2024 Sporting KC Preseason

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by Buzz Killington, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    "For the first third of the season, that’s all I ever talked about was the injuries,” Vermes said. “And I’m the one who believed that once all of our players came back, we have a really good roster. “I’m not gonna shy away from this,” he added. “I was right.”

    What an ass.
  2. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    It was brave of Vermes to brag about himself.
    Brave, brave, Sir Vermes.
    It was also brave of him to ignore the well established fact that older teams have more injury problems than younger teams.
    The upside of being so brave is that our young players who didn't play last year will not be any more ready to play this year.
    It's very brave to go into the season with the same folks who were old and injured last season. So, what's the over/under bet on Melia, JFR, Radoja, Leibold, Pulido each missing +10 games this season?
    We are spending $1.2m on two wing depth pieces. What's the over/under on the production from those two spots? Is a combined 2g/2a high? it's brave in MLS v.whatever it is by now, to plow forward with a DoF who clearly doesn't understand how to build a roster for 2024.
    BTW, this was my point earlier, the amount of institutional arrogance shown by SKC during this offseason is really worrying. They've reached a point of reasoning in which we need them more than they need fans
  3. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We may be at a tipping point. SKC needing to flash sale ticket prices for the home opener is a really bad sign.
    dgb09 and mschofield repped this.
  4. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    I totally agree on the tipping point point. Now, if this team comes out and plays absolutely to potential, stays healthy, challenges for every bit of silverware and wins an supporters shield or MLS Cup, then, yeah, tipped back. But the level of disdain we're getting from the front office is that usually reserved for dynasty type sides. And usually only towards the end...
  5. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    My bet on the season. Team starts season healthy, fresh, and with only MLS regular season to focus on, they come out hot, play well for a while. Peter is insufferable. Then summer rolls around. Lack of rotation, callups, injuries, and multiple competitions catch up to a team that is maybe 15 players deep. Team tanks. DP is signed. Peter reverts to what he does best...making excuses. Team barely makes playoffs, because its MLS and who doesn't. End of year press conference Peter says they would have won MLS Cup if the DP were signed during the winter window and something about injuries. Owners call the season a success and raise ticket prices.
    mschofield repped this.
  6. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
    Lee's Summit
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Then there's his speech at the beginning of this video.

  7. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Actually, that video (and Melia's) pissed me off on several points.
    1. Okay, so several young players are stepping up, have raised the level of their game to the point of challenging for spots right now? that is fantastic. Who? Jake Davis and... Afrifa? Or who? What does young mean? For most clubs on earth, young means under 20 if you're bragging about young players stepping up. I suspect with SKC, it means under 25? In any case, this is the sort of tidbit that fans wanted to see develop. This bullsh@t of keeping it a secret to spring on people, or whatever, is annoying and idiotic.
    2. This is the best preseason we've had in long time? Again, would have liked to see that developing, to know what that means. In particular, Radoja is being described as a beast. He was a good player when healthy last season. How is he now a beast? Show us, or at least tell us.
    3. SKC culture. How is that different from every single professional football club that's at least serious about professionalism?
    I guess my problem is that I listen to Melia and Vermes, and in my head I'm hearing Timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy Mel-ia and I'm getting excited, but I have no idea why, specifically, I should be hoping.
    SKC made a mess of this preseason. But I am hoping for the best now, despite having zero evidence for why that is.
  8. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Okay, rant continues: Vermes clearly believes that "It's us against the world" is the way to run the club, but he lumps fans of SKC into "the world" category. We are not the world, we should be considered a major part of us.
  9. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
    Lee's Summit
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We (the fans) called him out last year for a situation that would have gotten 90% (?) of managers around the world fired. So we're part of the problem too. And he got to "shove it in our faces" when the team turned things around.

    We also know PV's ego and also how he likes to hold grudges.
  10. lukeD

    lukeD Member+

    Jul 7, 2011
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Honestly, like who was that video made for? Feels like Peter made it for himself and he watches every night before going to bed.

    I don't need much of a push from SKC to go spend my time and money elsewhere, if that is what they want from fans that have been around since the Arrowhead days.
  11. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
    Lee's Summit
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Normally I love the Behind the Shield stuff, but that one was just not good, I assume the speech at the beginning was supposed to be a "hype" thing for fans, but it didn't get me any more excited, honestly I didn't finish it.
  12. Inca Roads

    Inca Roads Member+

    Nov 22, 2012
    Sporting Kansas City
    Honestly, blaming our huge slump at the beginning of last year on injuries is very lazy and weak. I'm annoyed that's the only way people tend to remember that time, or at least that's the narrative Vermes wants to stick.

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