By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
  1. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

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    Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

    By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
    If there were any lingering doubts about whether Gianni Infantino has taken full, personal, complete Blatter-like control over the FIFA universe, they were utterly demolished in Bahrain yesterday.

    In a chaotic session of the full FIFA Congress, the Bald headed Swiss attorney managed to gavel the proceedings closed without actually allowing a vote on the question of whether the Palestinian FA can shut down Israeli soccer teams that play their games in West Bank settlements.

    As discussed previously, the question of PFA control was on the published agenda and FIFA's constitution says that when that happens it must be voted on by the Congress as a whole.

    Instead, when the time came, Infantino put this slide up on the massive projection screen at the front of the room:


    PFA President Jabril Rajoub was immediately on his feet, angrily shouting and waving a photo purporting to show Israeli soldiers preventing Palestinian children from playing soccer.

    Noting that Infantino has not released the Sexwale report, Rajoub said:

    “Until now all FIFA initiatives have failed …due to the pressure exercised by the Israeli government...

    “None of you would accept clubs from another association playing on your territory. That’s all we want. We are not looking for suspension of expulsion of Israel. What we are proposing is a football solution presented by Tokyo Sexwale. Why has his report not been presented to this congress? Why was the item removed from the agenda? We’ve already had delay after delay. What exactly has Tokyo Sexwale achieved?"

    (The language became so heated at one point that Infantino had to interrupt and ask that he tone it down.)

    From the podium, Infantino announced that the commission report had not been "consolidated" (whatever that means) and that not even the council had seen it. They only got a verbal report at Tuesday's session.

    Furthermore, he announced that he, Infantino, had determined that hereafter this is an issue that will be dealt with by the Council, not the Congress.

    This again brought Rajoub to his feet,this time in the company of his "legal team", furiously insisting that FIFA's constitution demands that a properly submitted proposal from any Federation must be voted on, without exception.

    Infantino responded that he was substituting the proposal shown above which gives Sexwale until October to present a report to the Council and gives them all until next March to distribute it to the federations.

    IFA President Ofer Eini then took the floor and described Rajoub’s arguments as “political from start to finish”, adding:

    "The sole purpose (of the PFA proposal) is to establish the political boundaries. This is outside the authority of FIFA to establish borders."

    “I do not intend to give a hate speech in return … this Congress has to do everything within its power to have everyone playing football everywhere.”

    Infantino then called for a vote on his proposal which passed with 73% of the vote. All of the 50 votes against the proposal came from Asia and Africa.

    The bottom line is that FIFA managed to dodge a question which a) they don't want to have to deal with and b) is way beyond their competence anyway.

    So the issue is put off for another day, at which point they'll likely find a way to delay it some more.

    The only thing we really found out yesterday is that Infantino now has the kind of iron control over FIFA that allows him to ignore the constitution, blow off procedure and makeup rules when it suits him.

    Somewhere Sepp is smiling.


Discussion in 'Articles' started by Bill Archer, May 12, 2017.

    1. Nico Limmat

      Nico Limmat Member+

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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      At this point I would like to remind everyone that the FIFA Congress "drew borders" as recently as last year by admitting Kosovo as FIFA members. You know, the territory heavily disputed by Serbia and permanent UN Security Council member Russia?

      FIFA is a global body. Ultimately the global (majority) political view will prevail. As it will in this case once the FIFA Council comes to its senses. It is the path of least resistance.

      The days of the West Bank settlement clubs (in this form) are numbered.

      No amount of stalling can change that.
    2. MM66

      MM66 Member+

      Mar 9, 2009
      Brookline, MA
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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      I agree with you about the settlements. Shouldn't be there. Ought to be removed. However, Israel controls the bulk of the West Bank. For the purpose of this FIFA petition, it sounds like Israeli teams would have to be playing in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority (and I'm under the impression that Israel generally claims control of areas once a settlement moves in - which is its own issue). Anyway, point is I don't see how FIFA should be expected to insert itself into the situation. If there's a team playing somewhere on the West Bank and the local authorities aren't shutting it down, I think FIFA's got to let that slide.
    3. Nico Limmat

      Nico Limmat Member+

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      #28 Nico Limmat, May 15, 2017
      Last edited: May 15, 2017

      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      By allowing these six teams to be part of the official structure of world football FIFA are indirectly validating the occupation/annexation of the territory in question. Failure to act actually sends a stronger political message than adopting a largely non-controversial view in line with international law that defines Palestinian land along the 1967 borders. For some reason (2026 USA bid?) that hasn't sunk in yet with the FIFA leadership. But it will soon enough.

      Again, the obvious precedent is UEFA's handling of the Crimean conflict. Russia's annexation of Crimea does not enjoy sufficient international support (this is key) and UEFA therefore did not lend a helping hand in validating claim to the land. Unlike Kosovo some would argue but international support paints a different picture there. Think for a moment why Abkhazia and South Ossetia are not FIFA members. Or Northern Cyprus for that matter. It all comes down to international support on the political front and that trickles down to the FIFA Congress - whether FIFA likes to admit it or not. As a global body FIFA is not beyond international politics.

      In summary, these settlement clubs will have to be disentangled eventually from the Israeli FA. The "neighborhood kids", as IFA president Ofer Eini put it heartfeltly, may continue playing in these facilities. Just not as part of the FIFA structure.
    4. MM66

      MM66 Member+

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      Brookline, MA
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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      I'd prefer FIFA saying they're free to organize their own league, but they can't be affiliated with FIFA. That's the most reasonable outcome. I recommend not bringing up 1967 in making that case, because dredging up the Six-Day War is Israel's go-to rhetorical move. I'd make it about the current political reality.
    5. kgilbert78

      kgilbert78 Member+

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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      And folks are missing Bill's point. Which is that FIFA is hypocritical about politics. They are supposed to be apolitical (and get really upset when politics gets brought into national association issues (we are talking in the same country as opposed to cases like this) for which there have been suspensions). But they are only that when it suits them.
    6. Nico Limmat

      Nico Limmat Member+

      Oct 24, 1999
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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      That is precisely the solution that I favor. A West Bank "settlement league" (following the Crimean example) with 6-8 teams completely unaffiliated with the IFA and by extension UEFA and FIFA.
    7. adi21

      adi21 Member

      The ones that have Americans starting
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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      Thank you for laying bare why there is no peace in the ME . Until you and your Arab enablers (part of the world as you describe) change your pathological wish to destroy Israel there will be no Palestine .
    8. Nico Limmat

      Nico Limmat Member+

      Oct 24, 1999
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      #33 Nico Limmat, May 16, 2017
      Last edited: May 16, 2017

      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      The bottom line here is that there is a Palestine in the FIFA realm (i.e. our immediate concern) and like it or not, we have to draw sports-political borders for this territory. There is no point in arguing that FIFA and international politics shouldn't mix because they always have. Palestine's very admission to FIFA presents evidence of that. It all comes down to international support. The status quo is not an option, unless of course the ultimate decision confirms said status. I am going to ask you one last time to commit to a classification for the West Bank settlements:

      A. Palestinian Land
      B. Disputed Territory
      C. Israeli Land

      A, B or C?

      The first two choices arrive at the conclusion that these six teams should not be part of the Israeli FA structure. Case closed. The worst case scenario for the PFA is that they can't "claim" the settlements but then again they can't play there anyway.

      And if "C" is your choice, tell us what kind of international support this stance has. As you struggle with this particular aspect I expect you to dodge the question once again.

      Alternatively you may propose to kick Palestine out of FIFA but good luck finding enough support.
    9. Umar

      Umar Member+

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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      Why is it ok to call Palestine "disputed territory" but not apply the same standard to israel? There is more than one side to a dispute, no?

      Until you and your enablers change your pathological wish to destroy Palestine, israel will not be accepted as a legitimate and worthy member of the nations of this world.
    10. RafaLarios

      RafaLarios Member+

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      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM

      Nice strawman there buddy...
    11. CubsWin16

      CubsWin16 New Member

      Jan 4, 2017
      Los Angeles Galaxy

      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      C. Israel handed the collective Arab world their asses on multiple occasions in wars the Arabs started. Had the result been reversed in just one of those conflicts, there is no doubt no Jews would be living in current Israeli land having been expelled or subjected to genocide. The fact that Israel is ethical enough to have not done that is why there is any dispute at all. They have shown incredible restraint given that they are dealing with a completely morally bankrupt culture when it comes to their adversaries. The Palestinians should be grateful they are allowed a football team at all.
    12. CubsWin16

      CubsWin16 New Member

      Jan 4, 2017
      Los Angeles Galaxy

      Nobody's Right If Everybody's Wrong

      By Bill Archer on May 12, 2017 at 8:22 AM
      If they wanted to destroy Palestine as a possibility they'd have done it by now given their complete military superiority over the entire Arab world. The only "dispute" there is is because the Arabs are too weak to do anything about it while the Israelis too ethical to solve the problem once and for all - as we all know their collective adversaries would have done had the wars gone their way.

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