2023 MLS Week 33 Referee Discussion

Discussion in 'MLS Referee Forum' started by A66C, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It's about time I dove into the numbers isn't it
  2. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sure, those are both potential mitigating factors. I noted the slightly bent leg myself.
    But neither supports a YC in and of itself when taken in tandem with that point and mode of contact.
    The force wasn't as high as it could have been, but the contact is straight to the knee. You can see it buckle a little. This may not be force that would be considered excessive in general, but it's still enough to endanger the safety of the opponent due to the way the challenge is made, bent leg or not.

    The IFAB has written Law 12 to make it clear that serious foul play need not involve what we truly think of as "excessive force or brutality" should it nonetheless endanger the safety of the opponent. Personally I think this is a perfect example of that concept. Kreilach goes into the challenge high, and he takes a risk that he's going to make contact at or above the opponent's shin. He ends up getting him in the knee, the structure of which is highly susceptible to damage from this sort of trauma. It's gotta be a pretty light or glancing blow for him to get away with a yellow IMO.

    But this is happening in a match well above my experience level, of course. Just personal opinion.
    MassachusettsRef repped this.
  3. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Since I happen to be looking at it right now, I would like to add that the current leader among active on-field officials is Elvis Osmanovic with 60.
    AlextheRef, weka and MassachusettsRef repped this.
  4. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 25, 2006
  5. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
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    United States
    Kinda burying the lede there, huh?

    The big news of the day is NYCFC's Ledezma getting caught spitting at Orlando's Angulo. Info I saw said 2 games, but the league announced just a single game ban. The incident was not seen by on-field or video match officials.
    StarTime repped this.
  6. socal lurker

    socal lurker Member+

    May 30, 2009
    WTF. A player is caught on film spitting on an opponent and only gets one game off?!?
  7. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is the same league that slashed 3 whole games from Kaku's recommended suspension after he forced an SKC fan to have reconstructive facial surgery. We're not dealing with serious people here.
  8. Beau Dure

    Beau Dure Member+

    May 31, 2000
    Vienna, VA
    Reminds me a funny story -- at a DC United home game, we saw Christian Gomez get sent off. At first, no one knew why, and the crowd went ballistic.

    In the pressbox, we saw the replay. It showed a significant spray from Gomez's mouth toward an opponent.

    These were the days before everyone could just whip out a phone and find out what happened, so the crowd continued to voice its displeasure. I wished we could yell out to everyone what we saw on the replay.
    JasonMa repped this.
  9. Midwest Ref

    Midwest Ref Member

    Jul 25, 2002
    He got 2 from Disciplinary Committee but reduced to 1 on appeal.
    ManiacalClown repped this.
  10. socal lurker

    socal lurker Member+

    May 30, 2009
    Absolutely insane.
    AremRed and StarTime repped this.
  11. StarTime

    StarTime Member+

    United States
    Oct 18, 2020
    To be a fly on the wall in those meetings…

    What can possibly be said during an appeal that would get them to reduce a spitting suspension to just one game??
  12. Crewster

    Crewster Member+

    Jan 28, 2005
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Humidity was low, so it evaporated quickly.
    AremRed repped this.
  13. RefIADad

    RefIADad Member+

    United States
    Aug 18, 2017
    Des Moines, IA
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    United States
    Probably more plausible than some of the mental gymnastics that we've seen in these decisions (and I'm only half-joking about that).

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