10/24 Latest Rumor: "El Güero"

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by numerista, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. numerista

    numerista New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    This Spanish-language story comes from Mexico City paper El Récord:

    My (loose) translation:
  2. Jay Hipps

    Jay Hipps Member

    Mar 18, 2000
    Northern California
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Mr. Blonde, eh?

  3. tonyh01

    tonyh01 Member

    Nov 9, 2003
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    I'm blonde....oh wait, I'm half English. Guess that rules me out.
  4. 1Bri Fanatic333

    1Bri Fanatic333 New Member

    Jul 12, 2000
    You're Bald!
  5. tonyh01

    tonyh01 Member

    Nov 9, 2003
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    By choice......kinda!
  6. porkrind

    porkrind Member+

    United States
    Sep 27, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes

    LOL... beat me to it! :D
  7. babytiger2001

    babytiger2001 New Member

    Dec 29, 2000
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm also blonde, but I can safely say that it's not me, either. :(


    Now that's what I call "blonde in a bottle"... although CUB over here brews a similar product.
  8. Beerking

    Beerking Member+

    Nov 14, 2000
    Humboldt County
    I like cheese.
  9. 1Bri Fanatic333

    1Bri Fanatic333 New Member

    Jul 12, 2000
    You know, I've always wondered....on your drivers liscence, what does it say for hair color? Blonde, bald, or N/A....??? :D
    yes, I'm serious....
  10. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    I thought Guero meant white boy. I also didn't know they used those little dots in Spanish. I'm confused.... Someone educate me.
  11. CARLOS1

    CARLOS1 Member

    Aug 9, 2001
    Sunnyvale, CA
    Real Betis
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    United States
    Guero or huero as they say in spanglish usually means a light complexion with light hair. I guess it's a double adjective ?
  12. tonyh01

    tonyh01 Member

    Nov 9, 2003
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    Blonde....I do shave my head. I'm not bald....I have pictures to prove it.
  13. sangreazul

    sangreazul Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Belmont, CA
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  14. Bajoro

    Bajoro Member+

    Sep 10, 2000
    The Inland Empire
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    I think Richard Branson ought to buy a MLS expansion franchise and call them the Virgins.

    And what about Luis Hernandez? Is he a real blonde, or bottle-blonde?
  15. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    What do you think?

    Really, if you can't tell, You should let others make your major life decisions. (if you're joking, then both of us are, if you're serious, then consider my comment)
  16. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    Is that how it's used too? There's one thing to what it truly means, but how is it actually used.

    I have friend who calls me white girl (I can't remember how she says it). I'm white, but I don't have light hair by any means.

    And what about the dotty thingies?
  17. 1Bri Fanatic333

    1Bri Fanatic333 New Member

    Jul 12, 2000
    The coach that I grew up playing for was mexican, and I was very close to his daughter, and family...he used to call me jueda (I dunno how to spell it, I just spelt it fanetically.) It means white girl....
  18. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Fish! There's a lot of touchy people on these boards tonight! Our team just won, can't we all just have a sense of humor! Or more beer!

    I don't mean you Linds!

  19. 1Bri Fanatic333

    1Bri Fanatic333 New Member

    Jul 12, 2000
    lol...I was like...dang, I was just adding to the conversation! GEESH! :rolleyes:

    Anyways...enough procrastinating...off to work on that seven page philosophy paper....... :(
    If you'de like to come and help me, you are more than welcome....

    *edit* I just opened my philosophy book, and my water bottle seemed to have leaked while in my backpack....all of the stuff I had highlighted for my paper out of my book is no longer highlighted, and all of my pages are wet, and different pigments of lue and green...........*UGH!!!!!* :mad: Anyone know anything good bout Human Rights?
  20. babytiger2001

    babytiger2001 New Member

    Dec 29, 2000
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Or more blondes! Except for that guy, of course...


    I'll see if I can get an image of that blonde beer made by CUB. :)
  21. babytiger2001

    babytiger2001 New Member

    Dec 29, 2000
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Can;t find it... and the type of beer is called Pure Blonde. I actually sold a few bottles of the stuff at the horse races in Geelong last week (god, I love working Spring Carnival here), and I told the patrons that this was "the true 'blonde in a bottle,' seriously!" :D

    Anyway, here's a link to CUB's direct site.
  22. numerista

    numerista New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Without the dots, it'd be "GAY-ro;" as Carlos says, the dots make it more like "WAY-ro."

    Who exactly is one depends a lot on who's talking; standards vary. Among the Mexican middle and upper classes, a person called güero would be someone they'd consider blond (or in some cases, had been blond as a child).

    I should also mention that my first post suggested that Club América wanted to "attack" MLS's business practices ... that's really not such a good word choice, "investigate" is far better.

    Thanks to sangreazul for pointing us to Alejandro Burillo ... he's gotta be the guy.

  23. chapulincolorado

    Jul 14, 1999
    McAllen, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    Well. Anglos are also called bolillos or in your case you would be a bolilla or güera.

    They are called diérisis in Spanish.

    El Chapulin Colorado
  24. shasta

    shasta New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    No, no....QEUSO!
  25. shasta

    shasta New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    QUESO looks more like it, actually.

    Hey, B.K., what holiday blends do you recommend from Sierra Nevada? With respect to your location and experience in these matters, I would consider you an expert!

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