9/11/02 Matchday V: Blackburn v. Chelsea [R]

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Clan, Sep 8, 2002.

  1. BridgeMonkee

    BridgeMonkee BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2002
    Chelsea FC
    Of course

    As I said all along, keep the <ahem> the little italian Zola <ahem, cough, cough> on the pitch :)

    Zola gets an header, always nice to see

    Still would like to get Zenden ON for Stanic.
  2. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002

    Will tire first and eff up enough to give away the game?

    Our wide men at the back or their wingers.
    Morris could even become a factor later in the game if they tire.
  3. BridgeCowboy

    BridgeCowboy New Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    No, I'm here in Austin. Bless my T3 line here at work....
  4. BridgeMonkee

    BridgeMonkee BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2002
    Chelsea FC

    Offside my arse!

    Get Bolo Zenden on for Stanich and get Morris man-to-man on that David Dunne to keep them in check
  5. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    Hope gudjohnsen

    Makes it on to the pitch soon.
    My fantasy team points are suffering.Need to get at least one point for him.
  6. BridgeMonkee

    BridgeMonkee BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2002
    Chelsea FC
    Come On Fulham

    Stanic OFF
    Zenden ON

    20 mins to do the job

    Here we go! Earwig-O! Earwig-O!
  7. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    more good news

    Fulham have pulled two back - Foolham 2 - Spuds 2

    Chelsea sub:

    Stanic off
    Zenden on

    20 minutes to go, how long until the Iceman cometh?
  8. BridgeCowboy

    BridgeCowboy New Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    15 to go....

    We're going for it!!!!

    Guddy on....Gronks off
  9. BridgeMonkee

    BridgeMonkee BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2002
    Chelsea FC
    Come on Bolton

    Eidur on for Gronks?
    Weird, Gotta "rest" the lad for the geordies I guess and GO for the win tonight
  10. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    Gronks off, Guddy on

    come on Blues.
  11. BridgeCowboy

    BridgeCowboy New Member

    Apr 22, 2002



    The ageless one does it again!

    Chelsea 3-2 Burn
  12. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002

  13. sanariot

    sanariot Member

    Nov 19, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Zola again!!!
  14. BridgeCowboy

    BridgeCowboy New Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    Good news...

    Fulham 3-2 Spuds
  15. BridgeMonkee

    BridgeMonkee BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2002
    Chelsea FC

    ZOLA ! ! !

    Fulham 3 Spurs 2

    Could be a wonderful day to be a Chelsea fan
  16. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    If we could tighten our defence

    we'd be world beaters. We have to try playing with Zola, Guddy and Jimmy at the same time.
  17. fernb8

    fernb8 Member+

    Aug 12, 2002
    I cant take it anymore

    been reading this thread since it started but I was afriad to jump in and jinx the lads

    mst used to be notorious for that, the bugger

    yes, Franco
    who wanted to take him off?
  18. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    Let's get one more

    don't go defensive, let's rely on Dessa, gallas and Carlo to keep it tight.
  19. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    I have given us the old reverse jinx Fern

    every time I called out a Chelsea player they have produced. I am a good luck charm tonight (in a negative way if you know what I mean).
  20. fernb8

    fernb8 Member+

    Aug 12, 2002

    Still missing 2 regulars
    Terry and LeSox

    perhaps Ranieri will play a 3-5-2 when Terry returns
    Gallas Dessa and Terry in the back
    Gronks and LeSox on the flanks
    DeLucas Lampard and possibly Melchy in the middle
    with JFH and Guddy up front


    ps; I really dont like the 352
  21. BridgeCowboy

    BridgeCowboy New Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    One last Change

    De Lucas on

    Morris off
  22. mst77

    mst77 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    How can there be 3 min stoppage

    if there were no injuries and only 2 bookings? Coem on ref!
  23. BridgeCowboy

    BridgeCowboy New Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    Full Time

    Bolton 1-0 ManUre

  24. BridgeMonkee

    BridgeMonkee BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2002
    Chelsea FC
    Conga-Rats to Bolton and Fulham

    LOL. nuff said.
  25. fernb8

    fernb8 Member+

    Aug 12, 2002

    won 3-2

    Bolton is winning 1-0

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