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May 26, 2004
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May 23, 1981 (Age: 43)

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Moderator, 43

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9Qui was last seen:
Jun 16, 2024
    1. Chinky24
      The pleasure is all mine!
    2. Benz09
      Thanks man :)
    3. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Did you check out the new BS yet? Me likey.
    4. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Qui, i've got another question. Is it mandatory to create a thread in the infractions and card thread for every post that is reported? I mean there are some that are just not worth it right? Just wanted to know if we HAD to do it regardless.

      Sorry about the questioning and all but who else am i gonna ask. Nate's been pissy lately and Umar's a douche all the time. :D
    5. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Qui, how do i see posts that have been edited by a mod? I clicked on the link thats says "edited by ...." it takes me to a screen which says old and new post and compare. I did that but can't see the original post. What am i doing wrong? I am talking about RB's post in the new mod thread that 4x4s edited.
    6. vilafria
    7. zizou555
      hey Big Q,

      I was moving to Paris.Got an internship so picked up everything and moved.
      Lack of internet and a lot of house searching has kept me away.I will check the Fanatsy league is it is still available
    8. therealrealfan
      My team has to be cule free, because I don't even know who/what a cule is.

      So, I'm taking your support for granted now. :D
    9. therealrealfan
      Thank you so much for the tips!!! Changed my team.

      Now with those lessons on money management, I'm sure to win the fantasy league this time around. :)
    10. mymy33
      I don't necessarily need the cheapest you know?

      Yeah, I just don't think it's a big deal being away in for at the most six months at a time...I'll just get a Facebook account ;) And now that I'm back consulting my work and normal routine is easily malleable to any place with good coffee and reliable WiFi. Once my precious little leech goes off to college my life is going to change anyway so why hold off on doing things I've wanted to do for a long time?
    11. mymy33
      I don't know why it would be a big deal. By the time it happens I'll presumably be a single woman with no hard fast responsibilities besides my pyschotic canine sidekicks. Barring an unexpected diversion my child will be away at college and she won't need me on a day-to-day basis, I guess that sounds harsh...:D

      As far as my three cities of choice, I have friends in all three locales. I'm ready for an adventure but I'd like to know someone where I'm going since I can't convince anyone here to come with me ;)
    12. mymy33
      I don't live in Philadelphia. I live in NJ about 15 miles north of Philadelphia. But yes I'm buying the condo to eventually live in it but until I'm ready I'll be subletting it for 3-6 months at a time. Although if I can save enough money while I'm living abroad i'll ditch the condo in SD (or Portland) and buy a coop in NYC :D
    13. mymy33
      Is what a good deal?
    14. mymy33
      San Diego (and Portland) are both popular destinations for business travelers. So I'm looking to buy a condo and then sublet it with a rental management company while I travel. I'd really prefer NYC but alas too expensive :(

      As far as destinations I'm thinking Kiev, Montevideo, or Phuket. We'll see though...
    15. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      By seniors i mean anybody who is not a 1st year resident. They all want to give you orders. They all think that you are their personal bitch. Most of the Specialists are actually pretty good. Some of them are really anal about things and expect you to know everything about every new study thats published.

      I'm surprised to hear that being a doctor isn't really considered a big deal over there. As you said, over here its a pretty big deal when you tell somebody you're a doctor. People get impressed. The main reason is that people make such a big deal of how difficult it is to get in and then how difficult it is to get through and then how difficult the USMLE is.....and on and on. I gotta be a honest its a big pull with the ladies too.
    16. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Residents (especially 1st and 2nd year) are slaves. There is no other way to describe it. You just go where they tell you to go, do what they tell you to do, show up when they tell you to, leave when they tell you to. Its hell, especially for Surgical residents. You know i have to get to the OR at 6 in the morning 4 days out of the week. The other 2 days i'm on call. It is hell but i figured that once you make the people around you realise that you're a competent and hard working person, it isn't so bad. I have 2 friends who are not Doctors and their lives are sooooooo much easier (they always say oh, nobody's life is easy but they don't what their talking about :rolleyes:). Its unbelievable.

      Sorry for the rants. Its kinda nice to vent once in a while. :p
    17. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      The hospitals are pretty much run by 1st year residents. They do everything. Med School workload was intense but this is something else. Seniors just treat you like shit. Patients don't want to be treated by you since they think you don't know anything because you're young. I said to myself when i become a senior doctor i'll never treat my juniors like this. There is no reason for it but you know what just the other day we got a fresh batch of recruits and i was told to show them the ins and outs. I wasn't very pleasant with them. I figure that once you've been through the grinder it kinda squeezes the niceness and patience right out of you. I'm institutionalized. :(
    18. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Ya the system is a little different. Staright out of high school we do 4 years of college (2 years pre med). During the last year we take MCATs. Then you start 4 years of Med School during which we take our licensing exams. After that its into a residency program which will take around 4 years (it'll take me 2 years more since i'm in Surgery but i'm trying my hardest to do it in 5). Then you make the big bucks.
    19. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Its probably the same over there but over here they work you like a dog during your residency. Actually, some dogs don't really work that hard, i'd say they work you like an ox on a farm. Its brutal.

      I always thought their system was stupid. Why should anybody have to work for more than 12hours straight. It makes no sense. They're not be as effective after 19 hours as they were after 7 hours. Its never made any sense to me.
    20. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Didn't like Cali? Northern parts of the state are beautiful as are the southern parts. :D The big cities like LA are not really very attractive if you're talking about natural beauty. Up north in the NAPA valley its quite nice. Lots of vineyards, good sun, good surf.

      Interesting system you got there. 25 hr run ey. I've had a lot of those in the last 2 years. The longest i went was a few months ago, 34 hours straight. No sleep. I came home, ate some ice cream because thats the only thing i have in my fridge. Went to sleep on the couch. Woke up after 6 hours, threw up (the ice cream was really old and had probably gone bad) and went to sleep for another 4 hours. Lovely.

      Sometimes i wonder why i became a Doctor. Then my brain answers, "because you wanted to buy your own Ferrari, you idiot".
    21. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      I'm from the west coast so I am more of a living close to the beach or open country kind of guy. I like places around NYC. Long Island is great, i have friends there. Upstate NY is very nice. I never liked NYC. One reason could be that everyone keeps telling me how great it is.

      Back to work now ey? Are you doing your residency or are you done with it? I don't really know how it works in DK.
    22. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Dr. Qui. How was your visit state-side? I hope you had a pleasant experience in my colorful country. Although NYC is more like the sewer of the US. (IMO)
    23. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Fantastic. Those ER hotties and the night shift nurses would love you. Being a Danish pastry and also having a dickish attitude. Win. Win.
    24. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Hey Qui. I didn't know you were in the health care industry. Are you a Doctor?
    25. mymy33
      It turned into a major problem because you and YS decided to get into a pissing match. Even now you can't let it die as evidenced by your response to him in the thread. Like I said I was just seeking some clarification and I think I was well within in right to do so but I guess I was wrong.
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    May 23, 1981 (Age: 43)


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    May 26, 2004
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