The league ought to give the cash to the team and let them start a fund to hire Octavio Zambrano, OZ himself, away from the Wizards where he's an...
Campeones!!!! Campeones!!!!! MLS 2009!!!!! Metro forever: Clint Mathis and Andy Williams!!!!!
to get the Bradley/Arena stench off this team?
Happy days are here again!!
I hear the new and improved Red Bull Toilet Paper will be added to the online store soon.
We will be there, as always.
9,342 book it.
OZ without a doubt. First there was the 200 season. Then 2001 with the fast start, the loss of Mathis and fighting through it all to finally...
Take a look at the attendance in 2000-01 the years of the best Metro teams. There was some real excitement around those teams. A respectable...
It seems more like the end of an era than the beginning of a new one. I respect Johnston as a guy who doesn't shy away from any challenges but...
The Metro Bullies or Bullies for short.
...besides the Yankees weren't named the Yankees until the 13th year of their existence so what's the big deal?