2023 MLS Semifinals Referee Discussion

Discussion in 'MLS Referee Forum' started by A66C, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. A66C

    A66C Member

    United States
    Jan 3, 2022
    FC Cincinnati vs Columbus Crew
    TQL Stadium (6PM ET)
    REF: Allen Chapman
    AR1: Corey Parker
    AR2: Nick Uranga
    4TH: Rosendo Mendoza
    VAR: Younes Marrakchi
    AVAR: Eric Weisbrod

    Los Angeles FC vs Houston Dynamo
    BMO Stadium (9:30PM ET)
    REF: Victor Rivas
    AR1: Logan Brown
    AR2: Micheal Barwegen
    4TH: Ismail Elfath
    VAR: Drew Fischer
    AVAR: Peter Balciunas
    weka, soxfaninny, GoDawgsGo and 2 others repped this.
  2. A66C

    A66C Member

    United States
    Jan 3, 2022
    There's only one big name who has yet to appear in any role in the QF or SF...
  3. MassachusettsRef

    MassachusettsRef Moderator
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    #3 MassachusettsRef, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    Correct. I think it's a coin flip between him (Villarreal) and Penso at this point and largely (and quite obviously) just depends on how PRO has assessed Penso. And if Villarreal doesn't have the whistle, he could be 4th or VAR (after all, he's now had some big-tournament experience as a VAR). Doesn't seem like you'd keep him around all this way not to use him in some capacity.

    McKay and either Blanchard/Kieso seem like the ARs. I don't think there's anyone else available who hasn't been released that wouldn't be a repeat. I’d lean Blanchard on the field.

    If Villarreal is on the field, maybe Stott as VAR. If Villarreal is in the booth (or has the whistle, for that matter), maybe Freemon as 4th. Zablocki seems like he's AVAR, but I suppose it could be Atkins (which would be weird, but I digress).
    StarTime repped this.
  4. jarbitro

    jarbitro Member+

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Sad about Bazakos.
    RefIADad repped this.
  5. RefIADad

    RefIADad Member+

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    That just shows one of the cardinal rules about officiating: You can only control what you can control. There are certain things that are just not in your power.

    If you ever wanted an example of how a professional league values entertainment as a key component of its overall event administration, Chapman’s assignment pretty much confirms that. Note that he also had the El Trafico playoff last year. Chapman has made a career of being able to manage a game just to the edge of chaos without letting it go completely off the rails. I have to think that was no small part of why he got the first Hell is Real-Playoff Edition.
    AremRed, A66C and SouthRef repped this.
  6. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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  7. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
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    You're allowed to just link the MLSPA tweet without including the known troll who regularly manipulates images from matches to make calls look right or wrong depending on whether his team benefited from it.
  8. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    Thats what i meant to do, but thanks for your attention to detail, fixed.
    Beau Dure repped this.
  9. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
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    That guy just annoys me lol. Sorry for the tone.
    AlextheRef, jarbitro and MuchoTakeItEasy repped this.
  10. davidjd

    davidjd Member+

    Jun 30, 2000
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    "...stadium security breakdown that allowed the incident to occur in the first place...." "Players in MLS are held accountable for their actions."

    I'm not sure how they can say those two things with a straight face. Their trying to take initial blame off the player and put it on the stadium security? I don't care if there wasn't security within 10 miles of the stadium, the player is still 100% responsible for their actions. The lack of security is not 'in the first place.'
    asoc, AremRed, RefIADad and 2 others repped this.
  11. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    To me, it sounds like the players union trying to defend their member however they can...but I think they are overstepping. Curious what details come out eventually. The twitterverse cincy fans are threatening to "find and leak" the camera footage. :coffee:
  12. SouthRef

    SouthRef Member+

    Jun 10, 2006
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    Sometimes the most terrible things in life are what you ask for.
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  13. RefIADad

    RefIADad Member+

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    I hope that happens, because based on the eyewitness accounts from two independent sources (security guard and reporter), I don't think it's going to end well for Miazga or MLSPA.

    But maybe we'll see if the fries had salt on them or not . . .
    Beau Dure and JasonMa repped this.
  14. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    I agree. It sounds like, as often happens with internal investigations and HR matters, there are non disclosures at play or at least no incentive to make information public that can remain sealed. In the absence of evidence, the players union sounds like they are essentially re-hashing Miazga's talking points. Pretty risky if the evidence does leak and they are found to be ahead of their skiis.
    JasonMa repped this.
  15. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    No interest in clear contact in the box in 42'. Looked like the ball was rolling away from both players but a bone head tackle from Kubo on Rossi could have gone either way. Chapman not looking to bail Columbus out against Cincy's bunker.
    StarTime repped this.
  16. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    And now a 45' yellow to Moriera for SPA but on replay Vazquez clips his own heel. Cincy score on the free kick...
  17. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Moderator
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    May 25, 2006
    That was ugly.
  18. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    The way it unfolded it looked like he probably had to rely on the sound and the sound was the same whether it was Moriera or Vazquez clipping the heel.
  19. MassachusettsRef

    MassachusettsRef Moderator
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    Totally fine with that call. Rossi is looking to create that all day. He feels an arm, slows up and turns himself. He's trying to conjure something out of nothing. It's not a push. And I think it's crazy to say that's a careless charge at that level. And it didn't look like there was anything on the legs, right? If not, that's 100% no foul for me.
  20. MassachusettsRef

    MassachusettsRef Moderator
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    The replay from the goal line makes it appear that he does clip Vazquez's left heel and puts off his stride every so slightly. I think there was some contact. Because if there wasn't, yes, this is very, very, very bad. Like real bad.

    But I don't think that's what this was.
  21. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    I actually saw more contact on legs not looking at the upper body at all. Looked like Kubo's foot came thru Rossi and the ball was already a yard away from both. Need to see it again. I dont mind the coverage not focusing on the referee so far (coverage has been far to ref centric in previous rounds). Wouldn't really have much to fault Chapman on in the first except for the last play leading to 2nd goal.
  22. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    If there is contact it's incredibly slight. Vazquez falls when he kicks himself in the back of the leg after. Maybe he felt the contact and went down, maybe the contact brought him down... challenging call to make in real time for sure, if it's in the box I don't know if VAR upholds it but Chapman doesn't get the benefit of slo-mo.
    MassachusettsRef repped this.
  23. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Moderator
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    May 25, 2006
    Hard to tell. Unfortunate situation for ref and Columbus. The AR is on the other side so no help either. You just hate to see these plays result in a goal. If they don’t score, it’s forgotten.
  24. MassachusettsRef

    MassachusettsRef Moderator
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    I guess what I’m saying is there are 3 options:

    1 is that he clipped him and brought him down
    2 is that he clipped him and the player chose to embellish
    3 is no contact

    If it’s door #3, it’s bad news. But if it’s door #2, I’m not losing any sleep over it.
  25. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    Wonder if the pregame briefing mentioned that Rossi tends to embellish? ;)

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