Not so sure about this one...

Discussion in 'Youth & HS Soccer' started by VolklP19, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. VolklP19

    VolklP19 Member+

    Jun 23, 2010
    IWSL (Illinois League) just posted this a few times on FB.

    Not sure whether this is a good idea or not.

  2. illinisoccer

    illinisoccer Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    Pretty tacky. An email to each club would have probably been more appropriate. I remember a few years back a club did something similar but it was a list of players that were not allowed to play there again because they had not paid all the club fees.
  3. VolklP19

    VolklP19 Member+

    Jun 23, 2010
    I agree - an email and then actually following through with the threat would have bee enough.

    Maybe they have no intention of following through though? Perhaps humiliation is better than potentially losing them to NISL (even though they officially do not have a girls side).

    Still - I agree, tacky.
  4. rayjward

    rayjward New Member

    Jul 1, 2015
    Lisle IL
    AFC Ajax
    While there are a couple of big names there, I know at least two of those clubs have shut down or are not fielding girls teams due to lack of players. A little follow through would probably have helped here but maybe they are not heavily staffed and don't have time to chase down payments?
  5. us#1by2006

    us#1by2006 Member

    Jun 21, 2002
    We don't know that other tactics haven't been tried. I imagine this isn't the first step that was taken to collect.

    I am aware of country clubs that will post the names of member's who are not paying their dues.
  6. halftime oranges

    Apr 21, 2015
    At first I thought it was a bad idea and offensive. Then I thought that this is not calling out private citizens but businesses or organizations and the clients deserve to know these things. Either they don't have the funds or are unorganized. Either way I would want to know.
    I did not see the post so they must of taken it down.
  7. mwulf67

    mwulf67 Member+

    Sep 24, 2014
    Chelsea FC
    No question in my mind it was a clueless, classless, and bush league move…which has since been removed…

    Publically humiliating 1/6 of your teams…i.e. cliental…is stupid business…

    I understand being frustrated regrading past due payments…but no reason at all to go this route after only 18 days…very unprofessional and only makes the IWSL look small and petty….months from now nobody will really remember or care what clubs were/are on that list, only that he IWSL did publicly humiliate a bunch of their clubs…

    And on a side note… another “Illinois” organization that doesn’t exist south of I80 or west of rt47…just one of my pet peeves..;)
  8. nicklaino

    nicklaino Member+

    Feb 14, 2012
    Brooklyn, NY
    Manchester United FC
    I guess they are running out of money.

    I would never let money get in the way of a good player playing. That is why you need your own money to start a club. Telling what players have not paid is not something I would ever do.

    On teams in a league the older your team is the more it costs to put them in. You have to pay your bills. You don't take a team in your league on credit.
  9. VolklP19

    VolklP19 Member+

    Jun 23, 2010
    Why would you want to know?

    Other than if you are a parent considering taking your player there, I guess I can see that.

    Most parents I know don't even go to IWSL/NISL/YSSL...

    They posted this at least 4 times - removing the names of those clubs who paid up.

    I still don't agree with it - clearly it was done to make the clubs look poor enough to get their stuff together. Sure they should have paid on time. Just not sure why it needs to be on facebook - that is poor IMO.

    On there main website - I have no problem with that actually.
  10. VolklP19

    VolklP19 Member+

    Jun 23, 2010
    I agree - so they miss registration period. If that is the rule they should know that and the club should just stand by it period - not add flames to the situation and broadcast it on FB.

    Some big clubs were in there what this started. To think they were not going to pay is ridiculous.

    But maybe there is more to it?

    Maybe some clubs were going to move to NISL?

    I know 2 in the original group that absolutely were not - just putting the possibility out there tho.
  11. P.W.

    P.W. Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Wow! Talk about airing dirty laundry. I guess if I were a parent, I might want to know because I'm pretty confident that each player has paid enough of the total fee to at least register the teams with the league for the season (and likely demanded that fee payment under threat of being dropped from the team). To know that they are holding that money (or spent that money) for something it wasn't earmarked for is something I'd want to know since it is probably a tiny peek into the larger financial organization of the club.
  12. halftime oranges

    Apr 21, 2015
    I guess I don't care that much. I know collecting money is a terrible job. Often the people who are hardest to collect money from would surprise you. People who are trying to collect are seen as the bad guys, but somebody has to do the accounting, schedules need to be made, money needs to be paid out and people don't consider that. We don't know the history, or what they have or have not done behind the scenes.
    us#1by2006 repped this.
  13. mwulf67

    mwulf67 Member+

    Sep 24, 2014
    Chelsea FC
    Well, we do know payment was only 18 days past, past due is past due, but 18 days seem pretty quick to drop the public humiliation bomb on someone...but you are right, beyond that we don't know much...maybe the league had made multiple attempts(phones call, emails, etc) to collect...but given the number of clubs in involved and how these organizations operate in general, I somehow doubt it...I tend to think some well meaning, but misguided (not bad) person just just got a little over zealous with power of social media...
  14. VolklP19

    VolklP19 Member+

    Jun 23, 2010
    Yeah - I agree.

    I also agree that money collection is not an easy task.

    There is a better way - no doubt. Just seems IWSL didn't think that was necessarily the case.
  15. we had a coach that never paid his fees and then blamed the league that they just weren't accepted. tacky but coach can't lie with public info like that

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