I made an argument yesterday that I felt Muslim leaders were not taking a strong enough stand in condemning the radicals within their ranks... I am glad to report that my assertion is not substantiated by the facts in Europe, and based on this article, it would appear that my assertion is inaccurrate. I therefore post this to clear the record... http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20050708-124913-6475r.htm Muslim leaders in Britain yesterday were swift to condemn a series of deadly bomb blasts in London and they appealed to Britons not to single out their community for reprisals. The leaders also made an unprecedented appeal to the estimated 1.7 million Muslims living in Britain to tip off the police about who had carried out the bombings. That same appeal was made by the leadership of Europe's largest mosque and cultural center. "We call on the Muslim community to be fully cooperative in this situation, so we may all live in peace and harmony and continue to make London the vibrant, tolerant and peaceful city it is," concluded a statement from the London Central Mosque, whose golden dome rises above one of London's major landmarks, Regent's Park. However, I still am concerned that how European Muslim leaders react is not a view popularaly held in the heart of the Middle East. As to that matter, the jury is still deliberating whether the Arab Street is being sent a mixed message by its religious leaders when it comes to terrorism...
No need to eat crow. It was a legitimate question, and one that I think a lot of us were probably asking. I was curious as to whether or not the government in Iraq came out with any condemnation statements. It's tempting to say to the Muslim community "if you really sincere then help us nab the a-holes" but then you realize that they may have no more info about the bad guys than I as a Christian have about people who attack abortion clinics. Still, there is some history of more moderate Islam saying one thing in English, and something very different at Friday services. It would have been interesting being an arabic speaking bug on the wall of the mosques in London today.
You just broke the cardinal rule of arguing over the internet: NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER admit to being wrong, even in the slightest.
Sorry - I've been away from BS It really shows what a stupid move this was for their cause IMO Since my post they've discovered the identities of the bombers obviously. What is shows is that a bunch of out of town kids who actually no jack ******** about London and one of them goes to the muslimist spot and wastes a whole lot of people. not exactly fecking smart. If they were half way thinking they would have gone for "whiter" spots than kings cross and edgeware rd.
Would this, however, tie in with the idea posited in another thread that this stems from confusion and self-loathing and may be an attempt to punish others like them? Of course, knowing nothing about London sounds good too.