2023 Crew Ticket Exchange

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by SLSHOT01, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. DrunkandDisorderly

    Mar 17, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    Unfortunately, if the Swifties can't bring down Ticketbastard I don't think anyone can.
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  2. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
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    Aug 19, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    This is clearly a travesty and a huge blunder by MLS with the lack of security around the sponsor code. I'm wondering if the scalpers who bought the tickets over bought? There are clearly whole rows in multiple sections that are for sale on StubHub and seat geek. Will there be enough crew fans willing to hold their nose and pay those prices? Or, will it get to be Friday or Saturday and all the sudden the prices come back down from the stratosphere?
  3. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    May 2, 2003
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    Unfortunately, I think enough Crew fans exist to buy up tickets at the high prices.
  4. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    So all the tickets are gone? I didn’t even get my code email but I’m in the que

    i really don’t understand wtf is going on and if i have to try the sponsor code i will but this is a dumpster fire

    my ticket rep not answering or texting me back anymore and i was at work when she did text me earlier but she didn’t give me much details

    My time is 8pm as a 2024 sth
  5. soccerncbus

    soccerncbus Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Mar 29, 2018
    Exactly. In addition, MLS already got their cash whether you buy from the scalpers or not. If everyone waits a day or two, the prices will likely start to drop. You can be risky and try to wait it out as long as possibly. Prices will continue dropping as tickets go unsold.

    But the fact is, MLS already has their cut. Now you can take a stand against scalping and refuse to buy, I totally get it, or you can pay a bit more than you thought you were going to and have the opportunity to experience something you may never get the chance to experience again. It’s your call.

    I totally get everyone raising a stink about this, and I’m totally on board. We need to hold the league’s feet to the fire and force changes going forward. The final should not be a corporate event. It should be for the fans. But regardless, let’s do our best to pack the place with diehard crew fans even if it means spending some extra bucks (as long as it doesn’t break your budget).
  6. kgilbert78

    kgilbert78 Member+

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    Maybe. I'm going to check on Friday and see what it looks like then....
    TKyle, Kryptonite, Pauncho and 1 other person repped this.
  7. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    I am going to have nightmares for weeks involving that ********ing Ticketmaster screen of the stadium with sections going from light blue to grey.

    What a shitty experience.
    TracieB, TKyle, Kryptonite and 1 other person repped this.
  8. kgilbert78

    kgilbert78 Member+

    Borussia Mönchengladbach
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    There's a pretty long queue right now.... (Mrs KG suggested ai look again, without much hope).

    Wonder how folks will feel if/when there's nothing there.
  9. cleazer

    cleazer Member+

    May 6, 2003
    Toledo, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    There's a huge number of tickets on seatgeek right now. I strongly believe the prices will come down over the next five days.

    Don't give up hope, Crew fans!

    You might not have tickets today, but you might get some Friday night.
    TKyle, Kryptonite and soccerncbus repped this.
  10. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Your name is Jesse ? That’s my name , stares you down
  11. cleazer

    cleazer Member+

    May 6, 2003
    Toledo, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    That said, the simple math of the matter is: demand is greater than supply. By a LARGE amount.

    If every single resale ticket on seatgeek right now were given to Crew fans, there would still be a ton of Crew fans needing tickets.
    Kryptonite repped this.
  12. Hamburgler03

    Hamburgler03 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 31, 2000
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    This is the true case where Crew Fan Score (tm) should have been brought back.
    djtrinidad, shoplifter and Kryptonite repped this.
  13. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Im in the que right now 856 but i do t know my code and didn’t get a email
  14. DrunkandDisorderly

    Mar 17, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are screwed.
    crew2112 and TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  15. Paul171121

    Paul171121 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Dec 14, 2018
    I don't know why the crew didn't send that email out to everyone saying there are no more tickets in the crew allotment right now.

    It could go into people's promotions folder that for some reason people don't check. Hit all mail in your email account. (One of my major complaints with dealing with people at work).

    Tomorrow at 10 is the next check then you wait until the LAFC allotment is dispursed.

    An LAFC fan from Ohio (ugh) got nordecke tickets at 9 am using the sponsor code. Seems like a kid, but man he's being used as the prime example of what went wrong.
    MLSinCleveland repped this.
  16. hudson hooligan

    hudson hooligan Member+

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    Your code is your STM number. Like, your "account number" for your season ticket package. I think it's seven digits.

    I also did not get the email today at 1pm. I didn't get an email about next year's Miami game either. My ST rep hasn't responded to me at all today (all I did was ask where my email and code is). So as much as I want to completely blame MLS for this shitshow, I gotta say, I'm not terribly impressed by our own FO after all of this.
    TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  17. Paul171121

    Paul171121 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Dec 14, 2018
  18. TomB

    TomB Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Columbus, Ohio USA
    What is wrong with this fiasco is the league getting involved period. Just another way for the commissioner to screw over the Crew fans. He knows we don't like him.
    TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  19. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    I need to back away from this forum for now before I earn a yellow card.

    Tomorrow’s ticket drop will be nothing. Leftover LAFC tickets will be nothing. Either the bots have or the bots will gobble up all other ticket drops unless MLS/Crew step in. And neither will.
    hangthadj repped this.
  20. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Honestly I’m a 2024 new sth so i don’t even know that number i looked through all my numbers . My email is linked to my account my only hope is it will have been entered by Columbus crew and let me get them but i highly doubt that

    this sucks
  21. hudson hooligan

    hudson hooligan Member+

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  22. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    You can use the 23sponsor code. Gives you a 20 cap of tickets. There just aren't any tickets
  23. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    The kicker is th extra fees on the resale sites. They are $100 per ticket. So you might only be paying a little over face value to the reseller...but the fees are a bitter pill.
  24. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    Yeah, we have anti-trust laws on the books but they've fallen into disuse.

    Yeah, there are 2 separate issues here. One is that MLS claims the right to control ticket sales for this event, even though it's basically just the final playoff game for these 2 teams. The league doesn't care who buys the seats, just that all are sold for as much as they can get. So they'd be happy to sell 3052 seats to LAFC fans if there was sufficient demand. Add in league sponsors, bigwigs, some seats for the rest of the MLS teams, and the Crew's allocation might only be 15K or so. When we've been consistently selling 20K seats per game.

    The other issue is the process of selling the tickets to buyers. However many seats the Crew was allocated should have been sold through the team's normal process, realizing demand exceeds supply. The idea that league sponsors can buy as many seats as they wish is stupid. If a team earns the right to host MLS cup, they should be able to have as many of their fans in there as are willing to pay the inflated prices. Not Joe, the top shoe seller in Des Moines who won the adidas regional sales award for November.

    The Haslams should take it up with the league office as it doesn't really benefit MLS to have a worse atmosphere for their marquee event. Garber may recognize the issue or may just consider it part of keeping the sponsors happy and not investigating who leaked the codes. It doesn't look like MLS has any appetite to delve further if they are using such generic codes.
  25. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    Yeah, I checked out the fees on a pair of 1400 tickets and they were $406 per ticket. Plus 8 for convenience.

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