2020's biggest hit show is back! After sweeping awards season, winning many accolades and national praise, our band of loveable heroes are here...
Self explanatory. I think we would all agree our expectations are higher than last year, when just having a team was good enough.
We have had a couple of weeks marinating. its time for a mega thread for our offseason. The Coachbot 9000 Crew Soccer Show was the hottest show...
We had it all, and we blew it. We are who we thought we were. They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook. Portering has...
One of these teams is still in playoff contention. The other is Canadian. Crew are squarely in the Win + get a lot of help phase, but as a great...
http://public.liquiddogs.com/tournaments-mls/713 For those of you who are interested, SKAMZZ is top of the east, and 3rd overall, with 16 points...