Revs step up, overcome injuries - Boston Herald Borchers bounces between books, ball - Denver Post Roundup: Galaxy, Fire, Revs capture openers - USA Today U.S. women beat Mexico, 3-1, in Dallas - Dallas Morning News Girl power - Star-Telegram Iraq Coach Criticizes Coalition - LA Times Know what's really wrong with BCS? It's computers, stupid - Indy Star (saying that the BCS makes the MLS shootout look good...)
"Borchers played four years for the DU soccer team. He started all 76 games for the Pioneers last season and was player of the year in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation." Wow. Who says college soccer doesn't play enough games to develop players? Good article in spite of that typo (Or revelation of major rules violations by DU's soccer program).
Memphis to Man-U: A Fairy Tale Love Story - Memphis Commercial Appeal U.S. Path made Easier - Hartford Courant
Wow. The more I know about Tim Howard, the prouder I am to be an MLS fan and a national team fan. I met Tim Howard briefly last year. After a few beers during the July 4th Burn v Metros game in 2002, me and a friend hung out by the Metros team bus, something I don't usually do. No other fans were around, they were all elsewhere with Clint and his mohawk. Tim Howard walked by and we said "good game" and "tough luck" (this was when the Burn actually won a few games) and "too bad you didn't make the World Cup team". He was very gracious and polite, especially since his team had just lost 2-0. He talked with us for 4 or 5 minutes, shook our hands and then got on the team bus. He could have pulled a Tab Ramos and walked by and not responded. But he didn't. No doubt a lot of the good things that have happened with Tim Howard is because of the kind of person he is. p.s. Petke was pretty cool too that day.
A good article, indeed. Except for the tidbit with regards to the Google search hits. Completely flawed as a means of trying to support one's opinions/assertions regarding popularity as he purported to do. My own Google search yielded these results: "Manchester United" = 629k hits; while "New York Yankees" = 604k hits, and "NY Yankees" = 221k hits; giving Yankees a total of: 825k hits. Obviously, this doesn't support his assertions, one way or the other, since names can be mutated in a number of ways. Official WWW site hits may be of some use as a measurement; forget search hits.