2023-24 Hot Seat

Discussion in 'Women's College' started by SAS_Soccer, Jun 10, 2023.

  1. cpthomas

    cpthomas BigSoccer Supporter

    Portland Thorns
    United States
    Jan 10, 2008
    Portland, Oregon
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This year, the Big East was the #6 conference and the Big 12 the #7, according to both the RPI and the Balanced RPI. Massey had the Big 12 at 5 and the Big East at 8. The MidAmerican was in the #14 to #20 range, depending on the rating system. So the Big East and Big 12 are much more similar than the Big East and the MidAmerican. (The Big 12 dropped as a conference this year, probably because of its expansion. That may account, at least in part, for how Massey rated the conference, since his system carries some past history into the current year.)

    On the other hand, Creighton and Bowling Green are not that far apart. This year, Xavier was way ahead of Kansas, but Kansas has been good in the past. According to the RPI, Xavier would have been the #3 team in the Big 12 this year.
  2. PlaySimple

    PlaySimple Member

    Sep 22, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    I may be misinterpreting what you’re saying but I think whispers meant that the Big East is a better conference than the MAC.

    My original comment about commits following coaches actually applied more to Lie’s recruits to Xavier perhaps going to Kansas.

    Also, as a general rule of thumb, it seems as if the MAC schools tend to have rosters composed of athletes primarily from that part of the Midwest. BGSU normally has players primarily from Ohio & Michigan with a few from Illinois or elsewhere nearby. That’s how most MACs are with a few exceptions like Kent that always seems to get a few Canadians.
  3. ThePonchat

    ThePonchat Member+

    United States
    Jan 10, 2013
    I've Been Everywhere Man
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Another job opened, but waiting for official release for it. Team was notified, but they could be filling it internally before it's public information.
  4. Underminer

    Underminer Member

    Dec 29, 2022
    does this have to do with someone leaving to fill an open position? Or someone stepping away?
  5. IHearThings

    IHearThings Member

    United States
    Nov 8, 2021

    Is this what Ponchat was referring to?

    WSOCFan and ThePonchat repped this.
  6. ThePonchat

    ThePonchat Member+

    United States
    Jan 10, 2013
    I've Been Everywhere Man
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hampton - (interim; 8/3?)
    West Georgia (2024 DI, interim; 5/8)
    George Mason ([interim; 9/15] 11/10)
    George Washington (10/25)
    Eastern Michigan (retirement; 10/27)
    Marshall (10/30)
    Boston College (10/31)
    Jacksonville (10/31)
    Illinois State (10/31)
    Temple (11/1)
    Stetson (11/2)
    Presbyterian (retirement w/ interim [assistant] named; 11/2)
    Cleveland State (11/3)
    Gardner-Webb (not announced, plenty of validation on this one; 11/8)
    San Diego (11/9)
    Bowling Green (11/21)
    South Alabama (11/28)
    UNC Greensboro (11/29)
    Long Island (12/1)
    Texas Southern (12/1)
    Xavier (12/4)
    Kennesaw State (12/8)

    Stephen F. Austin - Ben Williams (UTSA associate head; 10/3-11/14)
    Creighton - Jimmy Walker (Bowling Green head; 10/30-11/21)
    South Florida - Chris Brown (USF associate head; 8/14-11/28)
    Purdue - Richard Moodie (South Alabama head; 10/27-11/28)
    Kansas - Nate Lie (Xavier head; 10/24-12/4)
    Miami Florida - Ken Masuhr (Vanderbilt associate head; 11/2-12/5)

    Just a reminder, I don’t list any until officially announced.
  7. cpthomas

    cpthomas BigSoccer Supporter

    Portland Thorns
    United States
    Jan 10, 2008
    Portland, Oregon
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    Interesting fact: So far, in terms of number of teams with head coach turnover this year and last, we are at 63 teams. There seems little doubt that by the time this year is done with, it will be around 70, That would be 20% of all head coach jobs turning over in 2 years. It is not a job for the faint of heart.
    LimestoneKid, IHearThings and Fitballer repped this.
  8. L'orange

    L'orange Member+

    Jul 20, 2017
    I think Lie was in a better recruiting situation at Xavier than he will be at Kansas. But I'm sure a hefty pay raise was compelling...
  9. woobie06

    woobie06 Member

    United States
    Apr 12, 2022
    Old Coach got rail-roaded out…”too mean” or whatever other “bs” was said. He is a tough, but fair coach. Had pretty good results. Still coaching club locally and placing a bunch of kids. IMHO, an example of a good coach run out by the entitlement of players and parents. It’s ok to coach hard and hold kids accountable for performance.
  10. Footyballs

    Footyballs Member

    United States Virgin Islands
    Dec 19, 2018
    Thanks Woobie for the insight, I didn't know why he left, that explains it. It has destroyed a once respectable program what they've done there to CSUN, bottom of the barrel now. Its unfortunate. I think the players have a Lot of sway nowadays for their coach and job security. At least compared to what it was 10-20 years ago. Lots of old school coaches getting out of the profession the past 5 or so years, some by choice, others run out. I concur with the comment a few posts ago, college coaching job security is not for the faint of heart.
    MrIPO repped this.
  11. Carolina92

    Carolina92 Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    I think it’s an interesting dynamic. Will the entitlement, helicopter parenting and childish behavior stop with the weakening of the NCAA and the coming treatment of players more like employees? Or will the influx of outside sources of money give players even more sway?
  12. Cliveworshipper

    Cliveworshipper Member+

    Dec 3, 2006
    The influx of outside money may just make things worse as players compete for the pool of money. I can see it will make for greater insecurity.
    I know of two cased where players were promised NIL money to transfer under the current portal but when they arrived at the new school the coach found a better prospect and all of a sudden the NIL money from boosters was no longer there.
  13. Socalsoccercoach

    Dec 1, 2013
    Word is CSUN head coach was let go this past week...announcement coming this week...Woobie was on to something it seems!
  14. woobie06

    woobie06 Member

    United States
    Apr 12, 2022
    There are a bunch of stories of players going to the AD’s claiming retaliation, harassment, unfair treatment, etc. I can name at least 5 D1Coaches who have gone through this that I know personally. One coach told me they no longer have private 1:1’s, always has another coach there, one told me they had to beat the player to the AD to make them aware something was brewing…Coach had been there over 20 years, it’s mind blowing. Coaches now have act like managers in Corporate America.

    Coaches are coaching for their jobs, families, livelihood's, and need to be able to hold players accountable for performance, and if they are playing poorly, put them on the bench.

    Player gets benched, they contact AD, called out in film study, they contact AD, upset they are not playing enough at their school, but their former club teammate is starting at their school, etc., etc. A lot of the kids are different these days. TBH, I blame the parents more than anyone else. I know kids that want the cool IG post to the cool school so they can “flex” on social media, only to be disappointed when they do not play. Parents need to be realistic about their kids punching weight, where they can play, and manage their expectations. It is a tough job.
    MrIPO, Footyballs, WSOCFan and 1 other person repped this.
  15. Eddie K

    Eddie K Member+

    May 5, 2007
    #1040 Eddie K, Dec 11, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
    @woobie06 you act like entitlement and "pay to play" efforts are somehow new. It's happening in club/youth/HS sports all the time and has been for years, so parents just think they can influence their college coach just the same.

    I've never had a "private 1:1" meeting with a player ever. Asst coach always in the room and/or office door way open. Coaching 101. I've also rarely responded to a parent email with the player not in the CC of the note. The player very often tells the parents to back off.

    Here's a tip for you, or any coach - don't be an ass. Never say anything from the bench, from your office chair, or in a text or email that you would not share with parents or your AD. Simple. Act like a professional. Coaches acting like "Managers in Corporate America" is actually a very low bar. The ethical standard for coaches should be way higher.

    Also important that you know your AD well (or direct report). Know how they will handle complaints from players/parents and give them every advanced warning possible when things go down. Good ADs 'circle the wagons' and defend ethical coaches all the time. As long as their actions/words are worth defending (important caveat).

    Now - No idea about CSUN. BUT if that AD is running coaches off anytime there's a parent complaint about the trivial examples you give, then not many coaches would stay long at that school in any sport. All coaches in all sports talk - all the time. Unless there's some kind of 'house cleaning' with a new AD/Sheriff in town, maybe that coach just became a pain for the AD, with issue after issue, and they decided the coach wasn't worth it. Happens ALL the time.
    2233soccer, MrsKuhl, MrIPO and 3 others repped this.
  16. woobie06

    woobie06 Member

    United States
    Apr 12, 2022
    I’m no college coach, but thanks for the coaching tips @Eddie K …Playing in college, I had many 1:1’s with my coach as a player. Also had many in Corporate America as a manger and employee…no more, always have a partner involved. It’s a different world and has happened pretty quickly. Squeaky wheels are getting the grease, feelings matter more than ability…who gets to HR first usually wins…Things have changed drastically in the last 3-4 years, in business, sports, education, and in society…entitlement is greater than ever before…c’mon you have Supreme Court Justices that can’t define what a woman is…things have changed ALOT rather quickly.
  17. From the Spot

    From the Spot New Member

    Oct 26, 2022
    Any word on the San Diego job yet?
  18. WSOCFan

    WSOCFan Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    Any word on any of the remaining open jobs?
  19. woobie06

    woobie06 Member

    United States
    Apr 12, 2022
    I know a former P5 Assistant from San Diego, who is working out of state, who is interested and has gotten a few letters of recommendation from former players and calls to Asst AD’s for whatever that is worth. Salary listed seems really low based on the cost of living in the area. I hope they do not get cheap and shortsighted with the hire. They need somebody who can turn the program around, not a noob, or somebody who checks boxes. The best person who can improve the program period. Lots of good hires recently, and USD should be desirable if they can get the pay right.
    WSOCFan repped this.
  20. NowItsMyTurnFolks

    NowItsMyTurnFolks New Member

    Oct 23, 2023
    You are now showing your colors bud.

    Yes, the world has evolved, and will keep evolving. This is why we have so many angry tenured coaches now, as times have changed from what they were doing eons ago.

    As many have pointed out, coaching especially female football is not for everyone, so know what you are getting into. I also wonder why male coaches rarely try coaching boys/men after having a challenging time on the girls/women side? I think it's because boys/men will tell a coach where to jump off if they try to perpetuate nonsense. Know what you are getting yourself into.
  21. woobie06

    woobie06 Member

    United States
    Apr 12, 2022
    Showing what colors, exactly? That I want the best person to get the job with no agenda? That I do not give a rip who gets the job as long as they are the best qualified for it? That there is more entitlement than ever before - not just in youth sports, college sports, but in the workplace, society, schools, etc. Personal accountability is at an all-time low, it’s always somebody else’s fault…People do need to adjust and evolve with the time, never said anything different. People/Players/Employees also need to be able to take criticism, feedback, direction, and be held accountable for their performance, mistakes, etc. You also need to treat people with respect, like humans, praise them for the success and celebrate individual and team accomplishments. If that is an “angry - tenured” coach response in your mind…whatever. Coaching is an incredibly hard profession, even more so today than ever before.

    @NowItsMyTurnFolks …now go pet your emotional support animal.
  22. Collegewhispers

    Collegewhispers Member+

    Oct 27, 2011
    Columbus Crew

    it doesn’t need to be earned anymore if you’re female it is just expected to be given to you no questions asked.
  23. First Time Finish

    Nov 4, 2016
    Someone with an attitude this dismissive of women has no business coaching, leading, and inspiring young women. I’ve made a similar comment towards you in the past, but you should really consider the reaction your own team and administration would have if they knew the sort of attitude you display here.
    shakethespear, RASPAS, MrIPO and 4 others repped this.
  24. NotSoHotTake

    NotSoHotTake Member

    Jun 22, 2023
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    United States
    Yet, all jobs filled have been males. Including the P4’s and many of the vacancies were females.
    Interesting trend.
    shakethespear repped this.
  25. Collegewhispers

    Collegewhispers Member+

    Oct 27, 2011
    Columbus Crew

    I have been coaching women for decades. Similarly to how I taught my kids everything in life is earned, but sadly currently generations are being told that you’re entitled to things if you are of a particular gender. In contrast to some posters on this forum who clearly despise men, I am equally as critical of male and female hires based on merit.
    WSOCFan repped this.

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