l got a question that l wanna ask u guys Have u ever heard of the player "Harry German Castillo Vallejo" ? l heard he got the 99'MVp in the peru league and he was a member of the U-23 colombia national team now he plays in k-league (lm korean) l've been thrilled with his fantastic movements , great passing skills .....although he's 169cm he's the reason that l watch our domestic league lm a big fan of him but why didnt the coach pick him as a world cup member ? l dont know why he was not included in the reserves the way he plays is aaaaawwwwwsome !! watch him (p.s : is there anyone who can tell me about his conspicuous figures in the peru league?)
harry castillo yeah i remember him he played for union minas (now in second division) heres the goal scoring stats from the 1999 apertura 17 ISRAEL ZUÑIGA 14 HARRY CASTILLO 9 GUSTAVO VASALLO MAURO CANTORO TRESSOR MORENO WALDIR SAENZ JORGE LAZO 8 ABEL LOBATON EDUARDO ESIDIO 7 CLAUDIO PIZARRO im pretty sure that he wasnt voted mvp i think he was voted or was at least top 3 in best foreign player
eso dice muy poco! donde nacio cuantos años tiene de que clubes viene y cuanto pe$$$a? solo nos dice que tenia mas goles que Tressor Moreno y claudio Pizarro. Harry, Debe ser como del nivel de colombianos que trabajan la liga salvadorena hoy en dia (renteria y otros mompirris)
CASTILLO VALLEJO HARRY GERMAN TUMACO (COL.), 14.5.74 DELANTERO http://www.geocities.com/planetagol/jugadores-c.htm
muchas gracias......yo tampoco pude encontrar nada de Harry c. pero encontre un tecnico triunfador en peru: el colombiano 'chepe' del atletico, le acaban de ganar 2-1 a los cremas del Universitario. Osea condor11, que si es posible que un colombiano pueda ganar con peruanos (nivel clubes o seleccion) lleva 7 partidos sin ver la derrota....decia el articulo que encontre.
ganarle a universiatrio sin el cholito sotil no es muy dificil hasta que alinza le gane a cristal no importa mucho cuantos partidos lleva invicto
well bro colombia didn't make it to the world cup, so the coach couldn't pick any players period...colombia hast to many players abroad and playing in way better leagues then the korean league to call him up.the colombia league is better the the korean league, $hit probaly any league in south america is better then the korean league.
no reason to like be mean about it .... yea Colombian coachs usually just get mexican, arg, brasilian and european based players... only way that they would pick any players in the korean league would be if htey score like 40 times and are defenders haha.
Ese no es el Harry Castillo que jugo en Millonarios el año pasado? Es un tipo fuerte y rapido, de buena gambeta, pero no es preciso en los centros y no creo que sea buen definidor... Creo que venia del Quindio y no es ningun jovenzuelo, queriendo decir que posiblemente no mejora mucho de lo que es hoy en dia...
Harry Castillo, nicknamed "La Churta" played in millonarios for about 5 years, later he moved to Peru and in 2005 went back again to Millos. he´s singer too, and he likes rap so much, and just a little reggae music. http://churta.tripod.com/ Harry Castillo, playing in Unión Minas, finished 1999 peruvian season as the second top scorer, 24 goals, (the first was Ysrael Zúñiga, who had 32 goals) Waldir Sáenz (Alianza Lima)-22, Roberto Holsen (Alianza Atlético, Sporting Cristal); Claudio Pizarro (Alianza Lima)- 19. He was born in 1974, then he´s 32 years old. he´s from Tumaco, Nariño.