Are we sick of our tag line on the "front" page?

Discussion in 'NWSL' started by FlashMan, Aug 16, 2002.

  1. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It certainly hasn't brought us any luck.

    This should probably be a poll but I'm going back to bed now.
  2. Tsunami

    Tsunami Member

    Oct 16, 2000
    SD, CA
    Arsenal LFC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Time for a Change!!!

    Yes, I'm definitely sick of it. I can't remember now what other suggestions were made, way back when. And right now I can't think of anything to replace it. I guess we need some input, and then ask people to vote (no poll, don't want outsiders to 'stuff the ballot box!')
  3. Soccersuzie

    Soccersuzie New Member

    Jun 17, 2001
    Orange County
  4. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    right now it says: "And the Spirit moved upon the field..."

    This is on the page where it lists all the forums.

    We just need some ideas, like:

    "2003: The playoffs or die"

    That's not a very good example :rolleyes: but you know what I mean...
  5. Soccersuzie

    Soccersuzie New Member

    Jun 17, 2001
    Orange County

    but no "we have yada yada and you dont"
  6. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Alright. Ideas?

    Off the top of my head:

    "The Spirit. Fear it."

    (crowd reaction: "boo", "get off the stage", lots of things being thrown, blood coming off my forehead...)
  7. phats_away

    phats_away Member

    Jul 28, 2001
    Atlanta, Ga
    "at least we don't have crow"

    i mean, you gotta start somewhere right?
  8. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Ha! That made me laugh. :)

    How about?

    "We've eaten our Crow. Now we're ready to (bumble, something or another)..."


    "We've eaten our Crow. Now it's time for vengeance."

    You get the drift. Something along those lines.
  9. Binchy

    Binchy Member

    Sep 7, 2001
    Choctaw territory

    What's wrong with it?
  10. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Ideas, people, ideas!!
  11. empennage

    empennage Member

    Jan 4, 2001
    Phoenix, AZ
    Why do we follow this lousy team.....because they're there
  12. ranjeboom

    ranjeboom New Member

    Jun 30, 2001
    To my view, there are only two ways one can go with the slogan; the braggart or the
    self-deprecation route.

    The braggart would be the expected "Mac rules, Jules scores", "A Scotswoman for the Hotwomen". While the other has things like, "SD Spirit - better marketing than is worthy", "3 founders and narry a cup", "SD Spirit - our PR can beat your PR", "best looking classy players who don't stoop to thuggery". And stuff like that there.

    I'm partial to the funnier stuff myself.
  13. ranjeboom

    ranjeboom New Member

    Jun 30, 2001
    So no one, I guess, cared for my other suggestions, so there is also the Latin stuff like Spiritus Sanctus and that. Here are some suggestions from the book Amo, Amas, Amat and More.

    1] quos deus vult perdere prius dementat "whom god wishes to destroy, he first makes mad".
    2] novus ordo seclorum "a new order of the ages (is created)".
    3] nil nisi bonum "nothing unless good"
    4] nec pluribus impar "a match for anyone"
    5] mutatis mutandis "after making the necessary changes" or "when what must be changed has been changed'

    and my personal favorite
    3] non nova sed nove, "not new things but in a new way"

    And there are many many more if you like them.
  14. bison

    bison New Member

    Nov 29, 2000
    New England
    Since we are using latin..

    Vescere bracis meis. "Eat my shorts."

    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam. "I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head."

    Re vera, potas bene. "Say, you sure are drinking a lot."

    Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules. "If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults."
  15. ranjeboom

    ranjeboom New Member

    Jun 30, 2001
    Re: Since we are using latin..

    bison you have hit upon the essence of the beauty of Latin. That even if one is talking about catapults and drinking, it sounds, ummm, fortuitous.
  16. sdn8ve

    sdn8ve New Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    San Diego
    tag line

    My fav is the one...

    "Our PR can beat your PR"!!!!

    That is great! As much as I love the Spirit, it's sad our record... let's go woth a fun one!
  17. Tsunami

    Tsunami Member

    Oct 16, 2000
    SD, CA
    Arsenal LFC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I've never been a Latin student, so I'm sure that the syntax and probably some of the words are incorrect:

    "Un iurus optimus, extra in acies."

    what it's supposed to say is: "A model franchise, except on the (battle) field."

    or maybe it should be "Un iurus optimus, extra in electus de imperatores noster."
  18. ranjeboom

    ranjeboom New Member

    Jun 30, 2001
    I should like to cast a vote for Tsunami's Latin quote, "Un iurus optimus, extra in acies", if for no other reason than that the Spirit desperately need some other tag line.

    When I first saw the line last year about how the "spirit moved upon the field" I thought of - (please forgive me and my foul train of thought, for my comment will undoubtedly be fodder for rivals)
    - a bowel movement. Please change the subtitle ... to anything.

    I realize I'm not a rah-rah clique poster, and as such, the Spectre people are probably reluctant to use my suggestions. Nonetheless, I like that one about the battlefield and the franchise

    The other, about selecting the coach, <i>"Un iurus optimus, extra in electus de imperatores noster"</i>, I like, but think it is kind of long and would not hold attention because the Latin is too troublesome.

    Of course, I also like the "our PR can beat your PR".

    a concerned fan
  19. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Alright, the time has come for some decisions. I don't want to have a poll 'cause then people from other forums will vote in it and we don't want that, so I'm hoping people will just basically list their top 2 or 3 preferences, and I'll tally them in a week to ten days for a winner. I'll start. (by the way, thanx for all the Latin, which I don't know any of, and is impossible to remember.) (it's all good though.)

    My vote:

    1. 2003: the Playoffs or Die
    2. Our PR is better than your PR
    3. One of the latin ones, all of which I kinda liked.

    But I'm easy and want to go with the masses. So get your votes in!! :)
  20. snowsuit

    snowsuit New Member

    Oct 1, 2000
    san diego
    1. our pr is better than your pr
    2. whatever else, i just like that first one.
  21. empennage

    empennage Member

    Jan 4, 2001
    Phoenix, AZ
    Our PR is better than your PR

    It's about the only thing positive for the team, so it's fitting.
  22. FearM9

    FearM9 New Member

    Jul 14, 2000
    On my bike
    I like the PR one for you guys. The Spirt has been the best team in the past two seasons in this area.

    The last paragraph in Heifetz's bio in the 2002 media guide was hilarious!

  23. Soccersuzie

    Soccersuzie New Member

    Jun 17, 2001
    Orange County
    our pr is better then your pr


    something with the lack of a coach :rolleyes:
  24. ranjeboom

    ranjeboom New Member

    Jun 30, 2001
    So is it to be the line about the bowel movement, or "our PR can whup your PR"?

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