know what your problem is but stop it, but its obvious that its not with the charge or its fans...if its between you and me PM me and we will settle it by PMs like men , dont drag the fans of a whole team into this allright...aside from not knowing where fan summit was i did NOTHING that i feel ashamed of and i have NOTHING that i will feel like defending!!!...and if you have anything you think I did wrong...well tell it to my face on PMs or email...dont go around posting garbage OK theres no need for it anywhere on the boards not even the rivalry board...i love my team and its fans...if you must know i was rooting with the crusaders for the whole match...why because i wanted to, because i felt it was only sportsmanlike, because i like their operations...if anything i felt i was going out of my way to be civil there...now if you have a problem with me you talk to me, but dont go around slandering thousands of innocent fans to personally attack 3 posters...ok...im sick of it, i would NEVER do anything this low to any fan of any team, if you cant show that lowest common demonator of sportsmanship...i think thats just sad. End of rant.
Potential color of a future day for chief exec Charge fan-disser... Yellow. On a nice, virtual card. And if I had a 9 in my screen name, I'd maybe be a bit Fear-ful about taking this pissing contest any further. The rivalry forum is for dissing of teams, not of people. Paul
Interesting. Guess I shoulda learned my lesson from all those times Beat fans got dissed the past two seasons and the dissers got threatened with yellows huh?
trolling, trolling, trolling ... YANK!!!!! Hooked a couple big ones here. fm9, ya got anymore chum to seed the pond? They be bytin' today.
Give me a big freakin' break. You all have been throwing darts at us for two years now... this is nothing compared to the crap we've learned to deal with and expect. The only difference is, ya won't see Beat fans whining and PM'ing the mods. Don't get me wrong...we bitch about it, but we don't whine and tattle. Toughen up. Hopefully, this league will be around so everyone will get a turn. If it will make you feel better... calls us midgy or start another Atlanta Sucks thread...
It's a rivalry forum; fighting is allowed. And I didn't see a mod of this forum making an issue of anything posted in this thread. (It can say "moderator" under a screenname without that person being a moderator of this forum.) "Fight nice" wasn't directed at anyone in particular, and wasn't intended to imply agreement (or disagreement) with anyone in particular. I hope that's clear now. Fight nice.