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Discussion in 'Colombia' started by Pibe#10, Aug 17, 2006.

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  1. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
  2. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    No he leido el link de ctrlAltDel, me imagino que es dirigido especificamente a ese virus (spyware). Busca una herramienta para removerlo, ya sabes cual es el virus, que es lo mas dificil! Yo tengo windows en la misma maquina que ubuntu, y en ubuntu puedes instalar antiviruses para windows obviamente, ya que en linux no se necesita eso, y escanear los discos duros o particiones con windows desde linux. Estos antiviruses son gratis y muy buenos.
  3. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    por mil dolares puedes ordenar un mapa de tu genoma. increible.

    tengo ganas de hacerme el examen. el proximo año si se me da la oportunidad de ahorrar un dinero extra, lo voy a comprar!
  4. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    gracias por todas las respuestas - me toco reformatear el hard drive
    perdi todas mis fotos y algunas canciones
    pero ahora me dice en un pop-up cada 20 o menos minutos que debo vistar un www como tofixreg.com o registrycleanerxp.com o helpfixpc.com
    aperce el mensaje diciendome que es un "MESSAGE SERVICE' on the top bar - the blue one, dice que mi registry esta comprometido y tal
    no me meto por alli pero parece que son secuelas del otro spy ware

    alguien sabe de esos www? a mi me da miedo abrirlos
    ahora navego via mozila firefox!
  5. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    es que windows es una re************, y disculpen la palabra. Amigo, con sinceridad.. si queres dejar de tener problemas, instala ubuntu... www.ubuntuguide.org
  6. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    The problem with any open source operating system is compatibility with windows based applications....
  7. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    at the first sight of your post hadexxx will jump through the computer screen and strangle you :-o

    unless effer is an avid pc gamer, IT guy or both, he does not need micro$oft's windows OS for much. in fact, his E-life would be better served if he were to shun windows.

    *the open source soft. Vs. windows debate is over. we simply have to allow the natural progression of the eventual switch to linux or any of its cousins to take place. my guess is that in less than 10 years windows will be looked down upon in the same way AOL is looked upon in the ISP industry today.
  8. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    Can I still run my pc games using linux? I want to get rid of windowscrap...
  9. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    I was about to strangle you but... i took a deep breath!!! lol

    gaming??? man... ahi si le preguntaste al que no era... I've seen it done on linux! but I don't know how easy it is... I guess with WINE you could do it, or god knows how...

    If that is suck a concern, have a dual boot system... windows on one partition for your games (just for your games) and Linux on another partition. That is what i do. I don't play games on the computer, but some times you do need windows for some things you can only do in windows (microsoft based crap), some things you can only do in linux (but mostly everything can be done in linux) and some other things can only be done on OS X.
  10. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    my guess was right i "guess"

    Ubuntu Documentation

    Many games which are available for Windows can be run on Linux through emulators. Examples of these are Wine and Cedega
  11. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    Thanks... I've heard of wine before from a friend who used linux but he ended going back to Microsoft.

    I got this message from Microsoft saying that I might be a victim of counterfeiting software so I might make the switch. I just got some concerns on how difficult it is to install? Do I need to be IT brainiac to do so? My other main concern is there something equivalent to microsoft works available that doesn't suck?
  12. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    yup... open office by Novel!!!! you can even try it on windows MICROSOFT... it will open all your office documents, create documents that will open on any windows crap machine, etc.

    its easy... just download the image for you system (intel chip x86 or intel 64bit, or amd, etc) burn the image to a cd / dvd, pop it in... restart the computer... it will boot from the cd and you will see the magic right away, its not like windows where you follo 10000 steps... I'll post a great video i used where they show step by step on how to do it.
  13. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
  14. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    I don’t play pc games either, but i have heard from people who do, that unfortunately there are not very effective drivers for ATI cards for linux. So if the game that you are playing is only supported by ATI graphics cards, then you might run into problems. Thence, you would indeed require a partition for Windows, providing you with the ability to do a dual boot.

    other than that, there is virtually nothing that an average computer user cannot do in *nix systems that he can do in windows OS's.

    Ubuntu is a friendly, well polished, and sexy OS. It is perfect for first time open source users and everyone all around. It is becoming very popular in Europe.
    freeBSD originated right here in America. It is the not as aesthetically appealing, nevertheless I regard it as the Abrams tank of the Open Source Operating System family. it is rock solid, secure, and dependable. I use it as my secondary platform, OS X being the first.
    Linux to me is the cutting edge system, that has more developers working on it than its competitors, which means that there is greater support for it, of course, that also means that there is a greater probability that you will run into bugs that developers have not had a chance to correct. And obviously, Linux is not an operating system, it is a pure Kernel- therefore you better know your way around a command line interface if you decide to choose the linux path because GUI’s are not linuxs’ forte.

    Then there is Solaris, and others that are hard core and very advanced *nix systems sponsored and used by major companies.
  15. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    not I am not at IT guy or avid user of new tech...

    is there a way, and how to ck of your registry is in danger or corrupted?

    thanks for the ubunto idea and video - I may .....
  16. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    If you have an anti virus program, you can run a full system scan and check for any malicious changes in your registry.

    you can also download free registry 'clean up' tools that do specifically just that. http://www.registry-clean.net/ is the first one that shows up on google, you can try other free programs. all of them perform the same task, which is to cross check your registry settings with the settings the program knows your computer should have, and it then reverts any previous modifications that it thinks might be harmful to your system.
  17. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    did that stuff really ever worked for you CtrlAltDel? I am just curios, back when i was very-uncareful with my computer i tried them all... and you always seem to keep some adware spamware referring to their own programs. (that is my personal experience).

    Now, that i am more concious of what should and shouldn't be done one a machine... to tell you the truth... I stoped using antiviruses a long time ago in windows... these are running all day consuming my resources and catch shit... anti-viruses only work for "known" viruses... and new viruses are created more every day than new strands of flu mutating in a china. Every very once in a while i'll scan windows from Linux... and seriously I get one or two things that i have to clean up.

    the key here, if you don't want to get infected is....

    1. stop opening those stupid ppt presentations (hay mira que lindo es dios... cristo te ama.... en china comen carne de feto... mira las maravillas del maquillaje... di no al TLC!!! ) todas esas cosas idiotas que te llegan en el email no lo abras, y si tienes muchas ganas de abrirlo. (abrelo desde un mac, linux, o la computadora de alguien que te cae mal).

    2. Eso de Ares.. es bien... si le pones cuidado un poco a las extenciones de los archivos y eso que ni siquiera... yo creo que esa es la principal fuente de los viruses en la gente. Si quieren musica usan eMule, un poco lento, pero efectivisimo.

    3. Dejen de ser bobos y tacanhos. Eso de buscar formas de llamar a colombia gratis, que un iPhone gratis... hay si s i si.. y le dan click... por favor!!!! nada es gratis. Y si ven algo muy bueno... es muy sencillo meterse a google y hacer una busqueda sobre la pagina y el producto y ahi encontraran mil relatos sobre lo malo que es meterse o lo excelente que es usar el producto/servicios, etc.

    5. no se metan a paginas para ver quien los esta bloqueando en el messenger ni nada de esas pendejadas.

    4. UN CONSEJO: SEan concientes con su equipo... y mas con su bolsillo... ustedes que no tienen el conosimiento que tenemos algunos, es como cuando yo llevo el carro al mecanico... si me dicen que se le danho el kljsfoiasufas y cuesta 4123535124124124214 yo los pago por que no se que miercoles es eso. Y puede ser apretar un tornillo. Entonces... para mi solucionar un problema del computador me puede costar 10 minutos, y a ustedes 60 dolares. Y solo se necesita un click para volverla a embarrar.

    Otra cosa, lean bien cuando instalan que el messenger, que ares, que todas esas cosas que instalan... si no saben que es... dele click a NO. Y asi su internet explorer no se llenara de 100 barras extras... que yahoo toolbar, que google toolbar, noooo ni sigo, por que me dan pesadillas de lo que he visto en el trabajo.

    pd. NADA ES GRATIS EN INTERNET (tal vez linux), ni siquiera lo que es gratis! para poder poner a funcionar un programa de forma gratuita, pirateado... se necesita un conosimiento, tiempo, etc... hoy en dia los software tienen tanta seguridad que hay que instalar sin conexion a internet, aplicar un crack, remplasar .dll, etc, etc...
  18. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    palmira man--- todo eso esta bien y lo entiendo
    tengo +de300 email sin abrir con maricadas de mira que lindo es tu pais, reza por mi y mandale a 7 - veras lo que te pasa en 7 horas...
    claro en 7 hrs los hps tiene mas de 81 new email de marranos para joder y yo me quedo con el spy program que abri rezando! Dicen que al marrano no lo capan 2 veces....pero yo paresco ser Super dotado, pues esta es la 3rd vez!:eek:

    hardezz, bacano to regaño, pero que mas me podes decir? para acabar con ese mierdero de pop-ups: www hot me dice go to cleaner64.com or key32.com y otras cosas mas como skins del mismo mensaje (dicen que mi computador esta en riesgo y el registry corrupted and critical error found that must be corrected

    cllatdel: ya casi me meto a tu seguir tu idea, pero me da miedo que traiga mas problemas (estas seguro de la validez de ese link?)
  19. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007

    registry cleaners would once in a while help me locate the specific keys that needed fixing, I would then manually delete/edit while running windows in safe mode.
    there were other instances in which the program would not detect the adware/spyware changes, so i would have to do research on that specific intrusive piece of software in order to even locate it on my computer.

    but back then windows was insanely insecure, which made it easier for even the simplest of adware to easily infect your system. i know this not only because i experienced just as you did, but because i used to write keylogging software and simple game hacks for fun before i began to attend college and i distinctly remember how unbelievably easy it was to penetrate windows security(it was basically non-existant).
    the Windows of today is much more secure, and even though the level of sophistication of modern adware/trojans is very high, Microsoft has done a pretty good job at tightening up their OS.
    I would think that using Vista, along with a standard anti virus program and a tentative attitude towards your computer usage, would keep you relatively safe.

    that is only an assumption though, i still have not used Vista, i've only read about it. at my work place we use older versions of windows/microsoft exchange servers which are a hassle to deal with.
  20. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    ese fue el primero que salio en google, todos son similares (si son legitimos), ese que mencione es legitimo.

    si quiere trate este http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ecleane.htm
    ese tiene buena reputacion.

    es posible que el problema no solamente este en el registry.

    sugiero que utilize este programa primero: http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/

    si ese no le arregla el problema, utilize el easy registry cleaner.

    y si ese proceso no funciona, busque informacion sobre ese 'spyware/adware/trojan' que le infecto su computador y trate de removerlo manualmente, lo mas probable es que sea algo comun y que alguien ya tiene la solucion.

    la ultima opcion es formatear el disco duro.
  21. Moishe

    Moishe Moderator
    Staff Member

    Boca Juniors
    Mar 6, 2005
    Here there and everywhere.
    CA Boca Juniors
    Nat'l Team:
    I use Norton once a month and follow due diligence in regards to what links or files I open. Honestly since I stopped downloading music, I haven't had any problems. A good firewall usually does the trick. I've used sygate and it seems to do a good job. Something I've also been doing over the past couple of years is every six months backing up important files and then re-installing XP. Sounds like a monumental pain in the ass but better safe than sorry.
  22. CtrlAlltDel

    CtrlAlltDel New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
    yeah, I have come close to losing extremely important information because of software/hardware failure. I learned my lesson after the second time I had a complete system failure.
    I now back up my data on webservers, external HD's, DVD's, and Compact Flash cards. I even use my iPod as a back up.

    and I believe that is the case for most users who pay close attention to their computers safety. as long as you arent surfing shady websites, or opening clandestine email attachments (which are rare, I havent gotten one in months, maybe years), you should be fine.

    sometimes these threats are exaggerated, because the general pattern over the years has been for hackers to target corporate email servers, hence most home computer users do not have to personally deal with these viruses.
    lately though I have noticed an increase in phishing attacks, those are very dangerous because they are very easy to implement and difficult for the regular user, even an attentive one, to detect.
    a few days ago I read how a phishing attack from Chinese computers aimed at a U.S. nuclear lab was successful enough to hook 40 something people into giving up passwords and eventually, confidential data.
  23. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    yo una vez me meti una embalada ni la HP con el computador del trabajo por no seguir mis propios concejos... y sinceramente lo mejor que he visto es ese spywaredoctor de pctools que te sugiere ctrlAltDel.

    CtrlAltDel... ni loco use Vista... tendras pesadillas con pantallas azules.... y millones de preguntas estupidas...

    otro concejo... si no que puedes estar haciendo un back up en dvds, o alguna memoria externa, seria muy bueno y es lo que yo hago... tener 2 particiones o 2 discos duros (fisicamente), uno para el sistema operativo y otro para los archivos que desean nunca perder (musica, fotos, porno, porno, porno, documentos, etc).

    Asi si algun dia te da un virus muy bravo... reinstalas windows y tus archivos siguen intactos.

    De todos modos es bueno reinstalar esa porqueria por ahi cada anho... eso de por si se va volviendo leeento y mas leeeeento... yo no se si es que los ciclos infinitos dentro del systema operativo comiensan a ser mas y mas y mas con la instalacion de mas programas y removiendolos y el registry se jode y se jode y eso tiene una mutuacion toda rara.

    Por ejemplo el windows que tengo esta como lentico en este momento, pero tengo configurado un ambiente para programar algo que estoy haciendo en asp.net con oracle y prefiero terminar esto primero asi este un poco lento a tener que volver a configurar todo mi ambiente.
  24. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    un antivirus que use hace poco fue el Panda, te da 30 dias gratis, tienes que registrar tu email. Debo decir que limpio lo que habia que limpiar.
  25. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    ja ja ja ja... yo en la ultima que cai, y claro fue por desespero y menos mal no era una pagina maligna si no una pagina que me pego un reganho ni el HP y me dijo... "es que usted es mariK o que???? como se le ocurre meter esa info en un portal web!!!" (pues algo asi mas o menos). Yo necesitaba abilitar la IP de mi conexion en un servidor Linux (Debian) y todo lo estaba haciendo remoto, y pues no recuerdo por que no podia usar putty. En todo caso la gueva de Yo, encontro una pagina para hacer una conexion SSH a travez de una pagina Web... wow!!!!!! que cosa mas grandiosa habia encontrado... y yo como con 5 minutos disponibles! claro, meto la direccion del servidor, root, y la clave...

    cuando me salio el mensaje!!!!

    Y luego yo mismo me dije... a lo bien!!! como pude haber caido en semejante tonteria.

    Hoy en dia los viruses no solo son archivos que la gente abre por que si... hay un factor psicologico que le han agregado y cualquiera puede caer.

    Ah.. y no reciban esos archivos de la fotico que voy a poner en myspace y te llega por el messenger... yo creo que tengo como 40 contactos infectados con esa cosa... hasta me salen en portugues. Disque mira las fotos de la farra de anoche, huy que vieja tan loca y cosas asi.

    malditos viruses... los odio... solo existen por que windows existe.

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