2024 Season Member Thread

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by GoCrew1996, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Figured I'd kick this off. If you aren't a season ticket member and want to become one (sold out) you can join the $200 waitlist. Here are the perks:


    The $200 does NOT apply to future tickets.
  2. 110toyourleft

    110toyourleft Member+

    Jan 27, 2007
    Columbus Crew
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    Looked at old emails and in 2010 you could buy a Norde…ahem… Crew Union season ticket for $280. Amazing how things have changed.
    Robbo Crewfan and Ch(Elsey) repped this.
  3. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
    Columbus, OH, USA
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    As someone who was only able to get a partial-season package for next year, the latest email from my rep says they anticipate the league will announce the 2024 schedule on December 20, at which point I'll get an email with two schedules to choose from. I'll get another email on Jan. 2 setting a time on Jan. 3 when I'll speak with my rep about seat and schedule selection.

    Off season sure is a helluva lot shorter when you win MLS Cup, isn't it?
    Tobias C, Pauncho, crew2112 and 6 others repped this.
  4. Paul171121

    Paul171121 Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    Dec 14, 2018
    Season pass included is a smart perk guessing that's where 100/200 is going.
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  5. catfish9

    catfish9 Member+

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I actually think that is a solid little incentive package. Love they through in Crew 2 tix to FCKY2
    soccerncbus and GoCrew1996 repped this.
  6. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

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    I love that you started this thread. Always great to see your BS icon.
    crew2112 and GoCrew1996 repped this.
  7. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Here's where I want to know more.

    The requirement for season tickets in 1995/1996 was 10,000 sold. Kroger bought enough in the early years to push us over the top. IIRC, the last regular-season game in Ohio Stadium saw over 35,000 when the tarps at the south ends (by the towers) were removed.

    If this is the first time the plateau was hit...how FEW people were buying season tickets back then? OR...was there a plan to open B and C decks? (The area under the upper stands as well as the upper stands?)

    We also had them buy the ENTIRE south end for a few years at HCS....and STILL couldn't hit the mark?
  8. KCbus

    KCbus Moderator
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    Very wise.

    $200 for a wait list? I thought “hell no.” Then I saw that my Season Pass would be covered, and I thought, “ooh, good.”
  9. LaMacchia

    LaMacchia Member+

    Jul 12, 2008
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    Are you saying that this isn't the first time in Crew history that the amount of available season tickets has been sold out?
  10. Crew Chuck35

    Crew Chuck35 Member+

    Apr 13, 2009
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    So to I correct in assuming that Season Pass will once again be provided to all Regular Season ticket holders for the 2024 campaign?
    TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  11. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
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    I will be curious to see how the Miami game is handled.
    Wouldn't be shocked if it is not a part of either option.
  12. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
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    That's my assumption. On the other hand, I seem to be one of the few who doesn't particularly care about seeing Messi.
    rolandD repped this.
  13. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    #13 Kryptonite, Dec 15, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    I'll take the FO's word for it, but considering Kroger bought thousands of season tickets, the general public must have had cold feet indeed. How many times did HCS sell out? Beckham, 5/15/1999, the last game and not a whole lot of other times...I'm obviously not counting the 2020 season.

    What was the cap and/or goal at Ohio Stadium? Sell all permanent seating? Just sell the entire lower level like what happened when they got 35k? (Note: the south stands were temporary back then and weren't put up until a week or two before the first football game.)

    There were a few years during the SmithDrulis era when the team struggled to get 15k actually showing up. Of course, a few years later when the team was actually good, the economy sucked.

    We may never know how many season tickets Kroger actually bought. We may never know what their plan was had season tickets sold out from 1996-1998. Cap all sales? Gradually open up the upper level on a game-by-gams basis? Other? For Freddy Adu's debut, RFK's upper level did not open, FWIW.

    I just can't believe the team never hit the mark before, especially given Kroger's help...but I'll take the FO's word for it.
  14. boomshea

    boomshea Member

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    #14 boomshea, Dec 15, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    It is on the list of perks on the Crew website.

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  15. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    Times have changed.

    (If I have told this story previously, please forgive an old lady.)

    Sometime in the mid to late 2000s, my best guess - 2007?, I had a handful or so tickets I had not used in my season package for whatever reason. So at the last game of the season, I brought a handful or so of people to the game. I went up to the supporter(s) in charge of selling supporters tickets, and I explained my situation. Now I know it was not 2005/2006 because the individual was not @RoleModel83. I fondly remember who the supporter with Crew Union was, but even after all these years, I will conceal his identity.

    "Hey... yeah.. I have CU season tickets that I never used... is there anyway you could let me exchange one or two of these tickets for today's game?"


    "Chelsey, just give me all of those tickets, and you can have the tickets you need for this game."

    Man. The old times.
  16. soccerncbus

    soccerncbus Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Mar 29, 2018
    HCS sold out way more than what you are thinking. We obviously weren't crushing it in the attendance department, but we had far more than a handful of sellouts. We sold out 17 games by my count (regular season and playoffs) between 2014 and 2017, and by 2017 Precourt was already fully in relocation mode even though we didn't publicly know it.

    In 2015, we actually had 5 games with an attendance over 21k even though the capacity was 19,968. The highest attended game that season was a regular season game against Portland with an announced attendance of 22,791.
    Crew Chuck35, Kryptonite and zman31 repped this.
  17. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    It's a good deal indeed.
    $200 - $100 for Season Pass - $20 for Crew 2 tickets comes to $80.

    $80 for everything but the STM gift and the meet-the-team and other events.

    I can understand why it's Heck is Plausible, but it'd be even better if it was "two tickets to any game." HOPEFULLY... HiP is not a "free game" like they've been known to do on occasion.
    TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  18. kgilbert78

    kgilbert78 Member+

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    I'll bet neither will include Miami.
  19. crew2112

    crew2112 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Dayton, OH
    Columbus Crew
    Good for this Club. We’ve all dreamt of being a part of something like this.
    I had not seen confirmation of the Apple package being included for next year so that is a pleasant surprise.
    TRUJDUB21, Crew Chuck35 and Kryptonite repped this.
  20. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    #20 Kryptonite, Dec 16, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023
    2024 might be the best year yet, at least off the field. For the first time *ever*, season tickets are sold out, it seems the employees actually WANT to be at their jobs, there won't be gobs of empty seats, the negativity in the stands will be minimal-at-most, people are wearing Crew stuff all over and not just on game days...it's no longer the underground cult it was just a few years ago.

    But some people still want to be haters and doubters.:rolleyes:

    Get on the Cucho Express or get left behind. It's your call.

    Sidenote: The Nordecke general meeting has been divided into two sessions due to capacity issues. I remember when we couldn't get 20 people to whatever meetings we had back then.
    stanger repped this.
  21. Kyle Crew

    Kyle Crew Member+

    Feb 23, 2013
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    I need some clarification on the Miami game. What was the presale for? Surely it’s part of the season ticket, no?
  22. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
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    I doubt we ever hit the mark, or necessarily even defined a mark to hit, other than when that 10K goal was announced and, presumably, not achieved. MLS has, for as long as I can remember, been an attendance = tickets sold league, and if we’d sold, 8,000, 9,000, 10,000 season tickets, well, our announced attendance numbers would never have fallen below that level. But, obviously, they did, especially for weeknight games.

    Primarily, though, this is just an apples & oranges exercise. Season tickets in the old stadium were different animals from what they are at the new stadium. In HCS, the club would announce things like “season ticket equivalent” sales, cobbling together numerous partial match packages to kinda, sorta equal a single full season package. Of course, there were the Kroger years, for which I hold a certain level of nostalgia, since so many of those tickets seemed to get handed out for free that it felt like I never had to pay to attend a game. They were hardly a measurement of actual demand, and I assume many of those tickets went unused. Then, of course, there’s the dramatic increase in cost for actual, full-season packages at the new stadium. What the FO has achieved in the new stadium is nothing short of miraculous.
    zman31, LaMacchia and Kryptonite repped this.
  23. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
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    To buy extra tickets to that match, I believe.
    TRUJDUB21 and LaMacchia repped this.
  24. Kyle Crew

    Kyle Crew Member+

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Yeah, so if it’s extra tickets, then that implies people had tickets to begin with, thus “extra”.

    So why are people speculating the Miami game isn’t part of the full season tickets? Am I missing something?
  25. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
    Columbus, OH, USA
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    They’re not. The statements are about Miami not being included in the 9 match, partial season plans.
    TRUJDUB21 and kgilbert78 repped this.

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