Some actual, you know, stuff from Iraq: lefties please ignore

Discussion in 'Bill Archer's Guestbook' started by Bill Archer, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Wow. Not really sure what the worst part of this is. Probably you taking me seriously as saying we should torture him. Which probably means you think we have prisons where we torture people?

    Look he's perfectly free to say whatever the hell he wants to say. The point is that he didn't have that same freedom 5 years ago. You would think that he would have some concept of history that is so recent to understand that if he had his way, and the U.S. never invaded, he wouldn't have said freedom. In fact if they had lost the game he may be tortured or imprisoned. Maybe he wouldn't even be playing for Iraq for fear of that happening to begin with.

    The short of this is that while he's free to say what he will, that doesn't mean that he isn't wrong in saying it. Freedom of speech and thought does not make every thought a virtue.

    And why in the hell do you put quotes around "suppress the thought through torture"?

    Regarding your paragraph about how the rest of the world finds the repugnant: As imperfect as the U.S. is, it has been a much greater force for good in this world than it has been a force for evil. And it has been a much greater force for good in this world than any other country since it's inception 200 years ago. That corrupt dictators, and their ilk, think ill of the U.S. is a good thing, not a bad thing. That they can make the U.S. a scapegoat is not a good thing, but something that comes with the territory.

    This is like saying an undercover officer is evil incarnate because the mobsters (i.e. the rest of the world) hate him and want to kill him.
  2. Buddha

    Buddha New Member

    Jun 6, 2005
    Central and South America say hello.

    Does that include Somoza? Or Noriega? Or the Shah of Iran? Or Saddam Hussein? Or Pinochet? Or Mubarek?

    Come on man, the US has supported dictators across the globe for as long as it's had a foreign policy. We've sent in the Marines to protect the oil industry, the banana industry, or whatever industry is threatened with a strike in Latin America.

    America is a great country, but it hasn't exactly been a paragon of virtue when it comes to its foreign policy.
  3. SCBozeman

    SCBozeman Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    St. Louis
    Yes: "Perhaps the U.S. should send him to one of those secret torture prisons we supposidly have in Europe next time the Iraqi national team loses to remind him of what he's missing."
  4. Ronaldo's Idol

    Jun 13, 2004
    Seriously, who are you talking about with this imaginary "left" who doesn't want to read something like this by an embedded reporter? Perhaps it is that same imaginary "left" which doesn't support the troops. I would think that this "rational thought" you speak of would need to include not creating straw men to knock down by mischaracterizing the position of the left.
  5. SCBozeman

    SCBozeman Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    St. Louis
    Just going by what you write. And many, many critics of extraordinary rendition accuse the US of having foreign nationals tortured because of what they say, so you're really not straying for from reality in your supposedly outlandish statement (assuming the critics are correct, which I have no reason to know one way or the other).

    Yes, my guess is he would be willing to give up this "freedom" in return for not having had his nation invaded and reduced to a war-torn semi-state largely governed by invading soldiers. And, moreover, perhaps he wouldn't share your risk-calculus, which may come from information found in press inside the US.

    Correct. A wise lesson.

    A debatable proposition, but not one worth going into. I happen to think it's a force for good, but the sad tendency to want "freedom", except when it's a freedom we disagree with is widely seen and understood in the US. I trust you are friendly with as many foreigners as I am, and am familiar with the majority view of them (I'd guess around 90% of the foreigners I know) is that the US is NOT a force for good, and this is one reason why.

    Sometimes. And sometimes they're heavily supported. In other words, we offer a lot of support and protection of dictators as the lesser of two evils (in our eyes). But the rest of the world certainly sees that as an evil nonetheless. But be that as it may, that really wasn't the point of my post.
  6. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Are you ignorant or just stupid?

    Look up at the title of the thread: see where it says "Lefties please ignore"?

    See, that would inidcate that I don't expect lefties to "take" ANYTHING from it.

    i going too fast for you here
  7. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Why is it a "smear" to tell the truth about something?

    Oh right, like Kerry got "smeared" by some fellow veterans who said he lied to congress and secretly met with the Viet Cong.

    It's the truth of course, but a "smear"

    You're funny.
  8. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Just feeling good and wanted to spread the love.
  9. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Yon's stuff is great.

    Lefties don't read that either.

    Anything that doesn't curse the president every other line is said to be "claimingthat everything is sunny" in Iraq.

    Something that might actually give people an insight into whats going on on the ground there is , literally, of no interest to them
  10. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Pardon me for asking, but is there someone, someplace who DOESN'T want the US out?



    You're an idiot.
  11. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You know, you've used this kind of conmstruct before, and frankly it disappoints me that you are this intellectually castrated.

    You're using the rote left-wing meme that anyone who does not declare the entire thing in Iraq a complete, total and utter absolute disaster is, therefore, claiming that everything is great.

    I have yet to see a single person EVERsay that things were great there.

    But you surely ought to get your head out of the liberal sandbox and notice that pointing out some of the positives and some of the progress is not the same thing as saying everything is fine, great, no problem.

    That's the kind of ridiculous, childish lie that I expect from idiots like this claymore guy or stupordave, not from someone with a brain.
  12. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Here's a case in point:

    Did anyone, anywhere say things in Iraq were "rosy"?

    Or great??

    No, of course not. It's a lie, a fiction, a fabrication. Intellectualy bankrupt and morally reprehensible.

    In other words, typical of mindless lefty droneslike this turd.

    But this is the let wing knee jerk response to anyone who dares suggest that EVERYTHING is not abysmal.

    It's a juvenile debate tactic that is intellectually lame. But then, most of the left is intellectually lame.

    Frankly, the reason for this dishonest contrsuct is quite simple:

    You guys are afraid that something good might come of this. You'dhate that and the very thought scares the crap out of you. Your worst nightmare is a stable, peaceful Iraq where people aren't shooting guns and setting off bombs. You'd all commit suicide. You want the US to fail. You NEED the US to fail. You want a US surrender like a fat kid wants a donut.

    So you run aroun madly snuffing out any small, miniscule positive note or anythign which might contribute balance to the discussion, freaking out about them saying everything is "great" in Iraq.

    You guys are so predictable. My dog could write your scripts.
  13. garbaggio

    garbaggio Member

    Jan 3, 2001

    Too bad insulting crap like yours winds up on the front page of BigSoccer instead of the politics forum or someplace.
  14. Claymore

    Claymore Member

    Jul 9, 2000
    Montgomery Vlg, MD
    DC United
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    United States
    We've only been "turning the corner" or "making progress" or "seeing the light at the end of the tunnel" for four years now - why would anyone expect Baghdad's power grid to be fully operational for more than a few hours a day? Or that the elected Iraqi gov't would meet more than 40% of their goals? Or that John McCain wouldn't be able to go to a market in less than full body armor and a division of troops, with air support?

    It's not that things aren't "rosy", it's that we've made no progress towards rosiness. Painting schools and giving Hershey bars to little kids is not progress. Four years later, and we're still playing a variation on the "whack-a-mole" strategy. It ain't working.
  15. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Did you even read my post?
  16. CUS

    CUS New Member

    Apr 20, 2000
    You are calling Bill a troll IN HIS OWN PRIVATE FORUM?

    Please tell me your mother taught you more manners than that.
  17. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    He says after I already said was not to be take seriously. e.g. for the apparent San Jose that's wandered over, written as hyperbole.
  18. SCBozeman

    SCBozeman Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    St. Louis
    I was responding to Eric B's inquiry.

    If you want my response to your post, I made a separate post for that.
  19. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Umm, that critics accuse the US of having foreign national tortured does not make it reality. You do say you don't know either way, but only after saying i'm not really straying far from reality. This is about the point I think all is hopeless for you to further your understanding on much about anything.

    Wait, should he have freedom of thought and speech or not?

    Man you're about as thick headed as Mug Root Beer.

    Throw ya a bone. Nothing really I dissagree with here, just not sure what you're saying that I didn't already say/imply
  20. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I realize that. The reason that I call it out is because instead of just letting it go, or admitting that you erred in thinking anyone was seriously "saying the Iraqi or US government should stiffle his criticisms?" you post it as an argument supporting your response when it in fact is not.
  21. duckstrap

    duckstrap Member

    Apr 24, 2007
    Minneapolis, MN
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Gee. Did you make up that post all by yourself? Or did you cull it from Little Green Footballs, Malkin and The Free Republic? Because you worked in just about every little factless truism about those of us who oppose this war that those sites love to spout. Little poison red, white and blue word-darts shot without thinking, even for a second, about whether or not they are really true. You say you are still capable of rational thought? Ok. Some reading for you:

    Here's Retired General Anthony Zinni, retired commander-in-chief of the United States Central Command, patiently explaining why the Bush administration has screwed up in Iraq:

    Here is Pat Buchanan writing about why many retired and active generals were/are in total revolt against Bush and Rumsfeld:

    Finally, Bill, please take the time to explore the latest National Intelligence Estimate, which states in no uncertain terms that the Iraq war has bred and trained far more terrorists than it has killed and turned Iraq into a safe haven for Al Qaeda. [pdf]

    I could rummage around the Net and find literally thousands of fact-based reasons why this war was not a good idea and still isn't. But the biggest one, for this slightly left-leaning citizen anyway, is that our leaders so egregiously lied to us. Simply add to these woeful outcomes by considering the fact that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld manipulated this country into war through a propaganda campaign that Colin Powell now calls the lowest point in his life (, and well, I don't think it's fair to say that those of us now opposed to the war have reached our stance simply because we "hate." Do you, Bill?
  22. Karl K

    Karl K Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    Suburban Chicago
    Gee, you think, 5 years ago, he could have said...

    "You know, I think Qusay should quit flogging us and give up the Ministry of Sport portfolio?''

    He's welcome to say...or think...whatever he wants.

    OH WAIT!!! That's....what is it again?'s on the tip of my tongue...OH, THAT's right.

    It's free speech.

    What we've given them.
  23. uniteo

    uniteo Member+

    Sep 2, 2000
    Rockville, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    is that the freedom to die for a gallon of milk?
  24. SCBozeman

    SCBozeman Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    St. Louis
    Do I know if the US tortures people (or has them tortured)? No. I HIGHLY doubt you do with any certainty, though. And certainly many, many Americans would advocate that it's a good thing to do. That was the statement I was keying off. If you meant it facetiously, then I missed your subtlety.

    Ad hominem much?
  25. Karl K

    Karl K Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    Suburban Chicago
    Do us a off and find some generals who are criticizing General Petreaus.

    Run off now. Shoo Shoo. Do your research. Come back when you can.

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