Efforts of Moleka appreciated by fans-Atlanta J-C Hirschfeld signing rushed by injury to Sully-Toronto Globe and Mail Rhinos, Wizards want to keep it 'friendly'- Rochester D&C editorial note: I don't mind.. I am more than happy to watch A-League clubs beat up on MLS clubs.. espescially the Wiz Portland puts Minnesota's opportunity to lead the Division on hold-Star-Tribune Montreal gets the bonus point, moves into a tie with Rochester-Canada.com Tennyson’s Goal Stuns Thunder In Overtime-Thunder Web Release Battery battles to scoreless tie-Charleston Post & Courier
Today's MLS news USL fans will like to hear that there is a story on the the d3 championships in the mls news today thanks for the a-league news -jim
Here's one more on the Thunder/Portland match, from the Saint Paul Pioneer Press: Thunder miss golden chance The Thunder do actually get decent, but not great, coverage from both local papers, at least for home games. And thanks for putting together the list, Mimir.
no problem.. I will do it again tomorrow around 3et.. if anyone beats me to it, so be it.. I missed that one because i was confused about the date.. It was a long day.. Hopefully Minnesota will miss another one on Friday