ACC Tourney- UVA vs. Duke [R]

Discussion in 'College & Amateur Soccer' started by cherno, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. cherno

    cherno New Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    Charlottesville, VA
    Anyone have updates on this game (or any other ACC tournament games)? I know the game has just gotten started, but I figure once anyone who has any info sees this the game will probably be over. Thanks in advance.

  2. MBurns

    MBurns New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    you can follow gametracker on, i noticed that wake beat vt 1-0, 7 minutes into the first overtime period. duke and uva are currently tied 0-0 after 21 min. GO DEVILS!!

  3. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
  4. terp fan

    terp fan New Member

    Nov 21, 2000
    Typical Wake, they were lucky to win. They struggle in tournament play every year so if you want to see them play don't want until Sunday because they will be back in W-S. Lucky they had the top attacker, top defender and top coach in the ACC this year to squeak by that powerful Tech team in OT.

    And Sandon, why aren't you down there giving us reports?
  5. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Real world interfered this year. It's harder to justify the trip when the tourney starts on a Wednesday and then has an off day. Before, you could work a half day Thursday (if you left early enough) and still catch three games Thursday and two Friday.

    Now, there's one more game, so they start earlier, thus you can't work a half day and still make it in time for the first one. Then, they have the off day so you either have to drive back or stay down there when there are no games Thursday.

    I understand why they did it. It's better for the kids and the conference as a whole, but harder to justify the trip from a fan's persepctive.

    BTW, Duke-UVa scoreless at the half.
  6. collegesoccerfan#1

    collegesoccerfan#1 New Member

    Apr 21, 2002
    North Carolina
    UVa 1:0 Duke at 63:20

    GOAL - GOAL by VIRGINIA Mike Littlefield (FIRST GOAL), Assist by David Rosenbaum and Ian Holder, goal number 2 for season.

    - *2-on-1 cross in the box

  7. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    66th minute, 1-0 UVa. Goal by Mike Littlefield in the 64th, assisted by Rosenbaum and Holder.
  8. collegesoccerfan#1

    collegesoccerfan#1 New Member

    Apr 21, 2002
    North Carolina
    GOAL - GOAL by VIRGINIA Jeremy Barlow, Assist by David Rosenbaum, goal number 5 for season.

    - *low cross into box, one-timer
  9. terp fan

    terp fan New Member

    Nov 21, 2000
    Understood, I'm going down for the Friday games assuming UMD can get by Clemson tonight.
  10. collegesoccerfan#1

    collegesoccerfan#1 New Member

    Apr 21, 2002
    North Carolina
    GOAL - Header GOAL by DUKE Blake Camp, Assist by Kyle Helton, goal number 7 for season.

    - *header off a free kick

    They're coming fast and furious!
  11. rtiemens

    rtiemens Member

    Aug 16, 1999
    Come on, VIRGINIA!!!!!
  12. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    I'd never even heard of David Rosenbaum before today and suddenly he's turning into David Beckham!

    Only had two assists all season and he gets that many in four minutes!
  13. collegesoccerfan#1

    collegesoccerfan#1 New Member

    Apr 21, 2002
    North Carolina
    GOAL - Header GOAL by VIRGINIA Ian Holder, Assist by Jeremy Barlow, goal number 4 for season.

    - *no info on this one
  14. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    3-1, UVa, goal in the 78th by Holder, assisted by Barlow.
  15. rtiemens

    rtiemens Member

    Aug 16, 1999
  16. collegesoccerfan#1

    collegesoccerfan#1 New Member

    Apr 21, 2002
    North Carolina
    UVa 3:1 Duke

    Duke 16:13 UVa

    Duke 7:4 UVa

    Duke 21:23 UVa

    Duke 5:5 UVa

    Duke 2:3 UVa

    Yellow Cards
    Duke 3:1 UVa
  17. FootyMundo

    FootyMundo New Member

    Mar 1, 2001
    They outshot Va. Tech something like 16-4 for the game. That isn't "lucky".
  18. Courtney

    Courtney Member

    May 14, 2000
    Excellent :)

    I really liked what I saw of Jeremy Barlow the other night against Maryland.
  19. Th4119

    Th4119 Member+

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    He had a really solid game that night. Ball control is just amazing.

    Those RFC are something, look for a lot more to come up like he has in the next few years.
  20. big bonnie

    big bonnie New Member

    Jul 13, 2002
    I can't possibly see UVA beating Wake friday, after the way they played wednesday. Neither team(Duke, UVA) looked really good, and it was one of the most sloppiest games I've seen. Wake's defense is too tight and organized to let UVA beat them from the wings the way Duke let them. I don't see a problem with Wake breaking down their defense as well.
  21. FritoBandito

    FritoBandito New Member

    Sep 2, 2003
    gelnovatch ball has to be some of the ugliest form of abhorent soccer that you can ever watch. it consists of kicking the ball from the back over the holding midfielders heads, and hoping that a leaping forward can somehow make head contact and start something. it's really disgusting, but I must also admit, UVA has had some success with it this year. as george was quoted earlier this year (paraphrased) regarding their lack of style ' don't win games by making pretty passes in the midfield....'. the big question for wake this time is if they can finally shake the curse that UVA has on them. last year it was wake's own goal that was the difference.
  22. FootyMundo

    FootyMundo New Member

    Mar 1, 2001
    In their game this year Wake dictated the pace of play. They even scored first. That should have been the end of it for UVa. because chasing after Wake when they get the lead is not easy. Instead UVa. got two soft goals against a team that went completely flat in half two. After that game Wake switched up their D and went on a big winning streak. Sooner or later UVa's mastery of Wake has to end. I think that tonight may be the night.

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