A New Rule!!

Discussion in 'The Beautiful Game' started by InterSoccr6, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. InterSoccr6

    InterSoccr6 New Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    How is this for an idea, I think there should be a new rule. Soccer Coaches have 1 use of a play challenge like american football. Once the ball is out of play, a coach can challenge a call, whether it be offsides or a foul in the box that never occurred. A panel of referees watch the play on a screen, in various speeds. If a play is overturned, the challenging team either gets the goal if one was scored, or the ball is spotted where the mistake was made. This would solve a world of problems.
  2. Wolves_67

    Wolves_67 Member

    Oct 27, 2002
    Pasadena, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Are you suggesting this for a FIFA worldwide rule?
    A large number of FIFA member league games don't even have cameras or in some cases even scoreboards. Lot's don't have multiple cameras or replay abilitiy. It's a big world. Are you suggesting this for FIFA international matches?
  3. InterSoccr6

    InterSoccr6 New Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    sure why not?
  4. Wolves_67

    Wolves_67 Member

    Oct 27, 2002
    Pasadena, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sure why not all FIFA sanctioned play?
    Or sure why not all FIFA international matches?
    If you mean all sanctioned play who's gonna pay for all the equipment for all the 3rd world and even some other matches.
    I guess you're saying there would be exemptions to those who can't afford to have the equipment at all their matches as that's the only way it would work.
    The FIFA world is not like the NFL, of course.
  5. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    You got the benefit of the doubt with your last thread....but jesus. Why do people who don't understand the game want to make it just like a game they do understand (Somewhat)

    Let's put this with the-

    * Make the goals bigger for more scoring
    * Have a blue line like in hockey for offside
    * During extra time take a player off each side every 3 minutes???
    * Bigger balls
    * Smaller balls
    * More referees on the pitch, at least 2 each end
    * 2 points for a goal
  6. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    Re: Re: A New Rule!!

    Thats bad? ;)
  7. InterSoccr6

    InterSoccr6 New Member

    Nov 12, 2001
    ok, thats taking it a bit far. It was just an idea, i figured it would solve alot of problems being that the majority of ref calls are bogus. If there were cams at all angles with slow motion capture, it would eliminate bogus calls and make the game more fair, it would clean the game up alot.
  8. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Re: Re: Re: A New Rule!!

    Not unless they look like giant prunes..!
  9. Ferris

    Ferris New Member

    Mar 31, 2003
    The only problem with your idea is that it would completely ruin the game. The reason that it works (somewhat) in the NFl is that american football starts and stops all the time (commercials breaks, first downs, etc) and the rythm of the game is not excessively disrupted by the review call (some would disagree with that). With football though, it would be completely disrupted and make the game very, very ugly. The fans would be worse if a play was overturned than if it was simply a bad call, and in the long run bad calls happen to everybody, so it evens out. It would not clean up the game, and would lead to a slippery slope of taking power away from the referee (even know it can be tenuous at best). Your idea simply should not happen. Thanks for trying though, it was fun.
  10. JCUnited

    JCUnited Member

    Oct 7, 2002
    South Bend, IN
    Manchester United FC
    Here's the biggest problem with your rule change: you want to put it into effect for the wrong reason completely. I disagree that the majority of refs calls are bad. I totally disagree on that. It sounds like you have been the victim of some ref calls that have not gone your way, and now you want to completely change the game to help yourself in the future.

    Instant replay will not work in soccer. As mentioned, the game has a near constant flow. To stop it to review a perceived bad call only hurts the game. To have cameras at all angles on all fields worldwide is not feasible, nor will it be for a very long time.

    I'm sure there are some rule changes that could better the beautiful game in some way. I must be honest in saying I have yet to see a single one posted here or anywhere.
  11. Green Tabasco

    Green Tabasco New Member

    May 3, 2003
    Ferris allow me to clarify what your trying to say.

    This will be short and sweet.

    HUMAN ERROR. That´s part of the beauty of the game

    I mean how fun would it be to bitch and whine about our favorite team´s loss, if we had replay?

    Think about it...
  12. Wolves_67

    Wolves_67 Member

    Oct 27, 2002
    Pasadena, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Re: A New Rule!!

    Please refrain from personal attacks..:(
  13. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Sorry Cobi. ;)
  14. Maczebus

    Maczebus Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    No it wouldn't. People would always find something to complain about.
    An idea like yours just slows the game down and adds something that doesn't need adding.
    What'd be radical is if people just stop whinging all the time and get on with the game. Sure refs make mistakes occasionally, get on with it.
    The best way to give the refs a break is to stop trying to cheat them intentionally. A few years ago refs didn't have 40% of what they've got to deal with now.
    It's people that need to change, not the rules.
  15. Ferris

    Ferris New Member

    Mar 31, 2003
    Re: Re: A New Rule!!

    I agree, just saw the Netherlands-Brasil 1974 WC game...both countries nowadays hold more than their quota of divers and cheats, but in that game there was a suprising lack of it...if anything they tried to play through the tackles and seemed annoyed when the referee became involved. I think the refs are trying to protect the players too much, and the players take advantage of this. Great game overall, and although the teams are completely different now, I would love to see a WC game between the two sides.
  16. RoverMax

    RoverMax Member

    May 4, 2003
    Blackburn Rovers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This isn't the NFL. This idea is incredibly stupid.
  17. Doctor Stamen

    Doctor Stamen New Member

    Nov 14, 2001
    In a bag with a cat.
    I agree with the consensus here. This is not a tedious start, stop sport like the NFL, and it would ruin a game. Arsenal games would last 3 months with the amount of moaning Wenger does.

    All women's matches should be played naked. That's a rule worth implimenting.
  18. Mobile

    Mobile New Member

    Jul 29, 2002
    Oh, fuck off.
  19. Ferris

    Ferris New Member

    Mar 31, 2003
    But only from select teams....Canada, Germany should put some more clothes on.....Norway, Sweden and the US are good (although they have their share of shemales)

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