Thanks for your 'rep': "Sorry, you're a complete idiot, not even knowing the fact (1994: 1x0? What have you smoked?). Idiot." Really enjoyed your understandable rage LOL ... Way more than a mere 1 x 0, Baggio's balooning that ball in 94 to the skies of America in 94 'simply' meant Brazil 5 x 4 Italy nowadays in WCs. Besides that WAS actually a 1 x 0: we scored one more goal than you to win the Cup, wasn'it?... Oh, you didn't lose the game!...It was a tie!... Funny, because I saw no Italian lifting the Cup with us. Retard...
Eh, we're just rebuilding from the scratch, but we do not suck, we're just an average team this year. :) Spelling is Arrivederci :)
Sorry i thought i knew you from the Milan forums, just looked at your profile, oh well, Juve do suck though.
Hiya, too bad about Milans start this term, at least Ronnie is looking good. There used to be a Serie A round up on channel four here and to say bye the host used to say Arrevderchie, spelling may be wrong though, lol.