The "perhaps not as bad as Beaser" Dempsey was far better than Beasley in that game, there's no "perhaps" to it. And I can't believe you are...
Landon played more minutes in Korea 2002 as a midfielder than he did as a forward. Make what you will of that info, but those are the facts
Their reputation isn't at stake at all. They can think the USMNT sucks and that Demerit clearly must be better than any other US centerback...
Really? Appoo I have a really hard time taking this seriously.
Or that a callup will increase the players transfer value. I seriously doubt that Watford's manager knows much of anything about the USMNT....
I'm not missing the point. Playing in one league doesn't automatically make you better than a player in another league. Watch the players play...
Most of us have actually seen Spector and Bocanegra play well. Who on here has seen Demerit enough to make a reasonable argument for the kid?...
more accurately... Sometimes people put too much stock in a soccer resume with Europe on it somewhere.
Challenging and competitive doesn't mean better. Berhalter plays on a 3rd place team in a Euro 2nd division, didn't help him on Wed.
Why would we do that? Armas could tackle, cut off passing lanes, and win balls. Carroll was useless. Armas isn't my favorite type of player...
Because that central midfield is too soft without Mastro and I'd much rather have Reyna than Convey
Why would we assume Convey is going to be effective on the right? Anyway, I'll take a goal scorer over another setup man.
Yes, never thought that was a good choice and over Clark, ouch.
I disagree, Dempsey scores goals for the Nats, Convey hasn't in the past.
I would love to see it and hope we see it but I guess I just don't believe Arena will make a move like that this late in the game. How long will...