I almost feel bad for Eric that Saturday Night Live made the creative decision to portray him as the dumb one. Almost.
George W Bush: it will be a good idea to put the guy who ran the Arabian Horse group thing in charge of FEMA. Trump: Hold my beer.
That tracks
No kidding
What did I miss?
This one hit me harder than most school shootings.
So you're saying if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns, and the police have the right to kill them on sight? Sounds good to me.
Shorter version: the campaign believed it's own bullshit (exhibit A: not having a concession speech prepared)
Shorter Dick Morris: I will continue to make shit up to seek relevance.
I work in PR for a living. I have for a long time. The first rule of PR is "don't believe your own bullshit."* The day you believe your own spin...