A suggestion for the Korea vs Japan game!

Discussion in 'Asian Cup 2007' started by watanabe2k, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    So me and the great Vasco were talking about the Korea - Japan match.

    Korea - good defense, can't score.
    Japan - so-so defense, so-so offense.

    Really a battle of the SUCK!

    So we decided we should just have a Spartan style, 300 throwdown. The rules are simple, no ball, just all our players beating each other up.

    I think this means that Okubo might get called back up to the national team, so he can show the skills that helped get him many red cards. Also we can bring Toda and have him try to headbutt Lee Eul-Yong. He is probably the most dangerous Korean player in a fight.

    So me and Vasco think this is a great idea? What about the rest of you?
  2. valkyrie04

    valkyrie04 Red Card

    Jul 23, 2007
    Enjoy Japan
    you guys had better just cut to the chase and go into a shoot out... and get it over with...

    you two ain't gonna score any field goals... that's for sure...
  3. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    You can bring all your japaneis island monkey fighters but they'll all get bi+slapped by the great EULYONGTA

  4. valkyrie04

    valkyrie04 Red Card

    Jul 23, 2007
    Enjoy Japan
    nah... EULYONGTA only works with CHANKKEs...
  5. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    How about a shoot-out, first to 300 wins.

    A TRUE 300 BATTLE!
  6. valkyrie04

    valkyrie04 Red Card

    Jul 23, 2007
    Enjoy Japan
    It will be over after 151st goal... 151-0 for the Great Korea!!!
    You know LWJ is the best goalie in Asia... Hee Hee
  7. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    No, you have to score 300 to win it, no matter how many turns it takes. You are allowed 3 subs! :D
  8. valkyrie04

    valkyrie04 Red Card

    Jul 23, 2007
    Enjoy Japan
    Hey better yet, why don't we use 2 balls at the same time..
    Each team's not allowed to cross the other half except the goalie...

    So we don't have to worry about any defence...

    It will be a great confidence builder for both teams...
  9. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    Just as long as we don't have Yanagisawa playing for Japan. He has the magical ability to shoot the ball backwards with his magical hurricane shot.
  10. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    and the shinkansen great derailment shot lololololol
  11. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    I think Yanagisawa thinks if he keeps on fanning he might give the other team a cold.

    Instead he makes all of Japan fall over laughing. And Troussier wishing he had a license to kill back in 2000.
  12. yimmy

    yimmy Moderator

    Aug 23, 2004
    I bet the producers of that Japanese movie Battle Royale (the one about the high school students that are sent to an island to kill each other as a contest) could purchase the film rights to this one :D
  13. rougou

    rougou Member+

    Dec 7, 2003
    AS Roma
    I suggest that these teams borrow FWs from some of the other teams that were eliminated already.
  14. Maan86

    Maan86 New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
    Anatatachi wa baka desu...
  15. 12th Warrior

    12th Warrior Member+

    May 27, 2006
    LOL, this is a hilarious thread. I give it a perfect 10.

    I think to make it a little more interesting, we should have our respective coaches playing--maybe goalies?
  16. WuTang2002

    WuTang2002 Member

    Mar 13, 2002
    Bundang, Korea
    Yon-sama can be the referee. Korean and Japanese middle aged women will fill up the 100,000 stadium and whoa! what a great atmosphere it will be.
    And Rain to give a half-time show. Good number of local ladies will turn up too only to get disappointed because I know Rain's gonna cancel the show!
  17. hallelujah_united

    Oct 21, 2006
    Urawa RD
    Official song for the match will be sung by Arashi, having being invited by the Korean authorities again in the name of friendship. And thousands of swooning Korean girls.
  18. WuTang2002

    WuTang2002 Member

    Mar 13, 2002
    Bundang, Korea
    who's Arashi?
  19. The One & Only

    Tottenham Hotspur
    South Korea
    Oct 8, 2006
    산 속에
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    Forget Bi!

    Get all the K-pop and J-pop and let's have a battle of the bands/singers!

    They should sing as we play spartan football!

    Are shields allow?
  20. bobjones2

    bobjones2 Member

    Jun 5, 2006
    "I suggest that these teams borrow FWs from some of the other teams that were eliminated already."

    I call dibbs for the Uzbeki captain. actually, I call dibbs for Uzbeki squad.

    I guess Japan will have to take Viduka..
  21. aLi.W

    aLi.W Red Card

    Jul 23, 2007
    Oooo this is great...we should take the iraqi team from 2002,KILLERS, folk u watch the match iraq vs china? it was WAR
  22. hallelujah_united

    Oct 21, 2006
    Urawa RD
    We almost had a fight there with Nakamura and LCS, but things sizzled.

    The ref sure was trying hard to start one though.
  23. Fuzzums

    Fuzzums New Member

    May 11, 2006
    North Carolina
    I think it was mostly Nakamura and Kim Jin Kyu. Trust me, you do not want to get in a fight with KJK, he has a mean streak.
  24. sahbekham_pactwinner

    Jun 12, 2005
    Score goalzz????????????????????
  25. KovenDreamer

    KovenDreamer Member+

    Apr 17, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    LWJ is the king of Spartan battles. THIS IS KOREAAAA!!!

    And if this was a battle of drama stars, Bae Yong-Joon would pwn all the Japanese pretty boys, lol.

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