I feel like we need a thread for this development: Heather Cox Richardson has a good rundown:...
-- -- -- To Your Election Day Bunkers! It's Time To Hunker Down -- -- -- All Races. All Results. Plus DOOM! -- -- -- [ATTACH] -- -- --...
No hope. No happiness. Only horror ... and gallows humor. -- The election is 10 days away. I need a thread that fits my mood.
@ceezmad is right. Time for a new thread. 270towin senate map: [ATTACH] 270to win congressional map: [ATTACH]
Trudeau has gone to the Governor General to dissolve parliament and call an election for Monday Sept 20, 2021 https://www.elections.ca/home.aspx...
Well, we're doing it again: Will the California recall of 2021 be wild or mild? Here’s your guide. Here's the ballot from the last time we did...
Continued from here: https://www.bigsoccer.com/threads/covid-19-american-acceptionalism.2110823/ Enjoy! This is for discussion of the ongoing...
I read this tonight: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/hallelujah/sharetoken/rCdD8MFTu826 And I was reminded of this four years ago: [MEDIA]...
It's finally over. [MEDIA] Consolidating the erstwhile presidency thread series, and any tweeting around the former president here. While...
It's time to start the 2022 election thread!! There's no way in heck I'm doing a chart for the House, but here's one for the Senate races....
-- -- -- To Your Election Day Bunkers! -- -- -- [ATTACH] -- -- -- [ATTACH] -- -- -- For the fourth cycle in a row, I'm starting up the...
So, 2020? Holy shit! Right? Having thought about this for a while, I've decided that I need a little mindless distraction from this year....
If you immediately know the toaster is hot, the team was toasted a long time ago. (The Riddle of Toast) -- -- -- Alright, fine! You filthy,...
My state is on fire again. [ATTACH] The town of Paradise (population 27,000) in Butte County is apparently pretty much gone. Thousands of...
-- -- -- [ATTACH] -- -- -- It's time to prepare your Election Day Bunker! I've got mine well stocked with fun size Baby Ruth and Peanut Butter...
Vanity of vanities, said the Butter, all is vanity. What has a team won for all its labor which it has taken upon the field? One season passes...
In the basis of spirit, let’s hope Josh Sargent scores a hat trick.
I was in a rush to get ready and head to work worried for my life thinking that I was going to be late, I arrived to work, only to realize that as...
Let the inanity continue. As you were.
they don't.
You know it was coming.
Carry on. Thanks to @chaski for the thread title.
German coalition talks collapse after deadlock on migration and energy...