2005-6 Coppa Italia di Serie C [R]

Discussion in 'Italy' started by SueB, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Looks like this year's Coppa Italia of Serie C will have pretty much the same format at previous years even though more Serie C teams will be participating in the regular Coppa Italia (TIM Cup) this year than last. These teams will all enter the Serie C Coppa after the preliminary group stage.

    Here's a quick summary of the format -

    Group stage (Fase Eliminatoria) - 60 teams divided into 12 groups of 5. Match days are Aug 17, 21, 24, 31 and September 7. First and second finishers in each group plus 10 best third-place teams move on to the Final Phase

    Final Phase - 34 teams from the Group Stage plus 30 teams who participated in the TIM Cup elimination rounds. The dates of each round of the knockout stages have yet to be announced, but the format will be home-and-home.

    As with the TIM Cup, because of the early start of the competition, any club not admitted to their respective league as of last week will not participate. The on-going appeals processes will have no effect.
  2. dor02

    dor02 Member

    Aug 9, 2004
    UC Sampdoria
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: 2005-6 Coppa Italia di Serie C

    They should scrap the Coppa Italia for Serie C teams and in the regular Coppa Italia, all the Serie A, B and C teams should be participating. As far as I'm concerned, the Coppa Italia is the worst national cup competition in all of Europe. There's not enough of the smaller clubs participating and the Serie A teams don't take it seriously. The Serie A teams usually play with a weaker side.
  3. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Re: 2005-6 Coppa Italia di Serie C

    Well, as I wrote in the thread about this year's regular Coppa Italia


    they have made some changes this year which (in theory) should help a smaller team get further - 30 Serie C teams involved instead of just 6, single-game preliminary knockout matches instead of a group phase - but even with those changes, they've sort of made a hash of it in my opinion.

    The Serie C version, by my understanding, is even less attractive even to the fans of these smaller clubs. I saw at least one game attendance listed at "100" last year. It used to be the two finalists got the nice reward of getting to participate in the regular Coppa the following season - this was the only way a C2 team could hope to do so. Now, with so many Serie C teams involved (teams from C1 and C2 both qualify via their final tables), it's not that much of a reward - both of last year's finalists would've qualified anyway.
  4. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Re: 2005-6 Coppa Italia di Serie C

    Finally, the groups were announced on Friday. About time, considering games start on Wednesday!!

    Group A
    Casale, Ivrea, Novara, Sanremese, Cuneo, Pro Vercelli

    Group B
    Montichiari, Legnano, Pergocrema, Carpenedolo, Sudtirol

    Group C
    Portugruaro S., Bassano Virtus, Sassulo, Bellari Igea Marina, Castel S. Pietro Terme

    Group D
    Carrarese, Cuoiopelli CR, Castelnuovo G, Prato, Sansovino, Montevarchi

    Group E
    Ancona, Gualdo, Gubbio, Foligno, Fermana

    Group F
    Olbia, Viterbo, Rieti, Latina, Sassari Torres

    Group G
    Giulianova, Chieti, Melfi, Foggia, Pro Vasto

    Group H
    Gallipoli, Real Marcianise, Potenza, Taranto, Nocerina

    Group I
    Gela, Modica, Rende, Vittoria, Vigor Lamezia, Igea Virtus B.

    Looks like they've reduced the number of groups from 12 to 9, with four groups having 6 teams instead of 5 so only 6x5 + 3x6 = 48 teams taking part. I assume 34 teams will still advance, but I'm not sure about that. That would have just 14 teams getting ko'd at this stage.
  5. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Re: 2005-6 Coppa Italia di Serie C

    Today's first turn results:

    Casale-Ivrea 0-0
    Cuneo-Pro Vercelli domani
    Novara-Sanremese 2-0
    Montichiari-Legnano 1-0
    Pergocrema-Carpenedolo 2-2
    Riposava: Sudtirol
    Portogruaro-Bassano 0-1
    Sassuolo-Bellaria 0-1
    Riposava: Castel San Pietro
    Carrarese-Cuoiopelli 0-0
    Castelnuovo-Prato 0-0
    Sansovino-Montevarchi 1-1
    Ancona-Gualdo 2-2
    Gubbio-Foligno 0-1
    Riposava: Fermana
    Olbia-Viterbo 2-0
    Rieti-Latina 4-1
    Riposava: Sassari
    Giulianova-Chieti 2-0
    Melfi-Foggia 1-2
    Riposava Pro Vasto
    Gallipoli-Marcianise 3-0
    Potenza-Taranto 2-3
    Riposava: Nocerina
    Gela-Modica 2-1
    Rende-Vittoria 6-0
    V.Lamezia-Igea Virtus 0-0
  6. narduch

    narduch New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    Hey SueB, what site do you go to get these results from? There's a Canadian playing at Sansovino and I wanted to track his progress. Thanks.
  7. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    I got these particular ones from La Gazzetta dello Sport ( www.gazzetta.it ), but they don't always post them. www.tuttalac.it is a good site for Serie C info. The league site (hard to navigate but with lots of info) is at www.lega-calcio-serie-c.it . I've found that the best way to find stuff sometimes is to go to Google's Italian news page news.google.it and run a search. I sometimes find articles from smaller local news sites which have better coverage of these small clubs. For instance, here is an article on Sansovino's 1-1 draw with Montevarchi:

  8. narduch

    narduch New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    Thanks a lot.

    I found what I wanted by searching google. But that www.tuttalac.it site is awesome.
  9. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
  10. RandyNA74

    RandyNA74 Member

    Jun 9, 2004
    Washington, DC
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Wow, the people on that site aren't too impressed with Carraro either...
  11. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Yeah, he comes up with some rant or other just about every week. I just wish he'd keep the old ones in an archive somewhere. At least I haven't been able to find them anywhere. He updates that site pretty fanatically as well, and it's one of the few sites that's not just a portal for other news feeds (which are useful in their own right, of course).
  12. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    These games were supposedly played today; trying to find the results:

    Girone "A"
    Ivrea 1 Novara ore 2
    Pro Vercelli 0 Casale 0
    Sanremese 2 Cuneo 2

    Girone "B"
    Carpenedolo – Sudtirol ore 17.00
    Legnano – Pergocrema ore 17.00

    Girone "C"
    Bassano Virtus – Castel S. Pietro T. ore 17.00
    Bellaria Igea M. – Portogruaro ore 17.00

    Girone "D"
    Cuoiopelli C.R. – Sansovino Stadio “E. Mannucci”, Pontedera ore 20.45
    Montevarchi – Castelnuovo G. ore 20.30
    Prato – Carrarese ore 17.00

    Girone "E"
    Foligno – Fermana ore 17.00
    Gualdo – Gubbio ore 20.30

    Girone "F"
    Latina – Olbia ore 17.00
    Viterbo – Sassari Torres ore 17.00

    Girone “G”
    Chieti – Melfi ore 17.00
    Pro Vasto – Giulianova ore 20.30

    Girone “H”
    Nocerina – Gallipoli ore 20.30
    Real Marcianise – Potenza ore 17.00

    Girone “I”
    Igea Virtus B. – Rende ore 20.30
    Modica – Vigor Lamezia ore 17.00
    Vittoria – Gela (postponed to Sept 14)
  13. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Found all the results and scorers at www.c1siamo.com


    Ivrea - Novara 1-2: 29' pt Elia (N); 30' pt Leto Colombo (N); 15' st Borneo (I)
    Pro Vercelli - Casale 0-0
    Sanremese - Cuneo 2-2: 21' pt Pierobon (C); 34' pt Pietribiasi (C); 35' pt Maddè (S); 33' st Lorieri (S)


    Carpenedolo - Sud Tirol A.A. 1-1: 4' pt Sardelli (C); 45' pt Le Noci (S)
    Legnano - Pergocrema 1-0: 47' st Kamatà (L)
    riposava: Montichiari


    Bassano - C.S.Pietro 2-1: 16' pt Scarpa (B); 41' pt Gualiteri (CSP); 10' st rig.Rizzi (B)
    Bellaria - Portogruaro 0-1: 39' st Mattielig (P)
    riposava: Sassuolo


    CuoioCappiano - Sansovino 1-1: 43' st rig.Ruscitti (C); 49' st Francini (S)
    Montevarchi - Castelnuovo 1-0: 9' pt Bartoli M. (M)
    Prato - Carrarese 1-0: 21' st Cecchi (P)


    Foligno - Fermana 1-1: 14' pt Iacona (Fo); 32' pt Rodia (Fe)
    Gualdo - Gubbio 1-0: 43' st Cardona (Gua)
    riposava: Ancona


    Latina - Olbia 0-0
    Viterbo - Sassari Torres 0-1: 46' st Medda (T)
    riposava: Rieti


    Chieti - Melfi 0-0
    Pro Vasto - Giulianova 1-0: 33' pt Cacciaglia (PV)
    riposava: Foggia


    Nocerina - Gallipoli 3-1: 44' pt Minadeo (G); 7' st Mazzeo (N); 16' st Piemonte (N); 47' st Mazzeo (N)
    R.Marcianise - Potenza 4-0: 23' pt Galizia; 43' pt rig.Poziello; 3' st Galizia; 28' st Perrone
    riposava: Taranto


    Igea V. - Rende 1-0: 18' pt Amodeo (I)
    Modica - V. Lamezia 1-0: 43' pt rig.Catania (M)
    Vittoria - Gela rinviata al 14-9 per indisponibilità dello stadio
  14. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Third-round games, to be played on Wednesday except where noted:

    Girone "A"
    Cuneo - Ivrea ore 17.00
    Novara - Casale ore 17.00
    Pro Vercelli - Sanremese ore 20.30

    Girone "B"
    Pergocrema - Montichiari Stadio Comunale, Pizzighettone ore 20.30
    Sudtirol - Legnano Stadio “M. Druso”, Bolzano ore 20.30

    Girone "C"
    Castel S. Pietro T. – Bellaria I.M. ore 20.30
    Portogruaro S. - Sassuolo ore 20.30

    Girone "D"
    Carrarese – Castelnuovo G. ore 20.30
    Sansovino - Prato ore 20.30
    Montevarchi – Cuoiopelli C.R. ore 20.30

    Girone "E"
    Fermana - Gualdo ore 20.30
    Gubbio - Ancona ore 20.30

    Girone "F"
    Olbia - Rieti ore 17.00
    Sassari Torres - Latina ore 17.00

    Girone “G”
    Foggia - Chieti ore 17.00
    Melfi – Pro Vasto ore 17.00

    Girone “H”
    Potenza - Nocerina ore 20.30
    Taranto – Real Marcianise ore 17.00

    Girone “I”
    Gela – Igea Virtus B. ore 17.00
    Modica - Vittoria ore 16.00 (Thursday)
    Rende – Vigor Lamezia ore 17.00
  15. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Results from Wednesday. thanks to www.c1siamo.com -

    Apparently, Novara has guaranteed their passage to the knockout stages with thei 3rd win in 3 games.


    Cuneo - Ivrea 1-0: 29' st rig.Facchetti
    Novara - Casale 2-1: 8' pt Rubino (N); 16' pt Soragna (C); 26' st Rubino (N)
    Pro Vercelli - Sanremese 0-1: 18' pt Espinal


    Pergocrema - Montichiari 2-2: 18' pt Bersi (M); 27' pt Pesenti (M); 29' pt Rossi (P); 39' pt Cossato (M) aut.
    Sud Tirol - Legnano 1-3: 23' pt Epifani (L); 6' st Bosio (L); 27' st Scavone (S); 39' st Bettini R. (L)
    riposava: Carpenedolo


    C.S.Pietro - Bellaria 0-3: 8' st Giaccherini; 15' st De Oliveira; 20' st Santi
    Portogruaro - Sassuolo 1-3: 21' pt Anselmi (S); 27' st Cunico (P); 33' st Masucci (S); 41' st Masucci (S)
    riposava: Bassano


    Carrarese - Castelnuovo 2-3: 1' pt D'Ambrosio (CAR); 5' pt Magnani (CAS); 38' pt Bongiorni (CAR); 44' pt Magnani (CAS); 20' st Sireno (CAS)
    Sansovino - Prato 3-0: 19' st Uccello; 24' st Uccello; 44' st Quondamatteo
    Montevarchi - CuoioCappiano 0-0


    Fermana - Gualdo 0-1: 29' st Santini
    Gubbio - Ancona 0-0
    riposava: Foligno


    Olbia - Rieti 1-2: 41' pt rig.Capuccilli (R); 43' pt Falco (O); 1' st Sentinelli (R)
    Sassari Torres - Latina 0-0
    riposava: Viterbo


    Foggia - Chieti 0-0
    Melfi - Pro Vasto 6-0: 21' pt Rana; 36' pt Lauria; 40' pt Rana; 12' st Lauria; 16' st Rana; 30' st Doumbia
    riposava: Giulianova


    Potenza - Nocerina 2-0: 21' pt Zanotti; 36' st Morello
    Taranto - R. Marcianise 0-2: 3' st Corsale; 13' st Corsale
    riposava: Gallipoli


    Gela - Igea V. 2-0: 4' st Di Julio; 34' st Comandatore I.
    Rende - Vigor Lamezia 1-2: 18' pt rig.Galantucci (R); 9' st Zaminga (VL); 24' st Migliorelli (VL)
    Modica - Vittoria oggi, ore 16
  16. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    The league finally published the adjusted rules since the number of teams participating in the preliminary phases was reduced from 60 to 48:

    http://www.lega-calcio-serie-c.it/it/Comunic2006/Lega/Lega 077.pdf

    Of the 48 teams in this stage, 27 (top 3 finishers in each group) will qualify for the next round along with the 32 Serie C teams which took part in the "real" Coppa Italia. 54 of the total of 59 teams will play each other in the next round, while 5 teams (Genoa, Frosinone and Spezia - last year's finalists, and Pavia and Napoli - last year's C1 playoff finalists) will get a bye directly to the Round of 32. Seems to me they should've given a pass to Cittadella rather than Genoa, as a reward for making it to the Round of 16 of the real Coppa, but whatever.
  17. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Roundup of the 4th round of group games. I'm wondering if the Vigor Lamezia-Vittoria result (12-0) is a typo. I've put the teams who've obviously clinched a spot in the top 3 of their group in capital letters. There may be more, but I don't feel like poring through the possibilities in the final round of games. Seeing that Legnano has clinched brings to mind the news I saw today that Marco Simone has signed with that club.

    Casele-Cuneo 0-0
    Ivrea-Sanremese 0-1
    Novara-Pro Vercelli 2-1
    CLASSIFICA. NOVARA 12; Sanremese 7; Cuneo 5; Pro Vercelli 4; Casale 3; Ivrea 1.

    Legnano-Carpenedolo 2-1
    Montichiari-Alto Adige 1-1
    CLASSIFICA. LEGNANO 9, Montichiari 5; Carpenedolo, Pergocrema, Alto Adige 2.

    Bellaria-Bassano 1-1
    Sassuolo-C.S.Pietro 2-1
    CLASSIFICA. BASSANO, BELLARI 7; Sassuolo 6; Portogruaro 3; C.S.Pietro 0.

    Carrarese-Montevarchi 1-1
    Castelnuovo-Sansovino 1-0
    Prato-Cappiano 1-1
    CLASSIFICA. Castelnuovo 7; Montevarchi 6; Sansovino, Prato 5; Cappiano 4; Carrarese 2.

    Ancona-Fermana 1-1
    Gualdo-Foligno 0-1
    CLASSIFICA. FOLIGNO, GUALDO 7; Ancona 3; Fermana 2; Gubbio 1.

    Latina-Viterbo 2-1
    Rieti-Torres 1-2
    CLASSIFICA. Torres 7; Rieti 6; Latina 5; Olbia 4; Viterbo 0.

    Giulianova-Melfi 4-1
    Pro Vasto-Foggia 1-1
    CLASSIFICA. Giulianova 6; Foggia 5; Melfi, Pro Vasto 4; Chieti 2.

    Gallipoli-Potenza 3-1
    Nocerina-Taranto 1-0
    CLASSIFICA. Marcianise, Nocerina, Gallipoli 6; Taranto, Potenza 3.

    Rende-Gela 0-2
    Igea Virtus-Modica 0-1
    V.Lamezia-Vittoria 12-0
    CLASSIFICA. GELA*, MODICA 9; V. Lamezia 7; Igea 4; Rende 3; Vittoria* 0. *una gara in meno
  18. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Actually, seeing as Vittoria lost its first two games in this competition by scores of 6-0 and 7-0, now that I think about it, the score is probably correct.
  19. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Results from the last round of games in the first phase. Top 3 finishers in each group (in bold) advance to the next round. Two games still need to be played, with only one doubt remaining - whether Ancona or Fermana finishes in 3rd place of group E.

    Cuneo-Novara 2-3
    Pro Vercelli-Ivrea 0-0
    Sanremese-Casale 2-0

    CLASSIFICA: Novara 15; Sanremese 10; Pro Vercelli e Cuneo 5; Casale 4; Ivrea 2.

    Alto Adige-Pergocrema 3-0
    Carpenedolo-Montichiari 0-1
    Riposa: Legnano

    CLASSIFICA: Legnano 9; Montichiari 8; Alto Adige 5; Carpenedolo e Pergocrema 2.

    Bassano-Sassuolo 2-1
    C.S. Pietro-Portogruaro 2-0
    Riposa: Bellaria

    CLASSIFICA: Bassano 10; Bellaria 7; Sassuolo 6; Portogruaro e C.S. Pietro 3..

    Cappiano-Castelnuovo 0-0
    Montevarchi-Prato 2-1
    Sansovino-Carrarese 1-0

    CLASSIFICA: Montevarchi 9; Castelnuovo e Sansovino 8; Prato e Cappiano 5; Carrarese 2.

    Fermana-Gubbio 1-1
    Foligno-Ancona postponed to Sept 14
    Riposa: Gualdo

    CLASSIFICA: Gualdo e Foligno 7; Ancona e Fermana 3; Gubbio 2.

    Torres-Olbia 2-1
    Viterbo-Rieti 4-0
    Riposa: Latina

    CLASSIFICA: Torres 10; Rieti 6; Latina 5; Olbia 4; Viterbo 3.

    Chieti-Pro Vasto 1-4
    Foggia-Giulianova 5-0
    Riposa: Melfi

    CLASSIFICA: Foggia 8; Pro Vasto 7; Giulianova 6; Melfi 4; Chieti 2.

    Real Marcianise-Nocerina 0-0
    Taranto-Gallipoli 0-3
    Riposa: Potenza

    CLASSIFICA: Gallipoli 12; Real Marcianise 7; Nocerina 4; Taranto e Potenza 3..

    Gela-Vigor Lamezia 1-0
    Modica-Rende 6-0
    Vittoria-Igea 0-0

    CLASSIFICA: Gela*, Modica 12; Vigor Lamezia 7; Igea 5; Rende 3; Vittoria* 1. * una gara in meno (Gela vs Vittoria playing Sept 14)
  20. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    The final two group matches were made up last night, only one of which had any effect

    Vittoria 1 Gela 2
    Foligno 1 Ancona 1

    The second result ensured Ancona's advancement to the next round.
  21. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Matchups have been set for the Round of, er, 54. These will be played Oct 12 and 19. Here are the matchups with the home team in the first leg listed first:

    Legnano vs Pro Patria
    Monza vs Pro Vercelli
    Valenzana vs Novara
    Pro Sesto vs Sanremese
    Montichiari vs Lumezzane
    Sudtirol vs Cittadella
    Bassano Virtus vs Padova
    Sassuolo vs Pizzighettone
    Forli' vs Bellaria Igea M.
    Castenuovo G. vs Massese
    Sangiovannese vs Montevarchi
    Foligno vs Pistoiese
    Grosseto vs Latina
    Gualdo vs Lucchese
    Sansovino vs Pisa
    Ancona vs Ravenna
    Rieti vs San Marino
    Cisco Roma vs Sassari Torres
    Real Marcianise vs Sambenedettese
    Pro Vasto vs Lanciano
    Giulianova vs Teramo
    Nocerina vs Manfredonia
    Foggia vs Giugliano
    Vigor Lamezia vs Cavese
    Gallipoli vs Martina
    Acireale vs Modica
    Gela vs Juve Stabia
  22. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    First-leg results in the "Round of 54", mostly played yesterday:

    Legnano 1 Pro Patria 1
    Monza 1 Pro Vercelli 3
    Valenzana 2 Novara 0
    Pro Sesto 1 Sanremese 1
    Montichiari 0 Lumezzane 1
    Sudtirol 1 Cittadella 0
    Bassano Virtus 0 Padova 2
    Sassuolo 1 Pizzighettone 2
    Forli' 3 Bellaria Igea M. 1
    Castenuovo G. 1 Massese 3
    Sangiovannese 0 Montevarchi 1
    Foligno 2 Pistoiese 1 (Oct 13)
    Grosseto 1 Latina 1
    Gualdo 2 Lucchese 0
    Sansovino 0 Pisa 0
    Ancona 1 Ravenna 1
    Rieti 0 San Marino 1 (Oct 19)
    Cisco Roma 0 Sassari Torres 0
    Real Marcianise 2 Sambenedettese 1
    Pro Vasto 1 Lanciano 1
    Giulianova 1 Teramo 1
    Nocerina 0 Manfredonia 0
    Foggia 2 Giugliano 0
    Vigor Lamezia 0 Cavese 0
    Gallipoli 1 Martina 0
    Acireale 3 Modica 0 (Oct 19)
    Gela 0 Juve Stabia 0

    2nd legs take place next Wednesday (except where noted, of course).
  23. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    The results from yesterday's return legs, with some matches delayed one to two weeks as noted:

    Pro Patria 0 Legnano 0 (1-1, Pro Patria advances on away goals)
    Pro Vercelli 4 Monza 0 (7-1 aggregate)
    Novara 2 Valenzana 1 (2-3)
    Sanremese 2 Pro Sesto 0 (3-1)
    Lumezzane 1 Montichiari 2 (2-2, Montichiari advances on away goals)
    Cittadella 2 Sudtirol 2 (2-3)
    Padova 2 Bassano Virtus 1 (4-1)
    Pizzighettone 3 Sassuolo 2 (5-3)
    Bellaria Igea M. 4 Forli' 0 (5-3)
    Massese vs Castelnuovo Garfagnana (Nov 1)
    Montevarchi 0 Sangiovannese 3 (1-3)
    Pistoiese 2 Foligno 0 (3-2)
    Latina 2 Grosseto 1 (3-2)
    Lucchese 3 Gualdo 0 (3-2)
    Pisa 3 Sansovino 1 (3-1)
    Ravenna 3 Ancona 0 (4-1)
    San Marino 2 Rieti 1 (3-1)
    Sassari Torres 2 Cisco Roma 1 (2-1)
    Sambenedettese 0 Real Marcianise 4 (6-1)
    Lanciano 1 Pro Vasto 0 (2-1)
    Teramo 2 Giulianova 0 (3-1)
    Manfredonia 2 Nocerina 0 (2-0)
    Giugliano 3 Foggia 1 (3-3, Foggia wins on away goals)
    Cavese 0 Vigor Lamezia 1 (0-1)
    Martina 3 Gallipoli 3 (3-4)
    Modica 1 Acireale 1 (1-4)
    Juve Stabia 1 Gela 0 (1-0)

    Some nice comebacks and a few C2 upsets over C1 teams.
  24. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Filling in the above results as they come in. Here are the matchups for the next round, which is scheduled for Nov 9 and 23:

    Bellaria Igea-Pizzighettone
    Gallipoli-Vigor Lamezia
    Pro Vercelli-Pro Patria
    Ravenna-San Marino
    Real Marcianise-Lanciano
    Sassari Torres-Frosinone
    Acireale-Juve Stabia
  25. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Here are yesterday's first-leg results:

    Acireale (C1/B) 0 Juve Stabia (C1/B) 3
    Bellaria Igea (C2/A) 2 Pizzighettone (C1/A) 0
    Gallipoli (C2/C) 1 Vigor Lamezia (C2/C) 0
    Genoa (C1/A) 2 Pisa (C1/B) 1
    Latina 1 (C2/C) Pistoiese (C1/A) 1
    Massese (C1/B) 0 Sangiovannese (C1/B) 1
    Manfredonia (C1/B) 1 Teramo (C1/A) 1
    Montichiari (C1/A) 1 Sanremese (C1/A) 2
    Napoli (C1/B) 3 Foggia (C1/B) 1
    Padova (C1/A) vs Sudtirol (C2/A) (postponed)
    Pro Vercelli (C2/A) 0 Pro Patria (C1/A) 1
    Ravenna (C1/A) 2 San Marino (C1/A) 1
    Real Marcianise (C2/C) vs Lanciano (C1/B) (Nov 16)
    Sassari Torres (C1/B) 1 Frosinone 1 (C1/B) (Nov 10)
    Spezia (C1/A) 1 Lucchese (C1/B) 1
    Valenzana (C2/A) 2 Pavia (C1/A) 0

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