I was just wondering if anyone knew if the skills competiton will be on tv. I remeber it being on last year really late at nite. Any info would be great.
It looks like X games and cheerleading for ESPN2 in the 1:30 am slots. I didn't know that those time slots were so competitive. How many guys are getting up at 2:30 am to watch these 16 year olds anyway? Too bad, I guess we'll just get crappy halftime highlights. I used to enjoy watching the skills competition more than the actual All-Star game. Good thing that I've learned to live with MLS and their disappointments.
Last time I looked there was a skills comp. Unless Human Foosball, Powershow and stuff like that don't consitute as a skills competetion thing.
Re: Re: All Star Skills competition on TV?????? I don't think there are any contests for the players to participate in. They will be there to sign autographs and hold clinics, but not to show off their skills. Too bad, I enjoy watching the skills competition every year. The youth stuff is a great idea, but they could spend 2 hours in the evening having the pros compete too.