OG US soccer fan alternating between yelling at the clouds and weeping sentimentalism... Engage at your own mental health risk.

Jan 31, 2001
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    1. jared Sagal
      jared Sagal
    2. freisland
      OG US soccer fan alternating between yelling at the clouds and weeping sentimentalism... Engage at your own mental health risk.
    3. vaquero28
      talk about arrogance!
      1. freisland
        you did. it was all over your "how long I've been an ayso ref" post. I had a good chuckle! So tell me, do you believe that Jozy just decided to stay in the dressing room and play video games - and yet is still coming to the Germany game. Is that what you really think about how JK and Jozy operate?
        Jun 2, 2013
      2. freisland
        could you feel like a bigger older fool if you tried?
        Jun 2, 2013
    4. vaquero28
      1. freisland
        THAT was incredible. Maybe he'll go sulk in the lockerroom now. Bwahahahahahhahaaaaahaha
        Jun 2, 2013
      2. freisland
        did you see that pass to Dempsey? Now he'll go pout.
        Jun 2, 2013
    5. vaquero28
      I never once have called you anything negative at all. It is probably best if I put you on ignore,,,,.. You'll be in good company.. Take care and have a pleasant evening. Watching the French Open and painting a bit.....
      1. freisland
        You can do was you want. But what you wrote was stupid. And I called it out as such. You putting me on ignore does not change the stupidity of your opinion.
        Jun 1, 2013
    6. vaquero28
      how come you feel I am cranky? Just because I do not agree with mollycoddling a guy who has done zero for more than two years and is called the greatest American striker and everyone blames an entire team because he is a failure is a sad reason to call anyone cranky. Facts are facts. You do not know me at all, yet you call me a know-nothing as far as International soccer is concerned.
      1. freisland
        I do know, however, that for a player to be subbed out at half time and simply not return to the bench because he doesn't feel like supporting the team is behavior JK - or most any other international coach - would not tolerate. That you think it was a plausible explanation shows me you don't know jack. Perhaps you are in the early stages of losing your mind. Or perhaps you never had one.
        Jun 1, 2013
    7. vaquero28
      Thank You, no need to worry about my balls.. hanging just fine.....
      1. freisland
        I thought maybe you were such a cranky old fart cause you sat on them.
        Jun 1, 2013
    8. vaquero28
      So take your wisdom and get to know whom you accuse of incompetence. I played soccer since before you were born, coached, reffed, started and ran a league and I can see talent and the will to use it for the benefit of the team not for personal glory. Have been to 5 world cups, the last one in 2006 to watch the USA go down in flames and the Germans surprise everyone.
      1. freisland
        You are funny, I'll give you that. Don't sit on your balls!
        Jun 1, 2013
    9. vaquero28
      Doesn't know anything about International soccer?? My first world Cup was Germany winning 3 to 2 over Hungary in in 1952 and haven't missed a one since. So You are right, I know nothing of International soccer. Given his prior truculence why is it a stretch to make the assumption he is not sulking yet again for not getting treated like the prima donna he thinks he is??
    10. freisland
    11. freisland
      gawd this new look is ugly. And I'm not even that style conscious. I feel like I'm working on a commodore 64.
    12. freisland
      I always hate change, I just hate this change a little more than most.
    13. jwat15
      Haha. Contrary to some, I like women too! But Thank you. Your comment was too funny.
    14. FirstStar
      Dude- I like your point about watching soccer with someone who knows the game. Reality is that you are looking at the next generation- once these kids grow up and have kids, they will be able to do that. There's no shortcut to this process.
    15. MJ-inBRITAIN
      thanks dude, so i guess your Derby has the edge on my Forest. I saw the 2-1 FA cup match at city ground. The both played good football until forest just ran out fit first team players with all their injuries. Great atmosphere though.
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    Jan 31, 2001
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