A bit late to the party, but my .02: As a GK in an organized, competitve mens adult league, I've only been asked to remove my baseball cap on a...
My money's on the first two words being "Mike's" and "Hard."
You know they just discontinued Zima, right?
You sure?
How many people who are fake outraged by this cartoon think Muslims need to lighten up when they fatwa cartoonists who draw Mr. Bomb-Head Mohammed?
Just tase him, bro.
Screw the frame rate, why is it I can swing the Wiimote in a five foot sweep and still produce at least one bogus check swing per at bat?
Find a copy of Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1 on Ebay. You won't be sorry.
If the Ford version of a Jaguar was a slightly sleeker Taurus with plastic wood accents, what the hell is the Indian Jaguar gonna look like? The...
Not accusing you of racism, holmes. Just using your misspelling to make some alliterative humor.
The extra 'm' is for Muslim Mulatto!
Bump. Recruit anyone you can, we're still stuck on 7.
And the Gelatto stand the people attached to their house with painted plywood across the street.