The DC-Chicago second leg is on ESPN2 at 1:00 on 11/9. With the "mini-game" if needed that match would end very close to kick-off for Revs-Mutts. I was wondering if there might be any interest in watching the first match at a Foxboro sports bar in lieu of tailgating. Of course, it is not "either-or" but perhaps someone could look into lining up a TV in the area for fans to gather. Then again, the Revs front office could arrange for a viewing at the stadium on the Jumbotron.....nah, who am I kidding?
Stranger things have happened....last year during the MLS playoffs, I remember whatching the Pats from the parking lot. Brian
Any interest in this? Perhaps most are in the same boat as I am and will be traveling at the time of the game.
Unrelated, but where do the Fort and BS Users tailgate? I'd like to try and meander over there before the game.
I can't believe I have Bio Final Exam the day after the game 2. Neither I can go to Gillette Stadium nor I can watch DC-CHI game.
Well the Riders tailgate is in P1 right in front of the pro shop and the enterence gate. The Rev Army tailgates in the lot across the street. I'm not sure about anyone else.