MiamiFC need to sell 5,000 tickets in two weeks? If that is true, then it looks like the plug has been pulled. Clearly, those are silly numbers -...
Fourth. Even before Robinho they had a good team that would have finished around sixth. Add Robinho, make it fifth. Add several top players in...
I must admit that I was really surprised to hear over the loudspeaker a complaint to the ref. At first I thought it must have been an intro to the...
Sure! We need a greedy goal poacher. I would love to see him play again for us.
The reason cited to me many times is even simpler: soccer isn't an American sport, and only played by inferior countries. The US does not stoop to...
That's a pretty decent turnout - let's hope it is the start of a gradual increase :-)
Sorry that I can't make it, but I have a family event that I need to attend :-(
While sitting in miserable rain for the last game, I wsa thinking the same thing, River :-)
I'm sure they would consider it... although it would probably be too expensive by the sound of it.
Just got back from the game. Absolutely horrible weather: it rained non-stop and I got drenched. Kudos to the players for giving a gusto...
As part of attracting the non-Spanish speakers, I think they need to get a better working relationship with the Miami Herald. As an example:...
This is another positive step (now we just need more/better vendors)
I think the connection with GolTV is very positive (as was getting a shhirt sponsor). Remember that Ray Hudson started his Fusion career by...
The attendance was quite low. But, it should be noted that it was raining most of the day, and I'm sure that deterred many people. Also, the...