Wait, Kleiban blocked me on twitter? How did that happen? Well, that makes three now...
No Dema Kovalenko...
We're also leaving off the Southern West Virginia King's Warriors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_West_Virginia_King%27s_Warriors
Over Forty Years Ago Today New York had the boys and Pele They quickly went out of style And Pro Soccer was gone for a while So we re-introduce to...
[ATTACH] #ImWithHer
I've never seen anything about your O's to suggest that there is any H to them.
As a former Tulsan, I was upset at the lack of mention of Paul Pressey
- A U5/U7 Development program? I don't care if you bring out Zidane to run the practices, children at that age play in the 4-0-0 formation with...
I didn't know Gary Klieban wrote the Coach Certification tests now.
Let's also recall that the SS USMNT was under the command of Capt. Steve Sampson. He could've gotten Barca relegated.
He was with Rayo, so he will relate to the players when it comes to losing to Energy.
They each have at least one team, and two of them are in the same league with the same group owning a large part of two teams? What else do you...
Yeah, but it's a hassle to get 3,000 of The Mongols to come out to a stadium 15 nights a year.
I refuse to follow wrestling until the corrupt WWE cabal allows pro/rel with the Lucha Underground champion.
Wasn't that basically the entire mission statement of the league for whom this thread is named?